2022/05/27 12:35



私たちは、新工場にて5,000個分のOmega 200Wの生産を完了し、4,760個が第一段階の品質チェックの基準を満たすことができました。






Omega 200Wについて:私たちはすでに新工場に、Omega 200Wの最後の1万ユニットの生産を開始する必要があることを伝えました。しかし、旧工場はまだ要求された原材料を送ってこないので、必要な原材料の到着を待っている状態です。


また、「Omega」の製造に必要なチップ(チップ4306、IC3516、IC3518)もまだ調達中で、これらのICチップのオリジナル・メーカーは、Anker、Xiaomi、Huaweiなどの大きなブランド向けに数量を確保しているため、市場では不足が続いており、需要に応じた価格も厳しくなっています。当社の新工場では、Anker社向けにICチップを製造している業界関係者と連携し、現在、ICチップの調達に取り組んでいます。次回のアップデートでは、Omega 200Wの10,000台分の進捗報告を行う予定です。

Omega 100Wについて:旧工場が生産を続けており、出荷を継続しています。工場の裁量で生産に取り組んでいるため、数量、バリエーション、色については、納品されるまで把握することはできません。

現時点では、チップ4306、IC3516、IC3518の調達状況や、旧工場からの原材料の供給速度が不透明なこともあり、具体的な納期を提示することはできません。また、旧工場からすべての原材料が供給されない場合は不足分の調達を検討する必要があります これらが解決すれば、新工場から残りの生産スケジュールが提示され、その時点で出荷されていないリターンの納期を提示することができるようになります。


Hi backers,

Here’s the latest update:

Our new factory has completed the production of 5,000 units of Omega 200W with 4,760 units passing the first stage quality and control as there was approximately a default rate of 5%. 

This is further broken down into the following variations based on the quantity and color of the outer shells they had received from our old factory. 

Black: 960 units

White: 475 units

Navy & Gold: 3325 units

These units have been used to process rewards for our remaining Kickstarter backers who purchased earlier, where all the items in the backer’s pledge are available (as we are shipping in sequential order to keep things fair). 

The next steps:

Omega 200W:

We have already advised our new factory that they need to begin production on the final 10,000 units of Omega 200W. However, we are waiting for the old factory to send over the raw materials needed as they have still not sent over any of the raw material requested. They have advised it could take up to 20 days to send all the material as they are waiting to receive it from external suppliers. For some insight, it had taken them 45 days to send over the raw material for 5,000 units, which was still sent short, despite our agent in China pushing them daily. They are also still sourcing the chips required to make Omega: chip 4306, IC 3516, IC 3518. There is an ongoing shortage in the market and the price is severely higher due to the demand as the original manufacturers for these IC chips are reserving their quantities for bigger brands like Anker, Xiaomi and Huawei. Our new factory is currently working on sourcing these chips as they have connections in the industry that produce for Anker. We aim to provide a progress report on the next 10,000 units of Omega 200W in the next update.

Omega 100W:

Our old factory is continuing to produce units, which we have kept shipping out. The units we receive are what the factory chooses to produce and we aren’t aware about the quantity, variation or color until we receive them.

At this point in time, we are not ready to provide a specific delivery timeline as it's dependent on variables we don’t have all the information required such as the sourcing of the chip 4306, IC 3516, IC 3518 and mainly how quickly the old factory will supply all our raw materials.  Once our new factory has received the required material, they will be able to provide us with a production schedule of the entire remaining production so we will in turn be able to provide a delivery schedule for orders which haven’t shipped at that moment.

As you can see, there’s already been significant progress since working with the new factory as we continue to take more steps closer to the finish line and we hope that the old factory will be more cooperative so we can have all remaining Omega shipped as quickly as possible. We humbly ask for your continued trust, support and patience and promise you that you WILL receive your Omega as our entire team is determined to see this through. Our team will be working tirelessly these coming weeks to ship out orders for the units that are currently available. 

Chargeasap Team