

初めまして!ページをご覧いただいて、ありがとうございます。KYOTO VRは今年に活動を始めたVRプロダクションスタジオです。最新のVRと3D技術を利用して京都の伝統と文化を世界中に広げています。

Greetings! Thank you for clicking on our page. Kyoto VR is a brand new Virtual Reality production studio. Using the latest VR and 3D technology, we are aiming to spread the Traditions and Culture of Kyoto throughout the world.


有斐斎弘道館にて10月1から10日迄開催されますニュイ・ブランシュに出展することになりました!ニュイ・ブランシュは元々パリで開催されるイベントで、今では世界中に開かれている、とても名誉なイベントです。今回のプロジェクトは日本生まれ育ちの写真家、Reylia Slaby(過去にMr. Children 足音 ~Be Strongのジャケットを担当)とのコラボです。彼女の新作(上の女性のモデル)を3Dスキャンし、そのデータをKYOTO VRがフォトグラメトリーを利用して作成したお寺や和室のモデルに取り組むプロジェクトです。凄腕書道家の上田普による作品とアリー・モッブズのオリジナルサウンドトラックとサウンドデザインもVR世界に登場! 今までなかった、アートと最新技術の融合を楽しみにしてください!

From the 1st of October till the 10th, we will partake in the Nuit Blanche Kyoto 2016 exhibition at the Yuuhisai Koudoukan. Nuit Blanche is a prestigious event that originated in Paris, now held world wide. This project is a collaboration between Japan born photographer Reylia Slaby, whose previous clients include the rock band Mr Children. We will incorporate a 3D scan of the female model shown above, as part of her piece into a 3D model of a Temple and Traditional Tea house that we captured using Photogrammetry. Included will be some artwork by renowned Shodo Artist, Ueta Hiroshi, and music and sound design by Ally Mobbs. Look forward to a unique fusion of Art and Modern Technology!



▼Reylia Slabyの作品





KYOTO VRの共同創設者。テキサス州出身で10年間日本に滞在。初めてVRに触れた瞬間からその可能性に目覚め、大好きな京都の伝統と文化をVRで世界に広めるため、KYOTO VRを始めた。VRとアートの共存性に興味を持ち、様々なアーティストをVRの世界に導く。

Atticus Paul Sims

Co-founder of Kyoto VR. Originating from Texas, he has lived in Japan for the past 10 years. As soon as he experienced VR for the first time, he could see the potential that it held. He started Kyoto VR to help spread the traditions and culture of Kyoto, the city he calls home. Interested in the co-existence of VR and Art, he has exposed numerous artists to the world of Virtual Reality.


ニューヨーク出身の映画監督,2010年から京都に滞在。映画監督の経験を活かし、KYOTO VRのクリエイティブ・ディレクター、そして共同創設者。

Alessandro De Bellegarde

A film director hailing from New York and living in Kyoto since 2010. Utilizing his backgound in storytelling through filmmaking, he is the Co-Founder and Creative Director of Kyoto VR.



京都生まれ育ちのイギリスと日本のハーフ。10年間イギリスでの留学を終え、今年の5月に帰国。バイリンガルであることを活かし、KYOTO VRの広報とマーケティングを担当。

Luke Fujii

Born and raised in Kyoto, he is half British. After spending the previous 10 years in the UK, he returned to Japan in May. Making use of his Bilingualism, he is in charge of Communications and Marketing.


KYOTO VR自慢の凄腕プログラマー。カルフォルニア出身、3年前から日本に滞在。以前は大阪でデジタルアートとゲームデザインをやっていた。

Klein Grant

KYOTO VR’s resident genius programmer. Originating from California, he has lived in Japan for 3 years. He has previously done Digital Art and Game Design in Osaka.


Reylia Slaby

関西生まれ育ちの写真家。グラファイト・ペンシル画からフォトグラファーに転身した。彼女が作り出す夢の用な作品はVRに最適です。過去のクライエントはMr. ChildrenやAdobe等。

A photographer who was born and raised in Kansai.  Initially a graphite pencil artist, she slowly made a transition to photography. Her dreamlike visual compositions lends itself perfectly to the immersive quality of Virtual Reality. Past clients include Mr.Children and Adobe Photoshop.



Ally Mobbs

A sound artist and producer originally from the UK, who is now living in Kyoto. He creates Instrumental Electronic music that is inspired by Hip-Hop and Acoustic elements with his handmade MIDI controller. 



 2007年シャカラビッツ『満天の星を探そうとも空は見ない』のプロモーションビデオに出演。アートシドニー、韓国国際アートフェア、木津川アート、Water tower art fest(ブルガリア)等のアートイベントに参加。


同じく「絵本 化鳥」の題字を制作。(2作共にアジアデザインアワード2013にてメリット賞、ブロンズ賞受賞)。NMB48渡辺美優紀さんの書道パフォーマンス監修や株式会社男前豆腐店や叶匠寿庵等の商品ロゴを手掛ける。

Ueta Hiroshi

In 2007, he was featured in the Shakalabitts『満天の星を探そうとも空は見ない』promotional video. He has taken part in art events such as Art Sydney, Korea International Art Fair, Kizugawa Art, and the Water Tower Art Festival (Bulgaria)

Recently he submitted Shodo artwork for 'Ryudandan' and 'Kecho' by Kyoka Izumi. He was awarded the Merit Award and Bronze Award at the Asia Design Awards 2013, respectively. He directed NMB48s Miyuki Watanabe's Shodo Performance, as well as being commisioned to design logos for Otokomae Tofu and Wagashi company Kanou Shoujuan.

As well as modern art, he has been seeking new ways to express shodo through collaborations with artists from various backgrounds. Through exposure at Talk Events, Workshops and Cross-Media Events, he is spreading the joy of Shodo and expression. He teaches Shodo part time at Shikoku University.



最初の活動は5月にLOFTWORK/MTRLと京都でVR体験会を開きました。このイベントでは、およそ500人が初めてVRに触れました。7月には祇園祭の函谷鉾を3Dスキャン。8月に行われた『LIMITS Digital Art Battle」ではLIMITS初となるライブVRアートバトルに参加。3DモデリングとVR技術を利用して、京都と日本の伝統と文化を世界中に広げています。

Kyoto VR’s first event was a collaboration with Loftwork/MTRL Kyoto in May 2016 providing open house style exposure to Virtual Reality. Through this event we have helped introduce VR to over 500 people for the first time. Following this event, we collaborated on a 3D Scan with the Kankoboko, a prominent float in the renowned Gion Festival. We have also participated in the first live VR Art Battle in LIMITS DIGITAL ART BATTLE in August. We are steadily moving towards our goal of using 3D modeling and VR for cultural preservation and exposure in Kyoto, and Japan as a whole.




Your funding will go towards Supporting the Artist, Production Costs, Technicians, Output and Programming.



The event at the Yuuhisaikoudoukan will take place on the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and the 10th. An additional event at MTRLKyoto will be held on the 2nd and 3rd. Please note that all dates including the 1st must be booked in advance.





For those who fund over 10000 yen, please let the event staff know when you arrive at the venue. Please send us a message if you decide to come so we know when to expect you.

