
My name is Naohiro Akiyama, representative of Tyler International Academy LLC.



I'm planning to open an international school with Paul Tyler,  in Tsuruoka city, Yamagata prefecture.

▼このプロジェクトで実現したいこと What we want to accomplish

Learning English in early childhood and make a place where each child can immerse in what they like.



Providing an environment familiar in English before children enter school.



Most of what we have learned in school is someone immersed and worked on something. We hope that the next generation of children will create that "something". We will make the necessary place for that.


Creating new agriculture from Tsuruoka


There is so much amazing food and culture in Tsuruoka, we will be keep creating an environment for children to consider themselves about food.



Reason why we thought about doing this project



Now the world is changing drastically, The study taught at school is surely important, we think children begin to learn by themselves is more important.


We hope that children will think  about the importance of food, it is necessary for the future of everyone.



▼これまでの活動 Activities


We held English conversation lessons for 2 to 6 year old children in Tsuruoka city twice in August this year ,  30 or more children participated.



Paul Tyler currently works as a senior director at the Creative Kids International Preschool School in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and his attitude towards learning and interest in his children and his own curriculum are highly appreciated.


▼資金の使い道 Fund use


We are grateful to all of you for the founding of Tyler International Academy LLC company for the opening ceremony next April.

使い道の内訳 Details

・法人登録費用  Corporate registration fee

・校舎予定物件の改修費用  School building renovation cost

校舎予定物件 School building



         Akiyama-soko, Ohsugi, Kurokawa, Tsuruoka, Yamagata prefecture













  • 2017/09/12 23:08

    アオバジャパン バイリンガルプリスクール早稲田キャンパスを見学させていただきました!   3階建ての校舎でそれぞれの子供の興味を最大限引き出す環境作りをされている点が印象的でした。 そしてやはり幼少期からの英語習得は効果的であり、英語もしくは日本語が話せない子供でも半年も経つと問題なく言...

  • 2017/09/11 23:01

    山形市で初となるインターナショナルプリスクール『バイリンガル学園 MY Kindergarten 』を見学させていただきました。 子供たちの英語力にビックリしたのはもちろんですが、僕とポールでは考えつかない山形県でインターナショナルスクールをやるジレンマなどの貴重なお話も伺えました。今後の活...
