‖はじめに Introduction

皆さま、はじめまして。現代書家の知史 CHIFUMIです。

Nice to meet you, everyone.  I'm CHIFUMI, a modern calligrapher. Thank you for your interest in this project. I am based in Kyoto as a calligrapher.  We have been doing our best to connect the Japanese tradition to the present and spread it to the world.  This project is a very grand project for me.  When I succeed, I believe that I will be able to broaden the base of the calligraphy world as well as my future activities. I would appreciate your help in taking on the challenge of being a calligrapher.

***Followed by English translation.

知史 CHIFUMI | 現代書家


「自分の字が大好きになる書道教室」Calligraphy Kyoto 知ふみ書道教室を主宰。京都御所南本部教室/丹波橋教室/醍醐教室/上賀茂サロン/奈良教室/東京教室にて。


✥ 受賞歴 ✥
京都府知事優秀賞 (外国人書道体験による)
経済産業省創設おもてなし規格認証 2018




内容は、書道を通した人間模様から、書道の魅力に迫るものを予定しています。登場するのは、知ふみと、全7カ所の書道教室の生徒の方々、体験に来られるゲストの方々です。私、知ふみ CHIFUMIの撮影では、2月に行われた個展を軸にし、書家としての活動を撮影します。

また、Calligraphy Kyoto 知ふみ書道は、4歳〜80歳代までの子どもから大人、日本人だけでなく外国人の方々など、多様な背景を持つ方が集まります。教室での撮影では、書道を通した人間模様を主題とし、撮影します。そして、舞台は伝統を今に繋ぐ街、京都です。これらの要素を織り込んで、ドキュメンタリー映画を撮影するのが、今回のプロジェクトです。



2022年2月11〜12日:京都文化博物館個展、パフォーマンス 先行撮影済み
2023年2月:ニューヨーク・ワールドプレミア  北米にて新春書初展



■ New York Japan CineFest (ニューヨーク日本映画祭) | 2023年 6月    
■ Boston Japan Film Festival (ボストン日本映画祭) |2023年 12月


知史 CHIFUMIの活動は、主に3つの軸から成り立っています。

2つ目は書道教室 「Calligraphy Kyoto 知ふみ書道」の主宰としての活動です。

この活動は、2012年から「書道を世界へプロジェクト」と題して活動を続け、今年で10年目となります。しかしながら、新型コロナウイルスの影響で、2020年以降は海外に赴くことができていません。依然として、苦しい現状が続いています。それでも、私のライフワークとして続けてきた活動であるため、このまま止めるわけには行きません。より強く京都から世界へ発信すべく、このプロジェクトを実行することに至りました。だからこそ、映画には知ふみ CHIFUMIの活動が総合的に盛り込まれています。

‖Calligraphy Kyoto 知ふみ書道


Calligraphy Kyoto 知ふみ書道 では、子どもから大人まで、幅広い世代の方が同じ空間でお稽古をしています。子どもたちがのびのびと書いている横では、大人が無心に筆を走らせ、外国の方も一緒に書道体験されています。誰でも楽しく、書くことに夢中になる空間です。




✥ プロジェクト理念 ✥


✥ プロジェクト実績 ✥

新年書初展/ 京都ギャラリー

新年書初展/ ギャラリーイベント/ イタリア ピサ大学/ フィレンツェ伊日友好協会

新年書初展/ 京都細見美術館/ インド デリー

新年書初展/ Impact Hub Kyoto 能舞台にて自主イベント/ カンボジア・シェムリアップ日本語学校


新春書初展/ タイ・バンコク風水校、日系工場/ 香港書法愛好者協会

新春書初展/ イギリス ・オックスフォード大学・イートン校・ドラゴントリップ本社・あしなが育英会ロンドン事務所/ フランス・あしなが育英会パリ事務所/ 韓国・ソウル

新春書初展/トルコ アンタルヤデニズイル大学/ ギリシャ/ フィリピン/ アメリカ NY/中国 上海

イタリア フィレンツェ/トリノ、オーストラリア、ニューヨーク/コロナ禍の為延期



クラウドファンディング手数料 = 10万円



***English Translation 

Nice to meet you, everyone.  I'm CHIFUMI, a modern calligrapher.

■What I want to achieve with this project

”We will make a short documentary film with the theme of calligraphy!”

■Movie production policy
 This movie is a short documentary film. Since it is a documentary, I can show you, through my identity and the classrooms, the calligraphy culture that is rooted in Japan. Short films are popular in Europe and the United States, and many film festivals are held there. We chose the documentary approach since it is highly appealing and can convey the reality of calligraphy that is rooted in Japan.

 The content is planned to hone in on the charm of calligraphy from the human pattern expressed through calligraphy. It will introduce Chifumi, students from all seven calligraphy classes, and guests who come to experience it. I, Chifumi, will film my activities as a calligrapher, focusing on my solo exhibition held in February.

 In addition, Calligraphy Kyoto Chifumi SHODO attracts people from various backgrounds, ages ranging from 4-year-old children to 80-year-old adults, and diverse nationalities. When shooting in the classroom, the theme is human patterns through calligraphy. Also, the stage is Kyoto, a city that connects traditions to the present. This project's goal is to shoot a documentary film by incorporating these elements.

■Filmmaking and subsequent planning
 Film production (screenplay, direction, director, filming, editing, PR) is the responsibility of the "Project Film Production Committee for Calligraphy to the World."

February 11-12, 2022: Museum of Kyoto solo exhibition, and a pre-recorded performance
June 14-16, 2022: Interview shooting, Kyoto city, calligraphy class lessons, filming
August 2022: Editing
September 2022: Scheduled to be completed
November 2022: All crowdfunding supporters are invited to the Hybrid special preview and movie completion talk event
February 2023: World Premiere First Exhibition of New Year's Books in North America (New York)
(Scheduled to be announced after production is completed and upon the consideration of the coronavirus infection status)

 Additionally, I will apply to work for these two film festivals!

☆ New York Japan CineFest | June 2023
☆ Boston Japan Film Festival | December 2023

■The motive behind the project
 CHIFUMI's activities mainly consist of three axes. The first axis is my activities as a calligrapher. The second axis is my activity as a supervisor of the calligraphy class "Calligraphy Kyoto Chifumi SHODO." For the third axis, there is an activity to disseminate calligraphy to the world.

 This activity, originally titled "Project for Calligraphy to the World," has been around since 2012, thus marking this year as its 10-year anniversary. However, due to the influence of the new coronavirus strain, we have not been able to go abroad following the year 2020.  The current situation remains difficult. Even so still, since this is an activity that I have pursued as my life's work, I cannot stop it as it is. We have decided to carry out this project in order to bridge communication more strongly from Kyoto to the world. That is why the movie comprehensively incorporates the activities of CHIFUMI.

■Calligraphy Kyoto Chifumi SHODO
As a "calligraphy class that makes you love your writing," our operation is based in the Kyoto Imperial Palace South Headquarters classroom. Instructions are also available at Tambabashi Classroom / Daigo Classroom / Kamigamo Salon / Nara Classroom / Tokyo Classroom.
At Calligraphy Kyoto Chifumi SHODO, people of all ages, from children to adults, are practicing within the same space. Along with children writing freely, adults are happily using brushes and foreigners are experiencing calligraphy. It's a space where everyone can have fun and be absorbed in writing.
 In addition, there are no grades or ranks. You can get closer to write the beautiful characters at your own level and pace. You can just enjoy calligraphy purely, without any distinctions of superiority or inferiority.

■Calligraphy to the World Project
 The "Calligraphy to the World Project" is a project that conveys the joy of calligraphy—a traditional aspect of Japanese culture—to the world. The calligraphy experience from which you can experience Japanese culture is especially popular among foreigners. The secret of popularity is that anyone can enjoy the experience, and their written work becomes a souvenir. Calligraphy is more than just writing Japanese characters. The quiet time to face yourself can be related to the "Zen world view." With the right guidance and tools, you can create a special time and space to enjoy Japanese culture from anywhere.

In this project...
・ Going to the location to experience calligraphy and performances
・ Foreigners visiting Japan can experience calligraphy as a guest
 Refers to both. Prior to the Coronavirus outbreak over 1,000 foreigners visiting Japan experienced calligraphy each year, and many people enjoyed it. Currently, while paying tribute to the essential workers, I hope that people will be able to travel safely and freely as soon as possible.

 ✥ Project Philosophy ✥
I. We will convey the charm of calligraphy, a tradition of Japanese culture, to the world.
II.  We will increase the number of people interested in Japanese culture and carry out activities to connect the relationships brought together by calligraphy to posterity.

■Use of Funds
Target amount: 1 million yen
Director/Produce fee: 250,000 yen
Filming and editing costs: 250,000 yen
Equipment rental fee: 150,000 yen
Advertising expenses: 100,000 yen
Film festival application fee: 100,000 yen
English translation fee: 50,000 yen
Crowdfunding fee = 100,000 yen

 This movie production is a huge project, but it will definitely be accomplished. We really need your help there. Let's make a movie together and bring calligraphy to the world! Thank you for your support and encouragement.

If you want to know about this project more, please message to CHIFUMI.
MAIL: calligraphy.kyoto888@gmail.com

Thank you for your consideration.     CHIFUMI

  • 2022/07/20 18:59


  • 2022/07/20 03:46

    ニューヨークで、日本文化の発展や日米文化交流に尽力されているレイモンド・モングルーさんから、応援メッセージをいただきました!ありがとうございます。【応援メッセージ】ニューヨークで、カエデ・キモノ | Kaede KimonosとNYCクリエイターズ・スタジオ共同設立者のレイモンド・モングルーで...

  • 2022/07/19 11:57

