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  • 在住国:日本
  • 現在地:東京都
  • 出身国:日本
  • 出身地:未設定

藤田貴大が全作品の脚本と演出を務める演劇団体として2007年設立。2012年よりオリジナルの演劇作品と並行して、他ジャンルの作家との共作を発表。あらゆる形で作品を発表し、演劇界のみならず様々なジャンルの作家や観客より高い注目を受けている。 ーーーー Mum & Gypsy a theatre company founded in 2007 by Takahiro Fujita who writes and directs all mum&gypsy production. Takahiro has collaborated with the same actors and technical staff members most of the time while they are not the members of the company. The company present a production every other month. Since 2012, he started collaboration with variety of writers as well as he releases his own theater. He collaborates diversity of artists and present theater acclaimed by people in theater and not in theater both.
