2020/10/30 22:27


Only 5% to go and we are so very grateful! Tokushima Spay Clinic was just a dream a short while ago and now it will become a reality because of your support!


It will soon be 15 years since we started our animal rescue activities in Tokushima and right from the start, we knew spay and neuter was an integral part to solving the homeless pet problem in our community.  Although many people weren’t aware of the importance of spay/neuter back then, times have changed and so has people awareness.  



We receive many calls for help from the public wanting to do something to help the community cats in their neighborhood  but the financial burden is too much for anyone to take on.


One such call came in recently concerning about 70 cats.   Rescue groups and volunteers are overworked with rescue, care and slow-going TNR projects.  


Though a huge difference in the numbers since HEART was founded, animal control is still dealing with numbers of unwanted cats and dogs that are unmanageable through rescue alone.


We at HEART will continue our rescue work alongside ending the cycle of reproduction at Tokushima Spay Clinic.


Our dream is a community in which animals are no longer in need of rescue, and because of you, we are one step closer to that dream.

