
私達の計画は、東京からのアクセスも良い自然溢れる山里、 飯能市吾野でログハウスB&B\カフェを始めることです。東京から新幹線に乗ることなく電車で気軽に来れて、ハイキングはもちろん、ロッククライミング、サイクリング、トレイルランを楽しめる コースがたくさんあります。奥武蔵の山々の歴史は長く、古くから ある神社や寺が山の中に点在しています。私達のゴールは、 普段都会で働く人達(そうでない人たちももちろん)が気軽に訪れて自然の中で息抜きをしたり山を散策したりする機会を提供するこ とです。オープンの目標は、春のシーズン開始に合わせて4月です 。


A Vacation Home for Everyone! 

Our plan is to start up a log house B&B in an amazing outdoor setting easily and cheaply accessible from Tokyo without crowds or traffic jams and has a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities. Unlimited hiking courses, rock climbing, and cycling are all available close to our site. The mountains of Oku-Musashi also are rich in history and there are numerous ancient shrines and temple sites scattered throughout the mountains. Our goal is for this to be a place where our guests come back to often to explore the local mountains and to be a part of our mountain community. The plan is to open up in either March or April this year for the spring hiking season.

Beyond just being used as a B&B and Cafe, we also plan to use our site for outdoor environmental education, team building, and other community projects.


埼玉県飯能市の顔振峠の近くの山中です。最寄りの駅は西武秩父線 の吾野駅で、池袋駅から西武線で一時間程、 横浜駅だと二時間程で来れます。駅からハイキングで来れますが、 車でピックアップも可能です。(荷物だけピックアップもできます )


We are located on the Green Line near Koburi-toge in the mountains of Hanno in Saitama. Just 1 hour from Ikebukuro and under 2 hours from Yokohama station. Agano is the nearest station, and we will offer pick-up service for those who don’t want to hike, or want to send their luggage ahead while they hike up to the house.



About Us

We are a mountain and nature loving family! David is from the US and has lived in Japan for 8 1/2 years and is working as a mountain guide in the mountains of Kanto and the Japanese Alps. Chika grew up in Tokyo but also spent time living in the country side of Mie. She loves rock climbing and cooking. Kento is almost 1 year old and he loves to be outside. He's a happy baby and we are looking forward to raising in a natural environment. 



The Rooms

We will have 4 guest rooms available, and the current plan is to have 2 futon rooms which will host 1~5 people each, 1 room with 2 twin beds, and 1 double or queen size bed-room.


我が家は愛犬猫家です。我が家には真っ白北海道犬の雪(2歳♀) がいますので、わんこと一緒に泊まれる施設を探すのがどれだけ大変かわかります。あと、わんこはハイキングが大好き! 愛犬と泊まりたい人の為に最低一つの寝室はわんこと泊まれる部屋にしたいと思っています。

Dogs Welcome!

Being dog owners ourselves we know how hard it is to find places to stay with your dog, and dogs love to go hiking, so we will have at least one pet friendly room available and your pet will love hanging out with Yuki-chan our Hokkaido Dog.


アウトドアを楽しんだ後はお腹がすくもの。地元の野菜( 自家菜園も計画中)をふんだんに使ったお料理を用意します。 計画段階ではありますが、 北海道産蝦夷鹿料理も提供したいと思っています。

食事は、ファミリースタイルということで、 皆さんで同じテーブルを囲みます。外国からきたゲストの方、 国内から来たゲストの方、 色んな人が交流していける場にしたいです。

The Food

We know that when you are spending your day exploring the mountains, you work up a big appetite and we aim to make sure you are never hungry during your stay. We plan to serve up local meats, fish, and vegetables as well as vegetables from our own garden. As an upgrade option, we are also planning to offer Ezo Venison from Hokkaido for those looking to experience a true mountain meal.

Meals will be served family style and all guests will eat together to tell stories of their adventures and for cultural exchange opportunities between our Japanese and international guests.


現在の計画では、週末の宿泊費一部屋8000円で固定です( 何人で泊まっても同料金です)。食事は2食で3000円です。 例えば2人で一泊2食でステイした場合一人あたり7000円で、 4人グループで布団部屋利用で2食つきでステイした場合は一人あ たり5000円です。気軽に利用できるというのが目的なので、 費用はなるべく抑えて提供したいと思っています。

Costs to Stay

The current pricing plan is for the room to be a flat rate fee of 8,000 yen on weekends, and dinner and breakfast are available for 3,000 yen per person. For a couple, this works out to be just 7,000 yen per person. A group of 4 people staying in the futon room would be just 5,000 yen per person. We want to keep the costs reasonable to keep our guests coming back.


十分な飲み水を獲得するために、 当初建築費に入っていなかった大幅なコスト増がありました。 こちらで集めたお金は、家具や布団、 食器類の購入費にあてさせて頂きたいと思います。

How we will use the crowd-funding 

Construction costs have gone significantly over budget, especially for our water system. The crowd-funding money will be used to purchase furniture, bedding and linens, dishes and other necessary items required.

  • 2017/01/25 22:40

    パトロンになって頂いた皆様、本当に本当にほんっとうにありがとうございました! 合計金額が一週間でほぼ40%に達しました。さらに目標金額に向けて拡散をお願いしています。  A huge thank you to all our supporters. In one week we have ...
