My FaceBook polices about Friends are in essence the things 1. acquaintance 2. if you may not know or you've never met before, please message self-introduction and I can identify your being & activity. In JPN, 最近セキュリティーの問題がでてきたので「友達」に対するスタンスを明記しておきます。 (1)リアルでの友人・知人 (2)面識がない方も歓迎なのですが、その際は、メッセージと"あなた”の情報を明示してください。 あと、イベントなどのお誘いしかしてこない方は躊躇なく切らせていただいております。 Hi my Dear, I'm Career Consultant in support of Young people's issues, My interest : 1) working assistance and supporting for young thing, NPO/NGO in particular Intermediate organization in mezzo level. 2) studying Community development. International development and cooperation, re-definition and re-structure " Community" HIV/AIDS action in Japan and Upper North Thailand. 3) Sociology, Applied Anthropology, Ethnography, International relation studies, Southeast Asian Study, Actors Network Theory, HIV/AIDS studies in social science Biography March 2000.Toyama prefectural Yatsuo high school comprehensive course graduation. March 2004 Bachelor at The Department of Environment and Culture, Faculty of Creativity and Culture, Aich Shukutoku University. Oct., 2004-Mar., 2005. Laboratory room supporting staff at Department of Health Science, Speech Hearing Science Course, Faculty of Medical Welfare, Aich Shukutoku University. June, 2010 Part-time career consultant at Takaoka community support station for young working assistance . Sept., 2007. Master of Arts at The Department of Global Philanthropy, Graduate School of Creativity and Culture, Aichi Shukutoku University "Study on the HIV/AIDS in Developing Country : Focus on Thai Collaboration Policy among Governmental and NGO Sectors in Northern Thailand " submitted thesis. The Paper. NAKAGAWA Shohei, Bui Chi Trung(2008)"Study on the HIV/AIDS in Developing Country : Focus on Thai Collaboration Policy among Governmental and NGO Sectors in Northern Thailand " Bulletin of Aichi Shukutoku University. No.8 pp101-115. In Japanese.〈=jp&type=pdf&id=ART0008966879