2021/01/15 18:18

西表島の県道215号線にはイリオモテヤマネコ などのロードキル防止を目的とした、野生生物用の地下通路(アンダーパス)が123基設置されています。しかし、1993年から設置が始まったアンダーパス、これまで十分な維持管理作業が行われておらず、木が生い茂ったり、ゴミが投げ込まれていたりで十分な機能を果たせなくなっているものも少なくありません。そこで現在、竹富町イリオモテヤマネコ 保護基金を活用した清掃作業が検討されています。



高山 (Mr. Takayama's Update)

On Iriomote Island, the main road is Refectural Road 215 and there are 123 underpasses installed on it to prevent roadkills, for wildlife species including Iriomote cats. However, these have been installed since 1993, and are not being maintained sufficiently. Many cannot be considered functional due to overgrown vegetation, trash, etc. Therefore, cleaning them using the Taketomi Town's Conservation Fund, is under consideration. 

The Taketomi Town, Ministry of Environment rep and I went to check some of these sites. The underpass (not visible) is a little to the right of center in the photo, but we have to be conscious not to make a path from the road to the underpass- so as not to make a new path for the cats straight to the road! Also, if we cut away too many weeds/branches it is possible we might make it less appealing to the cats...it is quite a delicate balance of clearing the underpasses but not too much! We will probably be able to start this maintenance work some time this year. Of course the Yamaneko Patrol members will be assisting in this effort! Despite this being a reconnaissance mission just to asses the situation, our Mr. Hige has his weed cutter in tow! (lol)

Thank you for everyone who has shown their support for our project unti l now! We are 44% towards our goal. With only 5 days left, we appreciate your support to the very end!!