2021/10/25 15:21

[English below] 事務局長・古木(こぎ)は先月9月22日~10月6日までヨーロッパを訪問し、各欧州文化首都の代表者らとミーティングを行って参りました。本日は、Facebookでの連載から抜粋して、現在のヨーロッパの様子をお届けします。

今回の欧州訪問の目的の一つは2022年の欧州文化首都、リトアニアのカウナスで開催される欧州文化首都のネットワーク会議「ECoC Family Meeting」。2008年から、2026年までの多くの開催都市から代表者が集まった。四日間に渡り、朝から深夜まで、話し合いが続く。多くの情報が収集され、それぞれが自分たちの活動に役立てていく。パンデミックの行動制限により、2020年のリエカ(クロアチア)とゴールウェイ(アイルランド)開幕式以来一年半ぶりの再会となった。参加者全員が対面で話し合える喜びと重要性を実感していた。ペテル・シモン(Petr Simon)もその一人。彼は2015年の欧州文化首都プルゼニ(チェコ)のチームメンバー。彼は、2010年にプルゼニでの欧州文化首都の開催が決定するやいなや、日本との共同プログラムの準備に取り掛かった。おかげで2015年は、狂言、書道、現代アート、ダンス、デジタルアート、オーケストラ公演など、実に多彩で質の高い日本関連プログラムが一年を通して、繰り広げられた。その遺産は今なお、プルゼニの文化活動に生かされている。


2年ぶりのオフライン開催となったカウナスでのECoC Family Meeting。それだけに、コロナ禍での困難を乗り越えての再会には特別な意味があった。欧州の仲間たちはどうやって、活動を維持し展開してきたのか。「欧州文化首都VSパンデミック」というテーマのセッションでは、各都市の奮闘ぶりが直に伝わってきた。勇気をたくさんいただいた。厳しいロックダウンで、人々は外出を禁止され、人影の消えた街はあたかも戒厳令が出されたかのようであったとのこと。多くの若い人々は、親たちの世代が体験した戦時下と同様に恐怖と孤立の日々を実感した。だからこそ、文化活動の維持と新たな展開は急務のミッションだった。ある写真プロジェクトでは、写真家が各家庭を回り、窓越しに人々の暖かな表情を記録した。音楽家たちは中庭からベランダの人々のために演奏した。デジタルでの活動は、高度な技術を駆使し、世界中に美術、音楽、文学などの多彩なプログラムが発信された。コロナ収束後の欧州文化首都は、その都市の市民や訪問者たちだけでなく、質の高いオンライン配信・プログラムで、世界中が結ばれるのだという、未来の姿を提示した。議論の終わりに、パンデミックにおいて最も大切だったのは、人間同士の信頼関係であったという発言があった。参加者全員が多いにうなずき、賛同したことに文化の未来に大きな希望を感じた。

Mr Kogi, the Secretary-General of EU-Japan Fest, visited Europe between 22 Sep. and 6 Oct. to have meetings with representatives of the European Capitals of Culture (ECoC). Today, we introduce you to the current situation in Europe through his text that is originally published on our Facebook page.

One of the objectives of this visit to Europe was the ECoC Family Meeting, a networking meeting of the European Capitals of Culture which took palace in Kaunas, Lithuania. It brought together representatives from many of the host cities from 2008 to 2026. For four days, discussions continue from morning till late at night. A great deal of information was gathered, which each of them will use in their own activities. It was the first time we reunited altogether in the last year and a half, since the opening ceremonies in Rijeka (Croatia) and Galway (Ireland) in 2020, due to pandemic action restrictions. All participants felt the joy and importance of being able to talk face-to-face. Petr Simon was one of them. He is a member of the team of the European Capital of Culture Plzeň 2015 (Czech Republic). As soon as the decision was made to hold the ECoC in Plzeň in 2010, he started to prepare a joint programme with Japan. Thanks to this, the year 2015 saw a very diverse and high-quality Japan-related programme throughout the year, including kyogen, calligraphy, contemporary art, dance, digital art and orchestral performances. This legacy is still alive and well in the cultural activities of Plzeň.

In the left picture, the left is Mr Kogi and the right is Mr Petre Simon

The ECoC Family Meeting in Kaunas was the first offline meeting in two years, so it had a special meaning for participants to meet again after the difficulties caused by the pandemic. How did our friends in Europe manage to maintain and develop their activities? In the session on "ECoC vsPandemic", the struggles of each city were directly felt. It gave me a lot of courage. The severe lockdown meant that people were not allowed to go out, and the empty streets looked as if martial law had been declared. Many young people felt the same fear and isolation that their parents' generation experienced during the war. That is why maintaining and renewing cultural activities was an urgent mission. In one photographic project, photographers went from house to house, capturing the warmth of people's faces through their windows. Musicians played for the people on the balconies from the courtyard. Digital activities were carried out using sophisticated technology and a diverse programme of art, music and literature were transmitted around the world. The ECoCs presented a vision of a future in which the whole world is connected, not only by the citizens and visitors of its cities but also by high-quality online delivery and programmes after the pandemic. At the end of the discussion, a comment was made that the most important thing during the pandemic was the trust between people. All the participants nodded their heads in agreement, which gave me great hope for the future of our culture.

In 2022, Kaunas (Lithuania) and Esch (Luxembourg) will hold the title year together with Novi Sad (Serbia), its original title year was 2021. Three cities were the main presenters for this session.