
NPO法人 日本のこころ・江戸しぐさです。当法人では江戸時代から育まれてきた「思いやり」や「おもてなし」などに見られる日本のこころを、次世代にも受けつがれていけるよう活動しております。当法人は設立13年を迎え、講演受講者は延べ83000人を超えました。特に社会貢献活動のひとつとして「子供たちに伝えたい日本のこころ」をスローガンに、公立小中学校での無料講演活動に力を入れております。
This is NPO Edo Shigusa. Our corporation is working to ensure to be succeeded to the next generations the mind and posture of Japanese such as the spirit of hospitality and the consideration that have been nurtured and developed since the Edo period. As one of the social contribution activities, we have been promoting voluntary lectures for this at elementary and junior high schools.


Our desire is to share the wonderful traditional spirit of Japan "Edo-Shigusa", with not only Japanese children but also with children oversea, so we are creating the booklets with English explanations and illustrations that can be easily understood by children and non-Japanese speakers.



This time, 20 Edo gestures are introduced with illustrations of Mukoujima's community mascot, “Madame.Kototoi-nesan”, a popular member of NPO Edo gestures with full of Japanese atmosphere.


We would like to use the funds for booklet to produce and printing.


In our annual contest, we receive many elementary school students’ works that express the desire to share the hospitality of Japan to visitors around the world. Through our endeavors we hope to give the children a platform to grow their “sprouts of consideration”.
Japan has been listed as the top country to visit after the pandemic by worldwide travelers. This is largely thanks to Japan’s reputation as a safe and clean country full of kindhearted people which is the result of Japan’s traditional cultural values. For the good of our worldwide visitors and residents of Japan, we will continue to preserve these wonderful values through our activities.

※「NPO法人 日本のこころ・江戸しぐさ」は非営利法人ですが、このクラウドファンディングを支援することで、支援者が税制優遇を受けることはありません。

