髙田 圭太郎(たかた けいたろう)と言います!
Nice to meet you! My name is Keitaro Takata. In January 2018, I resigned from my long-held position in welfare services and returned to my hometown of Fukuyama City in Hiroshima Prefecture. There, I learned from a local priest that the traditional industry of ”Bingo tatami-omote” production was on the brink of extinction within a few years. With guidance from the elderly predecessors, I have spent two and a half years learning and now produce "Bingo igusa" (the raw material for traditional ”Bingo tatami-omote”) and manufacture ”Bingo tatami-omote”.
Tatami (igusa) is highly absorbent, making it comfortable even during the rainy season. It also has antibacterial properties, which help purify the air in the room.
Additionally, tatami has a relaxing effect, creating a sense of a Japanese atmosphere just by being in the room. Over time, as one grows more attached to it, it calms the mind, representing a unique aspect of Japanese culture.
Among these, tatami made with ”Bingo tatami omote” is more durable than regular tatami. As the years pass, it develops a silvery luster, showing a different appearance from when it was first laid.
Additionally, ”Bingo tatami omote” is thick and cushioned, so it can soften the impact if small children fall.
The history of ”Bingo tatami omote” is profound, dating back to 1347. At that time, it was considered synonymous with straw mats and was known as ”Bingo mushiro”.
Records show that in the six-story castle Oda Nobunaga built in Azuchi, tatami was laid on each floor, and in the room prepared to welcome the emperor, "Bingo tatami omote" tatami with ornamental edges called ”ungenberi” and ”kouraiberi” was used.
Many historical figures, including Toyotomi Hideyoshi, also held the historic "Bingo tatami omote" in high regard. We want to preserve this significant cultural heritage for future generations!
私がこの世界に身を投じたときには、「備後畳表」の担い手は、御高齢お二人しか残っておらず、やがてすぐに体力的な問題から引退することを決めたお一人の方より老朽化した設備等を譲り受けました。そして現在、もう一人の方も大病されて生産ができなくなり、生産者が私一人となってしまいました。この状況下で、「備後畳表」らしさを追求し、藺草の栽培、畳表の製造を続けていく為には何をしたらよいのか。いまの私にできることを考えました。 このままでは近い将来にこの伝統価値が途絶えてしまいます。価値の分かる方に大切に使っていただくことで、永く後世に残していきたい!!
The last remaining producer of ”Bingo tatami omote” is facing the threat of extinction!
When I ventured into this world, there were only two elderly individuals left who carried on the tradition of "Bingo tatami-omote" production. Soon after, due to physical challenges, one of them decided to retire and passed on their aging equipment to me.
And now, the other individual has also fallen seriously ill and can no longer produce, leaving me as the sole producer.
Under these circumstances, what should I do to pursue the essence of "Bingo tatami-omote" and continue cultivating rush grass and manufacturing tatami-omote?
I have considered what I can do at this moment.
If things continue as they are, this traditional value will soon be lost.
By having people who understand its value use it with care, I want to preserve it for future generations!!
To achieve this, the immediate priority is to repair, maintain, and update the old equipment I inherited.
Whether for repairs or introducing new machinery, the equipment used for cultivating igusa and producing tatami omote is specialized and therefore expensive. Additionally, the recent decline in the use of Japanese-style rooms, especially those with natural igusa, has made it increasingly difficult to cover these costs through self-effort alone.
I want to gather funds from everyone to firmly continue the cultural heritage of "Bingo tatami omote."
I also wish for more people to learn about "Bingo tatami omote" and become co-preservers of the beauty of Japanese tradition.
I believe that this will help preserve the rich culture of Japan.
I am currently planning to inspect the repair needs of the inherited facilities and carry out essential overhauls of the weaving machines crucial for tatami omote production.
We will be sharing our daily activity reports on SNS (Facebook and Instagram) for all our supporters!
We will include a QR code and address in our thank-you letters.
Depending on the amount of your support, we will send you a "Enza" ("Uzu" or "Tobi," whichever you prefer) or a coaster-sized "Enza", all made from "Bingo igusa".
For those who are interested, we can also arrange a study tour about the culture of igusa, as well as a special agricultural experience, upon consultation.
2024年6月 クラウドファンディング告知
2024年7月 クラウドファンディング開始
2024年9月 クラウドファンディング終了
2025年1月 リターン発送
June 2024: Crowdfunding announcement
July 2024: Crowdfunding campaign begins
September 2024: Crowdfunding campaign ends
January 2025: Sending out returns
石鎚山真言宗 弘元寺
住職 村上 泰教
日照りの中、雨の中、厳しい環境でも日中は田んぼで藺草に向き合い、夜は可愛い子供たちを寝かしつけ、深夜にプロジェクトを作成し、いま やっと皆さまにメッセージが届いていますね。
みなさま、プロジェクトをここまで読んでくださり、ありがとうございます。 圭太郎さんは伝統文化を守るため、藺草農家の世界に飛び込み、先輩に教えを乞い、研究を重ね、6年孤軍、奮闘して来ました。
Thank you as always, Keitaro!
And I think this challenge was especially difficult since you weren't accustomed to it.
In the scorching sun and the rain, you faced the rushes in the rice fields during the day, put your adorable children to bed at night, and worked on the project late into the night. Now, you finally have the opportunity to deliver your message to everyone.
I want to start by saying "Congratulations."
Thank you, everyone, for reading this project up to this point.
Keitaro has dedicated himself to preserving traditional culture by entering the world of rush farming, seeking guidance from his seniors, and conducting extensive research. He has been striving alone for the past six years.
His craftsman spirit and serious dedication result in products that are beautiful in both fragrance and color.
I sincerely hope that as many people as possible will experience the beauty of his Japanese craftsmanship.
We would be extremely grateful for your support, even with a small contribution. Thank you for supporting the project.
畳は日本の文化とも言われています。 最も価値の高い「備後畳表」は、古くから宮中や幕府の御用表、指定銘柄として受け継がれてきました。現在でも法隆寺を代表する歴史的建築物の修理に指定されており、日本文化を代表する逸品です。
天然のい草を使った畳離れが加速している現代において、ぜひ多くの人に伝統ある和の美、香りを体感していただきたい。皆様のご理解とご支援が、この歴史ある「備後畳表」を永く後世へと繋いでいきます。 畳表(畳)は適度な湿度に保ち、空気の浄化作用を備えます。畳の上で寝転がるとい草の香りと手触りの良さから心が落ち着きリラックス効果があると思っています。そして「備後畳表」は銀白をおび厚みがあり、耐久年数が他の畳表に比べて長く、年数が経つほどに色艶が良くなっていくこと、その過程を楽しみ感じてもらえるのも特徴です。
Your understanding and support will help to preserve and pass down the historic "Bingo Tatami-omote" to future generations.
Tatami-omote (tatami) maintains moderate humidity and has air-purifying properties.
I believe that lying down on a tatami mat, with its pleasant aroma and texture of igusa, brings a sense of calm and relaxation.
The "Bingo Tatami-omote" has a silver-white sheen and thickness, making it more durable than other tatami mats. Its color and luster improve with age, allowing one to enjoy and appreciate this process over time.
I am wholeheartedly dedicated to inheriting and continuing the legacy of the predecessors who preserved the historic and traditional "Bingo Tatami-omote." With great care, I cultivate and manufacture these tatami mats using traditional methods.
Please, everyone, lend your support to the valuable "Bingo Tatami-omote."
I humbly ask for your kind cooperation.
2024/09/27 21:28いつもありがとうございます!無事に9月20日に株分け作業が終わり、218箱(69,760株)を田んぼにおろすことができました。ポット苗たちの管理をしつつ、11月に植え付けるための土作りやってます。畦周りの草刈りや緑肥のすき込み作業とやることは多いですが頑張ります!朝晩はだいぶ涼しくなってきてますが、日中は暑い!空調服を着てても汗が滝のように流れていく。。。どれも大切な作業なのでしっかり仕上げていきます!!7月11日7:00に、クラウドファンディングが公開され、明日、9月28日23:59に終了となります。これまでたくさんの方々からご支援、ご協力いただきました。本当にありがとうございます!目標達成状況としては27%となっていますが、最後の最後まで諦めず頑張ります。最後まで、ご支援、応援どうぞよろしくお願い致します!!皆さまのご支援、応援が「備後畳表」を後世へ未来へ繋がっていきます!そして、いつも私の投稿をご覧いただきありがとうございます! もっと見る
2024/09/03 05:2811月に植え付けるための株分けが始まりました!台風10号の影響で直接被害はなかったものの、スケジュールの内容の変更を余儀なくされましたが、株分けスタートです。目標本数は約65,000株!まだまだ始まったばかり。頑張ります!!!プロジェクトの方は、いよいよ今月28日が締切です。現在22%の達成状況です。皆さまのご支援が歴史ある「備後畳表」を後世へ未来へ繋がります。宜しくお願い致します!!! 引っこ抜かれた「備後い草」 もっと見る
2024/08/10 14:42いつもありがとうございます!い草刈取り後のい草の株の根切り、耕耘、緑肥撒きまで完了です。11月の植え付けに向けての第一段階が完了です。明日は、苗箱をふせる圃場に取りかかります。現在、19%の達成状況です。まだまだ目標値まで遠いです。皆様のご支援、応援が『備後畳表』を後世へ未来へと繋がっていきます!目標金額達成のためプロジェクトのシェア等、皆様のさらなるご協力をしていただけますと幸いです。こちらのリンクをシェアいただければと思います。宜しくお願い致します!!今年の夏もとても暑いので、皆様、熱中症には十分に気をつけてください。https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/759976 もっと見る