Hello Everyone. would love to spread out Waldorf Steiner Education more in my country, Japan. Thanks to the Steiner education my mother gave me, I have been able to choose a free life where I can utilize my individuality even as an adult. After I learned in the U.S, I have realized how important the childhood environment is for children. That was so clear to understand as well as other types of education. I created an app development team to spread the Waldorf Steiner education out that I believe is necessary for today's children in Japan. This is an app that allows anyone anywhere in Japan to learn the Steiner method thorough online and to connect with the community. Parents who are struggling to raise their children, you are not alone. The Education reform is what is needed now for a bright future for Japan!
What we hope to achieve with this project
I want to create a service that is close to parents who are struggling to raise their children.
→ 芸術性・知性・実用的な能力を身につけた自由な大人に育てられるシュタイナー教育の認知度を高め、アプリを通して、望む人全てに行き渡るようにする
Raise awareness of Steiner education, which can develop into a free spontaneous person with artistic, intellectual, and practical abilities, and make it available to all who want it through the app.
What kind of children is Waldorf Steiner education for?
→ どんなお子さんにも向いています。ASDやADHDなどのスペシャルニーズ(発達障害)があるお子さんや学校に行きたくないお子さんにも。
It is suitable for any child, even those with special needs such as ASD or ADHD, or those who do not want to go to school.
Is it different from a normal school?
→ 一般的な学校とは時間割やメソッドが違いますが、国語、英語、算数、理科、社会、音楽、美術とカリキュラムはちゃんとあります。自由への教育というのは好き勝手する事させることではなく、自分の意志で学ぶ力をつけてもらうことです。また、既存の学校に行きながら好きな授業だけを取ることも可能です。
The timetable and methods are different from those of a typical school, but the curriculum includes Japanese, English, math, science, social studies, music, and art. Education for freedom is not about letting students do whatever they want, but about giving them the ability to learn on their own. It is also possible to take only the classes you want while going to an another school.
What can the app do for me?
・Provide parents and instructors with preparation and materials for Steiner education (for ages 0-7 and 7-14)
・Online classes specializing in subjects that are lacking in Japanese education today (for ages 14 and up)which is :
Classes in programming, information ethics, philosophy and thought, political economy, asset management, and gender and sexual education
Debate rules that foster critical thinking, providing a forum, essay writing, etc.
A website where you can get natural materials (clothes, wool, toys, art materials, musical instruments) for use in education.
・Provide a closing community where mothers or teachers who are struggling with child rearing can connect with each other.
・We have partnered with counselors and psychologists who have studied psychology in the U.S. to provide care for children with special needs and their families
・Training people to teach Steiner
After all, what kind of education is Steiner education?
→ ビデオをご覧ください。watch the video, but it's in Japanese only
Why did you decide to do the project?
ITが発達し、高度情報化とAI技術の最先端にいるシリコンバレーの大手企業、Google、Apple、などでテクノロジーを開発している側の多くの人たちの子どもは、「ウォードルフシュタイナー学校」に通っています。また、かのスティーブ・ジョブズも "自分の子どもには幼い時からiPhoneなどのデバイスは使わせない" と言っていたというのも有名です。これは何を示しているのでしょうか?皮肉な話ではありますが、IT技術の早期導入によって、運動能力、創造的思考力、クリティカルシンキング、人間関係を構築するための想像力などの発達が阻害されることを技術者は知っているということです。
After repeatedly surveying all kinds of educational methods in the U.S. and the actual conditions of schools in both Japan and the U.S., I have come up with a list of problems and been thinking about things that are lacking in Japanese society. These include: self-affirmation of children and adults, understanding and knowledge of special needs education, attitude and knowledge of money and asset management, popularization of counseling, self-assertion and the ability to think and act positively. We want to make people aware of these issues so that better education can be provided to them. This project was started with this in mind.
Our app is designed for adults from 0 to 14 years old, not to let children use IT devices, but to get methods that can be used by parents and instructors, while children over 14 years old can take online classes in programming, digital music and design, ethics, physics, asset management, etc. We are also planning to offer debate classes via video phone. We also want to make the site a guide and community where people can get the materials and resources they need to educate and teach their children.
The high literacy rate of education in Japan today is highly regarded, but the majority of children attend their neighborhood public schools, where they all look in the same direction and remain in a passive education focused on memory. We should have more options!
In addition, I thought it was necessary to spread Steiner education in order to nurture creativity, compassion for others, and EQ (the ability to control emotions, which is essential for communication between people) in Japanese society. Of course, we also focus on IQ and other studies, but we make use of the learning that comes from children's curiosity rather than compulsion.
I also feel that educational reform is necessary to reduce the number of people in Japanese society who have low self-esteem, who struggle with communication, who make poor decisions, and who impulsively commit suicide and crime.
I would like to provide mothers who are having trouble raising their children with a well-balanced education that nurtures the mind, body, and brain, not an early gifted education.
*アプリ開発費 150万~300万
*撮影費 20万 シュタイナー教育について、指導者向けの教えるための心構え、学校に行けなくても保護者が家で出来る活動のためのオンラインクラス作成費、専門の先生の受講クラスなど
*著作権料 5万〜10万
*撮影や編集機材の購入 10万~20万
*campfireへの掲載手数料•決済手数料•税金 約20万
*リターンの制作費、送料 約20万
1000円 NYの写真付きお礼メッセージ
3000円 お礼のメッセージ付きイラスト、またはハワイの写真のポストカード
5000円 羊毛フェルトで作る幸せの手乗り小鳥ちゃん+NYの写真付きお礼メッセージ
8000円 アプリ完成時、有料部分を1ヶ月限定ご利用 +NYの写真付きお礼メッセージ
1万5千円 無農薬お野菜8種のセットをご自宅にお届け
3万円 無農薬野菜にこだわった蕎麦イタリアンレストランのお食事券
2万5千円 シュタイナー教育で育ち、自由な人生を歩む経験値の豊富な私があなたの人生相談にのります
5万円 アメリカの心理学を学んだ臨床心理学者の先生のカウンセリングをお試し1セッション
10万円 NYのプロシンガーである私があなたのためだけに歌を一曲、歌います。
30万円 NYのプロシンガーである私があなたのためにスペシャルライブをお届けします。
35万円 NYのプロシンガーである私があなたのために1曲、お作りします。
2021年8/31 クラファン終了
アプリ画面設計 1ヶ月
内部設計 2ヶ月
製造 半年
単体テスト 4ヶ月 結合テスト 4ヶ月
リターン発送 2021年10月より順次発送
In this age of digitalization, what is required of human beings in the future is imagination, imaginativeness, and the ability to think. In order to bring out these abilities, we believe that a Wardorf Steiner education that brings out the richness of human power is necessary.
To raise our children to be free and independent! To help them become adults who can assert themselves and their ideas even when they go abroad! To help eliminate the problems of children who don't want to go to school, or who have special needs, but don't have access to good teachers or schools! We also want to gradually change the future of education in Japan. Why don't we work together to create such a wonderful future?
Thank you for your consideration and all your support!!!
本プロジェクトはAll-or nothing方式で実施します。目標金額に満たなかった場合は返金され、リターンも行われません。
■ 特定商取引法に関する記載
2021/09/08 11:39支援金が25万円を超えました〜!皆さん、本当にありがとうございます。ですが、150万円までは程遠く…タイガーファンディングの方からお声がけをいただきまして、you tubeで経営者の方々に融資をお願いするチャンネルに出るかもしれません。 もっと見る
2021/08/17 19:00おかげさまで、みなさまからの支援金が10万円を超えました!ありがとうございます!!ですが、アプリ開発にはまだまだ達成にはご支援が必要です。子育てに悩みを抱えるお母さん、スペシャルニーズ(発達障害)のお子さんを家でどう扱っていいかわからないご家族の方、シュタイナー教育のメソッドを使ったら誰でも出来る!それを拡めて繋がるアプリ。子育ての悩み、これってうちだけ?誰かに相談したい、でも誰でもいいわけじゃない→専門のアメリカの心理学カウンセラーの方のセッション予約が出来るアプリ1人じゃない!みんなで繋がれるコミュニティ部屋、どんなおもちゃや服を買ったらいいの?→シュタイナー教育が推奨する天然素材のグッズを手に入れられる提携サイト頑張って保育資格を取って職場に勤めてるけど、蓋を開けたらブラック企業、悩める保育士さん、保育士さん同士で繋がって、新しいムーブメントを起こしましょう!保育の現場で使えるメソッドも教えます。ご近所で育てるというかスタイルから、ネットを通して繋がって、みんなで子育てスタイルへ! もっと見る