2017/08/09 21:32

Adam Isfendiyar 氏よる路上生活情景を主とした東京の写真を展示、日暮れと共にソケリッサ!が踊ります。Adam 氏によるトークも開催。


【日時】9月3日(日)15:00 開場
 ★ 18:30〜 ソケリッサ!パフォーマンス「日々荒野」
 ★ 19:10〜 Adam Isfendiyar 氏トーク



▼ Adam Isfendiyar

Adam Isfendiyar is a photographer from London, England and has lived in Tokyo, Japan since 2010. Currently travelling around Asia, he is carving out a niche as a travel and documentary photographer. He is working with Tokyo based homeless dance group Sokerissa at the moment and is also involved in a documentary on the indigenous people of Japan - The Ainu, in Hokkaido. He aims to use photography to promote causes that he sees as important and worthwhile whilst telling human stories and conveying things that cannot be told by words alone. As well as photography he loves to travel and plans to continue doing so until there’s nowhere in the world he hasn’t been or taken photos of!