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このプロジェクトは、2022/11/04に募集を開始し、 6,995人の支援により 193,277,283円の資金を集め、 2023/01/09に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2022/11/04に募集を開始し、 6,995人の支援により 193,277,283円の資金を集め、 2023/01/09に募集を終了しました



手数料0円から実施可能。 企画からリターン配送まで、すべてお任せのプランもあります!


2022/12/30 UPDATE

【Nintendo Switch版のパッケージ版】を制作いたします。

岸田教団&THE明星ロケッツ・草野華余子さんによる『東方ダンマクカグラ ファンタジア・ロスト』の新規テーマ曲制作とゲーム内実装。


現在Nintendo Switchダウンロード版の制作は決定しておりますが、Nintendo Switch版のパッケージ版を制作いたします。

2022/12/2 UPDATE
2022/11/18 UPDATE



この度、東方Project 公認二次創作リズムアクションゲーム『東方ダンマクカグラ』が、2022年10月28日にサービスを終了させて頂きました。既にお遊び頂いていたお客様におかれましては、改めまして心からお詫びとお礼を申し上げます。「東方Project 初の公認二次創作リズムアクションゲーム」をコンセプトに、2021年8月4日にリリースし、500万人以上の方に遊んでいただきました。そしてサービス終了をお知らせした生放送では、本当に多くの方がコメントを寄せてくださり、そのあとも様々な場所で、サービス終了を惜しむ声を拝見させていただきました。

スタンドアローン版(Steam)として『東方ダンマクカグラ ファンタジア・ロスト』をリリースし、目標金額達成以上のご支援をいただいた際はNintendo Switchでの開発を行い、ゲームをずっと遊べるようにしたい!!!

『東方ダンマクカグラ ファンタジア・ロスト』はスマートフォンアプリ『東方ダンマクカグラ』の移植版ではございません。







スマホ版『東方ダンマクカグラ』のポスター2種と、スタンドアローン版『東方ダンマクカグラ ファンタジア・ロスト』のポスター2種の計4種になります。1種のプランの方にはスマホ版『東方ダンマクカグラ』のポスターからランダムでお送りさせていただきます。



『東方ダンマクカグラ』に収録されたゲームサイズのアレンジ楽曲(120曲以上)を可能な限り全曲収録を目指して鋭意交渉中です。『東方ダンマクカグラ ファンタジア・ロスト』に新たに収録される楽曲の一部収録も目指しておりますので、楽しみにお待ちください。


〇お賽銭プラン 【3,300円】 <数量制限なし>


〇応援プラン 【6,600円】 <数量制限なし>「アンノウンX日記閲覧権」(開発日記)「アンノウンX会員之証(アンノウンX感謝ボイス付特製ハガキ)」「壁紙2種」「ゲームコード(通常版)※Steamキー提供」

〇満足プラン 【16,800円】 <数量制限なし>「アンノウンX日記閲覧権」(開発日記)「アンノウンX会員之証(アンノウンX感謝ボイス付特製ハガキ)」「壁紙2種」「ゲームコード(デジタルデラックス版)※Steamキー提供」「ダンカグオリジナルポスター 1種」「クレジット掲載(小)」

〇アートプラン 【24,800円】 <数量制限なし>「アンノウンX日記閲覧権」(開発日記)「アンノウンX会員之証(アンノウンX感謝ボイス付特製ハガキ)」「壁紙2種」「ゲームコード(デジタルデラックス版)※Steamキー提供」「ダンカグオリジナルポスター 4種」「アートブック」

〇楽曲プラン 【28,800円】 <数量制限なし>「アンノウンX日記閲覧権」(開発日記)「アンノウンX会員之証(アンノウンX感謝ボイス付特製ハガキ)」「壁紙2種」「ゲームコード(デジタルデラックス版)※Steamキー提供」「ダンカグベストアルバム(CD複数枚組)」

〇大満足プラン 【49,800円】 <数量制限なし>「アンノウンX日記閲覧権」(開発日記)「アンノウンX会員之証(アンノウンX感謝ボイス付特製ハガキ)」」「壁紙2種」「ゲームコード(デジタルデラックス版)※Steamキー提供」「ダンカグオリジナルポスター4種」「アートブック」「ダンカグベストアルバム(CD複数枚組)」「クレジット掲載(中)」

〇アンノウンXプラン 【999,999円】 <1人>「アンノウンX日記閲覧権」(開発日記)「アンノウンX会員之証(アンノウンX感謝ボイス付特製ハガキ)」「壁紙2種」「ゲームコード(デジタルデラックス版)※Steamキー提供」「ダンカグオリジナルポスター4種」「アートブック」「ダンカグベストアルバム(CD複数枚組)」「クレジット掲載(大)」「世界に一つだけの額装「アンノウンX」」

〇正体不明のスポンサーXプラン 【1,500,000円】 <8人>「アンノウンX日記閲覧権」(開発日記)「アンノウンX会員之証(アンノウンX感謝ボイス付特製ハガキ)」「壁紙2種」「ゲームコード(デジタルデラックス版)※Steamキー提供」「ダンカグオリジナルポスター4種」「アートブック」「ダンカグベストアルバム(CD複数枚組)」「クレジット掲載(大)」「実装アレンジ楽曲選択権」



いろいろな方々にお願いをして解決していかなければならないことはまだまだ山積みです。対応するプラットフォームも、もっともっと増やしていきたい。そして最高に盛り上がる「ダンマク祭」も開催したい。それには、皆様の更なる応援の声が必要です。『東方ダンマクカグラ ファンタジア・ロスト』としての再始動のきっかけが皆様からの応援であったように、このプロジェクトを大きくし、多くの方々へ届けていくためには、皆様の声が、力となります。












株式会社リュウズオフィスは、「東方ダンマクカグラ」においては、アンノウンXのプロモーションパートナーとして協力して参りました。「東方ダンマクカグラ ファンタジア・ロスト」では、アンノウンXのマーケティングパートナーとして、そのマーケティング活動を支援し、本クラウドファンディングについては窓口業務を担当します。

©上海アリス幻樂団 ©アンノウンX ©アンノウンX/AQUASTYLE・DeNA・xeen  inspired by 東方Project

▼English Translate▼
If you have a shipping address in Japan, you can participate.
If you do not have a shipping address in Japan, please consider using services that allow you to rent a Japanese address.

2022/12/30 UPDATE
Thanks to your help, we have reached the 3rd stretch goal!
The development of a "physical Nintendo Switch version" of the title has been decided.
Thank you so much! We hope for your continuing support for the project!
The funds will be used for the expansion of the project.

■【75,000,000 JPY/500%】New Theme Song Production & Playable in Game»🎊Reached🎊
New theme song will be produced by Kishida Kyodan & THE Akeboshi Rockets, Kayoko Kusano for "Touhou Danmaku Kagura Fantasia Lost" and will be playable in the game.

■【90,000,000 JPY/600%】New Gamemode »🎊Reached🎊
A new rhythm-action mode inspired by the original danmaku.
It is based on the "Danmaku Stage" of the smartphone version of "Touhou Danmaku Kagura" and reimagined for this title.

■【120,000,000 JPY/800%】Physical Edition of the game for Switch  »🎊Reached🎊
A Nintendo Switch downloadable version is currently in the works, but we will produce a physical version for the Nintendo Switch too.
*All game codes included in the “return items” are Steam Keys.

2022/12/2 UPDATE
Thanks to everyone's support, we were able to surpass our second stretch goal.
We are now able to【add a New Gamemode】
Thank you... Thank you!We will continue this endeavor with your help!
2022/November/18 UPDATE
We planned to draw and announce our stretch goals as soon as we reach our funding goal, but we reached 500% much, much faster than expected. Thank you very much for your support. We would like to set a stretch goal for the crowdfunding, to further expand the project.

Thank you for taking an interest in our project. 
My name is JYUNYA, Leader of Unknown X.

Sadly, Touhou Project official derivative rhythm action game『Touhou Danmaku Kagura』had to come to an end on October 28th, 2022. To everyone who was playing the game, I would like to say, sorry and give a big thank you at the same time. The game started service with the concept of being the “First Touhou Project Official Derivative Rhythm Action Game“ on August 4th, 2021, and was played by more than 5 million players. We saw and heard a lot of  voices and comments on how they missed the game, during the last official stream and many other places.

We want to release「Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost」as a standalone version (Steam), and if we exceed our goal, we will develop the game on Nintendo Switch so we can play it all the time!!!

「Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost」is not just a port of the smartphone version「Touhou Danmaku Kagura」

A story mode to rebuild the destroyed Phantasia by collecting Mitama Cards through your journey and a Free-play mode where you can play any song that you have unlocked are planned. We will build on「Touhou Danmaku Kagura」and make it even more entertaining to play as a rhythm action game.  

We would like to include the songs from the previous game as well, although some of them will not be included at the beginning, due to story.

All funds received will be used for game development and returns.
If the funds raised exceed our goal, we will enhance the returns and expand the supported platforms to make the project more satisfying for as many fans as possible.

Here are the Returns that will be delivered to those who support this project.
*Some return courses may be added when sold out.
*Differences between the Standard and Digital Deluxe Edition of the game
Additional DLC will be available after the game is released. The Digital Deluxe Edition will be a set of "the main game + DLC contents", and the DLC will include new stories and songs. All games will be Steam keys.

*Regarding the Danmaku Kagura Poster
There will be a total of 4 posters available: 2 from the App version of "Touhou Danmaku Kagura" and 2 from the standalone version of "Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost". For those who choose 1 type poster of plan, we will send you a random  from the smartphone version of "Touhou Danmaku Kagura" 

*Regarding the Credits
Your name will be listed in the credits.

*Regarding the Art Book
The art book is planned to be an illustration book containing past Mitama cards, character illustrations, art, backgrounds, etc.

*Regarding the Dankagu Best Album (Multiple CDs)
We are currently in deep discussion to include all  the『Touhou Danmaku Kagura』arrangement songs (more than 120) which was in the game. We are also aiming to include new songs specifically for『Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost』so stay tuned.

*Regarding the Arrangement Songs Selection to be included in the game
Only Arrangements, and not the original songs, can be selected.
The selected song may be changed due to circumstances below.
- Rights to the song are unidentifiable, or the holder cannot be contacted.
- The song is found difficult to use for the game.
- The song is decided not appropriate for this game.

・Osaisen (Offering) Plan【3,300JPY】
「Unknown X Developer's diary」「Unknown X Member's card (Thank you Message card)」「1 Wallpaper (Reimu)」
*This plan does not include Steam Key

・Supporter Plan【6,600JPY】
「Unknown X Developer's diary」「Unknown X Member's card (Thank you Message card)」 「2 Wallpapers」「Steam Key (Standard Edition )」

・Satisfaction Plan【16,800JPY】
「Unknown X Developer's diary」「Unknown X Member's card (Thank you Message card)」 「2 Wallpapers」「Steam Key (Digital Deluxe Edition)」「1 Danmaku Kagura Original Poster」「Name on Credits (Small)」

・Art Plan【24,800JPY】「Unknown X Developer's diary」「Unknown X Member's card (Thank you Message card)」 「2 Wallpapers」「Steam Key (Digital Deluxe Edition)」「4 Danmaku Kagura Original Posters」「Art Book」

・Music Plan【28,800JPY】
「Unknown X Developer's diary」「Unknown X Member's card (Thank you Message card)」 「2 Wallpapers」「Steam Key (Digital Deluxe Edition)」「Danmaku Kagura Best Album (Multiple CDs)」

・Super Satisfaction Plan【49,800JPY】「Unknown X Developer's diary」「Unknown X Member's card (Thank you Message card)」 「2 Wallpapers」「Steam Key (Digital Deluxe Edition)」「4 Danmaku Kagura Original Posters」「Art Book」「Danmaku Kagura Best Album (Multiple CDs)」」「Name on Credits (Medium)」

・Unknown X Plan【999,999JPY】<1 person>「Unknown X Developer's diary」「Unknown X Member's card (Thank you Message card)」 「2 Wallpapers」「Steam Key (Digital Deluxe Edition)」「4 Danmaku Kagura Original Posters」「Art Book」「Danmaku Kagura Best Album (Multiple CDs)」「Name on Credits (Big)」「The Only Frame in the World「Unknown X」」The Only Frame in the World「Unknown X」

・Unknown Sponsor X Plan【1,500,000JPY】<8 people>「Unknown X Developer's diary」「Unknown X Member's card (Thank you Message card)」 「2 Wallpapers」「Steam Key (Digital Deluxe Edition)」「4 Danmaku Kagura Original Posters」「Art Book」「Danmaku Kagura Best Album (Multiple CDs)」「Name on Credits (Big)」「Select an Arrangement Songs to be Included in the Game」

I have devoted all my energy to the development and operation of "Touhou Dammak Kagura". I still remember the day we decided to end the service and the day we announced it to everyone. This will stay with me forever, and I am truly sorry.

However, the power of your voice for the continuation of "DanKagu" led us to revive the project. The members of Unknown X agreed and gave us the opportunity to develop a new game, and I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. We would like to use all the Mitama cards that were included in the smartphone version, including those that had not yet been shown. We also want to try to include as many of the songs as possible.

We still have many things to solve and we need to ask many people for help. We would like to include more platforms to support as well. We also want to hold the most exciting "Danmaku Festival". For this to become true, we need your help. Just as your support was the reason for bringing back "Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost", your voice will be the power to make this project grow and reach many more people.

Please add the game to your Steam wishlist!

And if circumstances allow, please consider participating in the crowdfunding. Your support will become our strength. Please lend us your hand, for the reincarnation of  "Danmaku Kagura"

Q: Is it possible to support multiple plans?
A: Yes, it is possible. Please apply for each plan of your choice.

Q: Is it possible to support from overseas? If so, can Return items be shipped overseas?
A: If you have a shipping address in Japan, you can participate.
    If you do not have a shipping address in Japan, please consider using services that allow you to rent a Japanese address.

Q: Can I specify the arrival date of the Return goods?
A: No, you cannot. We will contact you through CAMPFIRE as soon as the shipment is ready, so please receive it within the specified period.

Q:Is it possible to return an item if it is defective or damaged?
A: Yes, please contact us through CAMPFIRE.

Q: How do I change the shipping address for items?
A: Please contact us through CAMPFIRE with your old and new address.

Q: Where can I use Steam Key (Standard Edition/Digital Deluxe Edition)?
A: It can be used on Steam. Please refer to the official Steam website for details on how to use the Steam Key.

*If you have any questions that are not answered in the FAQ section above, please contact the project owner via message.

<Regarding the funding method>
This project is All-in. Even if the target fund is not reached, the project will be carried out and Returns will be delivered.

<About this crowdfunding>
This crowdfunding is conducted under the permission of Team Shanghai Alice.

<Regarding the front of this crowdfunding>
Ryu's Office, Inc. has been cooperating with Unknown X as a promotional partner for "Touhou Danmaku Kagura"
For "Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost", Ryu's Office, Inc. will support the marketing activities of Unknown X as their marketing partner and will be the contact for this crowdfunding project.

©Team Shanghai Alice ©︎Unknown X ©︎Unknown X/AQUASTYLE・DeNA・xeen  inspired by Touhou Project





  • アンノウンX日記その11

    2024/12/07 18:00
  • アンノウンX日記 ~それから~

    2024/09/06 19:42
  • アンノウンX日記その12

    2023/12/28 20:00



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