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チャック・ケイザーと申します。 9年間、滋賀県朽木にて有機農業法で野菜を育てています。日本の昔ながらの農法と欧米の最新の有機栽培技術を合わせて、有機栽培の可能性の見本のようなものを作りたいと思っています。


有機栽培では堆肥は大切な部分です。落ち葉は植物にとって栄養豊かなものです。普段、 燃えるごみと一緒燃やされている落ち葉を集めて、山の牧場からの肥料と畑で混ぜたり、そのままプラスチック袋で堆肥化させたりします。








京都市内のカフェ、レストラン、八百屋さん、そして友達に野菜を販売しています。み んな「美味しい」と言ってくれますが、猿たちも「美味しい」と思っているようです。 昨年は野菜の約6割が猿に食べられてしまいました。ビジネスとしては野菜販売だけに頼らず 、支援や他の収益源を追求していかなければなりません。





月一回ほどイベントも開催しています。ハイキング、キャンプ、バーベキュー、写真撮影ツアーなどなど。 都会に住む人にとって、どんどん破壊されていく美しい自然と触れ合う機会にもなるし、美土里ファームにとっても一つの収益源になっています。
















私たち人類の選択肢が毎日、少しずつ、私たちの星の未来に影響を与えています。 美土里ファームは食と自然を結び、持続可能の道を選びます。一緒に安全な環境を作り、地球をより良くしましょう。




7月後半 クラウドファンディング(資金協力者募集)開始

9月後半 クラウドファンディング終了





このキャンペーンのために受け取った資金は、請負業者を雇って農場に新しい電線を運び、柵のためにブレーカボックスや接手を設置するのに必要な費用として使用されます。 また、フェンスの コスト、適切な設置に必要なすべての部品、フェンス自体の使用のための1年間の電気代金。 ス タートアップファンドの一部は特典、政府税、FAAVO料金の準備に使用されます。


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【団体名】     美土里ファーム

【代表者】     チャックケイザー

【ウェブサイト】    https://www.midorifarm.net

【メール】     Midorifarm.kutsuki@gmail.com

【フェイスブック】 Midori-Farm

【ツイッター】   MidoriFarm365

【インスラグラム】 Midorifarm.kutsuki


Thank you for visiting our project page, we are working very hard for a better tomorrow for Japan. Midori Farm is a new group dedicated to sustainable agriculture, nature preservation and rural revitalisation. We use 4 fields that would otherwise lay fallow in the mountains of Shiga prefecture, about 50 km north of Kyoto city. We are building a system of sustainable agriculture in Japan that can allow new farmers to take over a farm, use organic techniques and successfully market their products for a sustainable business. Everything starts on our farms, as we create the model that others can follow. However, the

wild animals continue to encroach on our fields making our sustainable model difficult to set up.


The Japanese Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries reports that the ratio of self-sufficiency in Japan is in last place among industrial nations. It is now under 40% which means over 60% of the calories consumed in Japan are imported.


The number of farms in Japan has decreased more than 30% in the last 10 years while the number of corporate farms has increased by over 240%. Many corporate farms use hazardous chemicals and seeds produced by companies like Monsanto.


65% of all farmers in Japan are now 65 and older. When these farmers retire, the remaining number of farms is going to decrease dramatically. Unless there is a system of sustainable agriculture in place, corporate farms will continue to take over.


So I have started Midori Farm. It is our goal to utilize dilapidated campgrounds, fallow fields and wasted compostables to produce rural accommodations, arable farmland and resources to enable a new generation of organic farmers to take over.


My name is Chuck Kayser and I have been growing organic vegetables on rescued fields in rural Shiga for 9 years. I combine Japanese ideas with western organic farming techniques to demonstrate what is possible for organic farmers.


A vital element in organic farming is compost. We create it by taking nutrient rich leaves from city parks to the mountains to compost with manure, or shred them and compost them in town. Otherwise these leaves are burned like trash.


We also create raised beds from locally sourced timber. These have increased drainage which lengthens the growing season, they don’t require tilling with gasoline machinery and they block the spread of weeds without chemicals.


Floating row cover is popular in Japan already. Even conventional farmers have found they can reduce their use of insecticides and herbicides. It also lengthens the growing season by keeping the soil warm.


We harvest 3 seasons of vegetables a year beginning in May and finishing when the snow is deep in mid to late December. This is at least one month longer than the other farmers in the villages surrounding our farm.


We sell our produce to cafes, restaurants, shops and friends in Kyoto city. Everyone loves the vegetables, as do the monkeys who live in the mountains. Last year they took 60% so we must seek other forms of support and revenue.


Volunteers are a big source of support for us. People of all ages and background join us on the farm regularly. We harvest in the morning, eat lunch outside then do other tasks in the afternoon. On hot days we even swim in the river.


We also host monthly events ranging from hiking, camping, bbqs, photo tours, etc. People from the city can come experience the natural beauty which is being lost due to pollution. All proceeds go to the farms and campground maintenance.


The campgrounds we use are falling into disrepair. We are working to revitalize them for better events and housing farm volunteers. One day we hope to convert one into an organic education center, the other into an ecology center.


Snow days are very popular with families. Snowmen, igloos and snowball fights in the morning, lunch around the wood stove and then sledding until dark. The families that attend fall in love with the valley and return in warmer months.


Life and death struggles and the beginning of new life surround the farm. The ecosystem and our farm share a balance to preserve the natural order. For an organic farmer, the more diverse the flora and fauna, the stronger the farm.


The river system in the valley is teeming with life for all ages to explore and discover. Our farms have no toxic runoff so present no threat to this delicate balance of all creatures. Instead their clean waters irrigate our fields.


The bad news is that monkeys are becoming a big problem. They eat and destroy entire crops and are strong and clever enough to circumvent most fences. In order to model a successful organic system, we must find a way to keep them away.


Most locals use electric fencing which is very expensive. So we have started a crowdfunding campaign. Perks include: boxes of vegetables, free admission to events and transportation to the mountains.


A special report by the UN supports small-scale farmers who not only supply food but protect the natural resources vital to all life on our planet. They state that we need an ecological intensification approach, shifting towards sustainability.


We all make choices everyday that affect the future of our planet. Midori Farm enables us to choose sustainability through connections with our food and nature. Join us to bring about the the changes we all want to see in our lives.



The crowdfunding campaign begins in Late July. It will continue for 2 months ending in Late September.


Fund use


The funds received for this campaign will be used for the expenses necessary for hiring contractors to run new electric lines to the farms, install breaker boxes and hookups for the fences. Also, the cost of the fences, all parts required for proper installation and one year’s electric bills for the use of the fence itself. Part of the start-up fund will be used for preparing the perks, government tax and the FAAVO fee.


Target amount is 800,000 yen


We will deliver thank you cards, recipes, boxes of vegetables and opportunities to visit the beautiful mountains and farms with gratitude to everyone who supports us. I would like to offer the following perks. All will be available after the fences are completed but everyone is welcome to purchase our vegetables, volunteer on the farms or join our events at any time.

All vegetable boxes will include the vegetables that are available at the time of delivery. Delivery charge is not included in perk cost. Although it is not possible to request specific vegetables, one may request that their box be delivered in a certain season, for example fall vegetables or winter vegetables. Please contact us directly for this option.


All farm visits and other transportation perks must be arranged in advance with priority given on a first-come-first-served basis.


Thank you for your support!

We would appreciated it if you could help us further by liking and sharing our project with others.


We would love to have you out at the farm as a volunteer as well, all are welcome who are ready to try organic farming.


We appreciate your kindness.



To everyone who supported us with 1,000 yen we will deliver a thank you card with a recipe for an organic meal



To everyone who supported us with 2,500 yen gets a coupon for one of our squash (or other pumpkin variety) and a thank you card with a recipe for an organic meal using the squash.



To everyone who supported us with 5,000 yen we will provide a coupon for a box of seasonal organic vegetables and a thank you card with a recipe for an organic meal using the vegetables. (Vegetable boxes can be delivered at extra cost.)



To everyone who supported us with 10,000 yen we will provide a coupon for 2 boxes of seasonal organic vegetables, at least a week apart, and a thank you card with a recipe for an organic meal using the vegetables. (Vegetable boxes can be delivered at extra cost.)



To everyone who supported us with 12,000 yen we will provide transportation to our farms, lunch and a guided tour of the farms for one person.



To everyone who supported us with 20,000 yen we will provide coupons for 2 boxes of seasonal organic vegetables, provide transportation to our village and lunch for one person, and a thank you card with a recipe for an organic meal using the vegetables.



To everyone who supported us with 25,000 yen we will provide transportation to our farms, lunch and a guided tour of the farms for up to 3 people.



To everyone who supported us with 50,000 yen we will provide 10 boxes of seasonal, organic vegetables, each at least a week apart, with a thank you card including recipes for the vegetables. (Vegetable boxes can be delivered at extra cost.)



To everyone who supported us with 100,000 yen we will provide a private event for up to 9 people including round trip transportation to the village campground, accommodations, a guided tour of the farms and hiking trails and 3 meals using our vegetables. This is an overnight event.


Thank you for supporting us.  To contact us or find out more information please use the following:

MidoriFarm.kutsuki@gmail.comMidoriFarm.net, on twitter- Midorifarm365, on Facebook- Midori Farm, on Instagram- Midorifarm.kutsuki