2019/04/02 19:35

I am exaggerated to address that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ has entered the official selection in the short drama category of the 52nd Annual WorldFest-Houston in the U.S, and it is winning the  Remiaward among 1500 films in the category. (∵The official announcement will be released on 4/13) All my gratitude is dedicated to the film crews and supporters as well as film festival staff. There will be no screening this time.

拙作「Goodbye my son」がアメリカのヒューストン国際映画祭の短編ドラマ部門公式出品され、同カテゴリー1500本の中からレミ賞を受賞予定のようです。(∵公式発表は4/13)毎度ながら映画クルーとサポーターと映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を表します。 なお今回は上映はありません。
