<Thank you for visiting, English below>



2011年に、"世界初ハリネズミと触れ合えるカフェ" として東京・六本木に第1号店をオープン致しました。その後原宿3店舗、横浜1店舗と店舗を増やしていき、今ではハリネズミさんを始め、カワウソさんやミーアキャットさん、カピバラさん、フェレットさんなど皆様をおもてなしする様々な動物さん達が暮らしています。















❶【500円】 お礼のメール 応援よろしくお願いいたします。





















Dear all animal lovers and friends of HARRY,

Thank you very much for your interest/visit.

We are HARRY, the world's first hedgehog cafe in Japan. We originally started our business to share the cuteness of the hedgehogs and to make people know about them better. 

Now there is 5 stores, and have more than 100 animals in total such as hedgehogs, otters, meerkats, capybara, fennec fox etc. and you can play with all of them at HARRY, very unique experience only in Tokyo, Japan. Hedgehogs are also up for adoptions, so if one captured your heart, you can take one home. 

Some of you might have heard about us or been to already, we are popular destination for tourists and 80% of visitors are from abroad. We really enjoy having people from all over the world.  To people who have visited here before, our animals are all safe and in a good conditions. :)


As many of you are in trouble due to COVID-19, we are facing this critical situation.

We have been temporarily closed since April 9th to protect our staff and visitors. Also we do not know how long it will take to reopen the store and it would probably take very long to have as many as visitors we used to have.

Even before temporarily closing the store, we have got only a few visitors both Japanese and especially foreigners since many countries shut down their boarders and no longer be able to visit Japan. We have received a lot of cancellations of reservation and we are sorry for people who planned to visit Japan/here ended up canceling their trip like this. We hope to see you one day.

However, even if we are making no money, we definitely need to keep feeding and taking care of our 100+ animals. We also have to pay utilities, rent and salaries for employees who take care of animals. The animals are our number one priority and we do everything we can to make sure that they are healthy and happy.  

Therefore, we kindly ask for your support in any little way to keep our animals happy and business running. 

Thank you for reading and your support. We hope everything will settle soon and see having visitors over here again. Please stay safe.

With love,


Please read below for your donation.

* "リターン (Return)" is a thank you gift that you will receive from HARRY after donated.

 "Return" changes depending on how much you donate us.  Please check and choose one below.

❶500yen :  Thank you letter

❷1000yen (A) : Thank you letter from HARRY and original postcard and sticker

❸1000yen (B) : Thank you email from HARRY and image of our animal with message

❹2000yen (A) : 1000yen (A) + 30min entree free coupon of HARRY (1400yen worth)

❺2000yen (B):1000yen (B) + 30min entree free coupon of HARRY (1400yen worth)

❻5000yen (A):1000yen (A) + 2 of entree free coupon of HARRY (2800yen worth) +  3000 yen worth of gift certificate that you can use at HARRY

❼5000yen (B):1000yen (B) + 2 of entree free coupon of HARRY (2800yen worth) + 3000 yen worth of gift certificate that you can use at HARRY

❽10,000yen: Thank you letter + 10 of 30min entree free coupon of HARRY (14,000 yen worth)

< We sell stuffed animals, key chains, stickers, fridge magnets and some other animal related things at HARRY, so that you can use gift certificate when you visit. >

<There is no expiration date for coupon, gift certificate, you can use anytime after we reopened. >

↓Donation Process↓ 

1.  Please decide which "Return" you want from number❶-❽ above, scroll down and press the pink bottom of the same number you picked.

2.  Donation amount can be added. If you would like to add more, please change the price. (This would not change your return, you will get the return based on which bottom you chose) 

3. Please put your email address.

4. We take card only for oversea donation.  Please select "クレジットカード" (top left), and fill out your credit card information. ( you do not have to put a check below the expiration date )

5.  Please put your shipping address. From top to bottom, Your name, postal code (if you are from abroad please put 0000000), prefecture, city town, house number( street number ) , building name (option), phone number.

This form is for Japanese address, so if you are not from japan, please select any prefecture. And please put your country and postal code with the city/town. As long as we figured your address out and be able to ship it would not be a problem.

6.  Please put your gender (男=men. 女=women) and your birthday.

7.  If you have any message, please write it down at the last blank. (leave the first one empty)

8.  Please go down on the next page and press "完了"(done)

This complete the support, thank you very much. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will ship your "Return" after our project is done, around July. We will keep you updated.

HARRY六本木本店 東京都港区六本木 6-7-2  IWAHORIビル2F

HARRY原宿駅前店 東京都渋谷区神宮前 1-13-21 シャンゼール原宿2号館4F

HARRY原宿テラス店 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-26-5 神宮前426ビル 3F


HARRY横浜中華街店 神奈川県横浜市中区山下町103-3 M'sPort 2F


原宿かわいい動物園 東京都渋谷区神宮前1−6−12 ITOビル3F





  • 2020/07/12 18:42


  • 2020/06/19 18:31

    皆様、ご支援・ご協力誠にありがとうございます。土日限定で、HARRY原宿テラス店・原宿かわいい動物園の営業が再開いたします!!短縮営業にはなりますが、動物さんに癒されたい方・触れ合いたい方ぜひご来店お待ちいたしております!!HARRY原宿テラス店12:00〜18:00 最終受付17:30原宿か...

  • 2020/06/06 17:50

    みなさま大変お待たせいたしました。HARRY六本木店・原宿駅前店営業再開いたしました!短縮営業にはなりますが、動物さんに癒されたい方・触れ合いたい方ぜひご来店お待ちいたしております!!HARRY六本木店13:00〜18:00 最終受付17:30HARRY原宿駅前店12:00〜19:00 最終受...
