2021/01/22 17:27

Hi there, I am Matt, the Program Director for Come On Out and a member of the leadership team for Come Online: United at Home! Thank you in advance for your support and interest in our program and our mission to help at least 100 students have an impactful, international experience despite COVID-19 restrictions. 

We appreciate all of your contributions so far and now we have added more gifts for our contributors around the world (particularly for those outside of Japan and not seeking to participate in our programs). Read below to find out more!

こんにちは、Come Online: United at Home プログラムディレクターのMattです。ご支援をいただいた皆様、そしてこのページをご覧になっていただいてる方々へ心から感謝申し上げます!


<Virtual Tour / Cultural Exchange in Japan>

Now, we offer a virtual tour in Japan with our partner company! From the comfort of your home, participate in a cultural exchange and fantastic learning opportunity - one that will certainly inspire you for your next trip. 

<TEFL Course>

This one is perfect for inspiring teachers. We provide you with access to our accredited 120-hour TEFL course that opens up a world of job opportunities, both at home and abroad.

Japanese Gift Box(Preparing to publish)

For those interested in receiving a souvenir box without having to travel, this is the option for you! We will send you a unique gift - a great surprise to receive in the mail!

Japanese Snack Box(Preparing to publish)

We all know and love Japanese snacks, but they are often hard to find in other parts of the world. Let us send you the best of Japanese treats, savory and sweet!

Japanese Gift / Snack Box(Preparing to publish)

Want it all? We can send you both a surprise gift and snacks in the ultimate gift box!


The above list are just our newest additions to the contribution list, but you can also contribute to receive personal thank yous, English lessons (with me!), or even participate in the program or hold a personalized program of your own at your school! 

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you again for your support - it means the world to us and we hope we can impact hundreds of students this May!




Come Online-United at Home-について語る英語のポッドキャストもぜひご覧ください。