


今回は、Tonga College Old Boys Vice President Dr. Vailala Matotoと共同で、トンガにあるTonga College へ支援活動を行います。
Tonga Collegeとは 1882年に政府が設立した中等教育学校です。

今回Tonga College の140年記念日セレモニー開式日2022年10月30日迄の復興を目指して計画を立てています。




Japanese, As you know the Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami at Tonga that badly affect main Island of Tongatapu and small Islands nearby.

I know you already saw it on TV news and Tonga now stand still for few month and reconstruction will take years.

With the cooperate of Japanese at this project. I would like to ask your corporate for this Fund Raising. The purpose is to support School at Tonga that affected.

And also help to Build a Tonga College Band House. We all know , investing at children at school will help build a better Tonga. And dream of Tongan Children at Tonga for their future. Without you help it will not happen quickly and some will not happen able to attend school. By getting back them more quickly to their normal school dairy life activities. I am asking all Japanese from the bottom of my heart to please help this project to make it happen. No matter how much you donate your warm loving heart will be much appreciated to achieve this goal.

 For me I got a Scholarship from Daito Bunka University to come and study and paly rugby for the University. I graduated and get a job here at Japan. But the most blessing my children able to study and learn at Japan. That’s why I want children at Tonga to able to have the opportunity to study with the resource we can provide for them by this raise fund. And maybe some children will able to get a scholarship at come to Japan at the future.

Thank you very much in advance for you all corporate and I appreciated it very much.

Takai Palei

Pictures ‘Atata Island  Government Primary SchoolTonga College Band House Tonga Collegeの中にあるミュージックセンターは、1947年に建築された非常に古い建物のため、使用されている材料は、古くなっているため安全でないと見なされる可能性があるため、再建築が必要です。

Band Master/音楽課関係担当 Aulapeni Kolopeaua


Propose for New Band House & Studio

Current Band House Situation:

  1. 1. Status (Strength)
    1. a. Very Old building that was built in 1947
    2. b. Materials used may be outdated and considered Unsafe due to its ages so it is unsafe.
    3. c. Safety of students (band members) is paramount

  2. 2.Size (Capacity)
    1. a. Too small in size
    2. b. It was only perfect for the number of band members in those days due to its size and the instruments available on that day.
    3. c. Current band house can only fit for storage of the instrument when conducting music class the instrument has to take outside so that few students can go in at one time to take class.
    4. d. Can not be able to cater for the current band members as only limited numbers can conduct band practice at one time which is time consuming. 
    5. e. Band Practice is conducted outside on the field or under the trees so that every band member can practise together at same time.
    6. f. Materials used may be outdated and considered Unsafe due to its ages so it is unsafe.



Matapa Koula Senituli 1982
副会長:Sione Ongole’o Fainga’anuku Lino

愛するトンガ島に残っている「MATAPAKOULASENITULI 1982」のメンバーを代表して、





On behalf of all members of "MATAPA KOULA SENITULI 1982" who still remain in our beloved island Kingdom of Tonga, I would like to take this opportunity to convey our words of thanks to you all the hard work, commitments and dedications that you have done in seeking donors and conducting fund raise to support our project since day one. 

Takai, have led us all from the front and I assure that you have our full support from this end. We will continue to do the best of our ability to make sure that the project we are planning o will mark a New Era in history of all High School Brass Band and Musical Talents in Tonga. Please also convey our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all the people of Japan that has lend a helping hand and those that are intending to help and donate in the future. Sincerely, Commander Sione O.F Lino, Vice President, MATAPA KOULA SENITULI 1982


集まった支援金は、Tonga College Old Boys Vice President Dr. Vailala Matoto と、1982年入学OB会副会長に対応を依頼しております。

今回の目標支援は500万円ですが、Music Centerの修繕は7,000~8,000万円の費用が掛かります。

Tonga College Music Center の建設資金、復興資金

First Floor  420m2@$2,000=$840,000
Second Floor 294m2@$2,000=$588,000
Total $1,428,000


2022年3月末日  クラウドファンディング終了
2022年4月末   ご支援金お振込み
2022年5月    ご支援金Tonga College Music Centerへ送付
2022年10月30日 Tonga College 140年記念日セレモニー開式


Tonga College Old Boys Association
Matapa Koula Senituli 1982
(Golden Gate Century 1982)(Tonga College に1982に入学の学年の会です)

1991年 4月大東文化大学 日本語科学入学 1992年3月卒業
1992年 4月大東文化大学経済経営学部に入学のため来日。ラグビー部に所属。
1996年 3月大東文化大学卒業
1996年 4月横河電機入社 ラグビー部に所属し選手としても活躍
2004年-2017 トンガキリスト教会秘書役
2005年 トンガコミュニティー ジャパン 事務局担当役就任 現在に至る
2013年 横河電機2013年4月に設立した子会社横河ソリューションサービス入社、現在に至る
2014年 トンガ王国の王様から名誉の名前いただく(日本いるトンガ人Spoken Chief)
2014年 日本国籍に帰化。
2015年 トンガ王国王様の戴冠式でその時日本の皇太子様と雅子様(現在天皇陛下と皇后)トンガコミュニティー ジャパン(日本人)と会長ラトウ代表として会いました。
2018年~トンガ キリスト教会スチュワード役
2019年 トンガコミュニティー ジャパン名前変更NPO法人日本トンガ友好協会として登録
理事役は3人:パレイ理事役 他の二人もいる
2020年 トンガ・カレッジ1982年入学OB会の会長役。

