
  • 在住国:日本
  • 現在地:未設定
  • 出身国:日本
  • 出身地:未設定

We will review your contribution for accuracy before publication. The price of PolySwarm is determined by a range of factors, including supply and demand, market news and events, investor sentiment, and competition from other cryptocurrencies. On January 13, PolySwarm (NCT) alongside Propy (PRO), Inverse Finance (INV), and Liquidity (LQTY) were listed on Coinbase’s full retail platform. Calculated by multiplying the token's Total Supply on Ethereum with the current market price per token. Numbers may be unrealistic if the onchain supply is much larger than the reported circulating supply. The current circulating supply of PolySwarm is 1.73B. This is the total amount of NCT that is available. How the SEC is Impacting Crypto Regulation: An Overview Investors can follow the performance of NCT on various platforms, including online exchanges and price-tracking websites like Changelly. By monitoring market news and keeping up to date on the cryptocurrency's performance, investors may gain insights into its prospects and make informed investment decisions.
