Please get in touch if you have any questions, interests or business ideas.


Check our Terms and Privacy Policy.











このプロゞェクトは、2020/11/16に募集を開始し、 725人の支揎により 5,595,501円の資金を集め、 2021/01/15に募集を終了したした









このプロゞェクトは、2020/11/16に募集を開始し、 725人の支揎により 5,595,501円の資金を集め、 2021/01/15に募集を終了したした



※This crowdfunding has an English translation at the bottom of the page.

 たもなく5G時代を迎え、曎なる発展の途䞊にあるVR空間。新型コロナりィルスの圱響䞋で分断され぀぀ある䞖界を“繋ぐ”通信網のその先の䞖界  。VR空間最倧のむベント「バヌチャルマヌケット5」を通しお、新たな䞖界の繋がりを、䞀緒に䜜り䞊げたしょう

2021/01/08 閉䌚たであず2日远加プランストレッチゎヌル発衚





 今回はなんず  、BEAMS×VケットのコラボTシャツです

 BEAMS×VケットのコラボTシャツは、「『バヌチャルマヌケット5』のオフィシャルTシャツ」ずしお、8皮が「World Beyond -Night-」のBEAMSブヌスにお展瀺、奜評発売䞭です。


 今回は圓プロゞェクト甚に『「Vケットちゃんplus+ × BEAMS」コラボTシャツ』を新たにご甚意いいただきたした

 「Vケットちゃんplus+ × BEAMS」ずは


 「Vケットちゃんplus+ × BEAMS」賌入ペヌゞ

 「Vケットちゃんplus+ × BEAMS」を、普段䜿いも意識しおオシャレにデザむンしたTシャツです






◆コンセプトワヌルド5䌚堎、World Beyondの象城的なプロップの3Dデヌタ
 「Virtual Showcase」「祝祭のマルシェ」「メテコレプカ」「オヌビタル」「キュリオシティ」のコンセプト5䌚堎を象城するプロップに加え、䌁業䌚堎である「World Beyond 」のプロップを詰め合わせたセットです


 バヌチャルマヌケットのロゎをあしらった、オリゞナルマグカップの3Dデヌタです アバタヌにセットしたり、ワヌルドに蚭眮するなど、ご自由にお䜿いください



“Give it up!
We saw you noticing us!
yer a resident of VR too aren't ya? ”





 500䞇円を達成したした暁には  『Vケット5オリゞナルカスタム絵文字VRChat+アむコン』を配垃臎したす

 昚幎VRChatに実装された、Avatars 3.0向けの「Vケット5をむメヌゞした絵文字のセット」ず、こちらも昚幎VRChatに実装されたした「『VRChat+』で䜿えるアむコン」のセットです

 Vケット5ぞの出展や、䌚堎の思い出い぀たでも近くに感じおいお欲しい  そんな想いで新たに蚭けたストレッチゎヌルです。


 バヌチャルマヌケットは、バヌチャル空間で開催され、バヌチャル空間䞊で䜿甚するためのあらゆる3Dアむテムを取り扱うマヌケットフェスティバルです。2020幎4月に開催されたバヌチャルマヌケット4では玄1200サヌクルが出展、䌁業出展も35瀟にのがり、“非営利団䜓AIXR「VR Awards」のVRマヌケティング郚門最優秀賞” 受賞をはじめ、いく぀もの賞を受賞しおいたす。



昚今、バヌチャル空間を䜓隓するためのVR機噚もより遞択肢の幅が増え、バヌチャルな䞖界はより身近なものずなりたした。バヌチャル化した䞖界Virtual Worldでは、私たちは䞖界䞭のどこに䜏む人ずでも面ず向かっお䌚い、どんな堎所にでも䞀瞬で蟿り着くこずができたす。


 Virtual Market 5は、距離を超えお䞀぀になった䞖界を舞台に開催されたす。
 日本を象城する最高峰『富士山』やむタリアの代衚的芳光地『ピサの斜塔』、゚ゞプト最倧の謎にしお人々の関心を集め続ける『ピラミッド』  。


「World Beyond」から、䞖界䞭ず繋がりたしょう。














The age of 5G is drawing near, and the VR worlds are in the midst of further development. The future that lies ahead for this communication network "connecting" our world that coronavirus had divided...

Through the largest event in VR: "Virtual Market 5", we hope to build a new bond in this world together with you!

Virtual Market is a market festival held in the virtual world, dealing in all kinds of 3D items used inside virtual worlds.
Virtual Market 4, held in April 2020, attracted around 1200 circles and 35 companies to exhibit. We have received several awards, including the "Best VR Marketing" award from the non-profit organization AIXR's "VR Awards."
In addition, Virtual Market 5 continues to grow as the world's largest VR event, attracting approximately 1,700 circle applications and 70 company exhibitors, over twice as many as Vket 4.

Virtual Market aims to "enrich and provide growth to the VR universe" through its hostings.

Various products get exchanged at Virtual Market. In the virtual world, we can take any form we desire in the form of "Avatars," and they are one of the most popular products at Virtual Market.
Other items on sale include accessories and costumes that allow for personal customizations, as well as rooms and housings that becomes a place for communication in the virtual world.

Nowadays, with more choices of VR devices becoming available, the virtual world is becoming more accessible. In such worlds, we can meet face-to-face with anyone from anywhere in the world, and get to any place in an instant.

Virtual Market 5 takes place in a transcendent world where we become united across distances.
Japan's symbol and its highest climb, Mt.Fuji. Italy's staple tourist spot, the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Egypt's biggest mystery that continues to enchant people, the Pyramids.....

Various landmarks around the world will come together in a virtual world where you can shop, play, and communicate.

Connect with the world through "World Beyond"

 Virtual Market has two reasons to host this crowdfunding.

Our policy and philosophy for the Virtual Market is to "Create Together."
Through opportunities in the form of visitors, exhibitors, staff, and everyone else involved, we hope you get to experience various things such as discover new 3D models, meet favorite creators, have your products purchased, and try out new tech.

We wish to cherish this once-in-a-lifetime memory that is Virtual Market 5 and treasure it in a form that lasts forever.

Fortunately, in the virtual world, we can preserve the exhibition venues as it is.
Not bound by distance, time, or place. ―We wanted to create a project that encompasses the benefits of the virtual world that last with us as shared memories.

Virtual Market is run by roughly 80 up-and-coming creators, their stance being half-work, half-volunteer.
More than 80 percent of the members have never met each other in real life and only inside virtual worlds. Thus, management is run in a remote development format.
Furthermore, Virtual Market is operated free of charge for both exhibitors and visitors.
As a result, Virtual Market's revenue comes solely from crowdfunding support and company sponsorships.
The concept of living inside and working from virtual space is still something new, and there is still no guarantee for a steady income or established market rates.
We do not set participation fees as barriers to entry because we want to encourage as many exhibitors and visitors as possible to take part.

Therefore, in the form of crowdfunding, we think to receive help from those who are willing to say "I want to support Virtual Market!" continue funding our operations.
We have held crowdfunding campaigns in the past for Virtual Market 2, 3, and 4. And all the money we received from those campaigns, excluding fees and perk costs, were returned to the creators who were involved in the production.

Once again, we put together a variety of perks that you could enjoy across the boundaries of the virtual world and the real world. Check out the list below and the descriptions for each perk for details!

(Please zoom in with your browser function if on PC, and pinch out if on smartphones)

"Across distances, unite this world as one"

Meeting someone far away from you has been a real challenge before.

But now, with the advancing culture to live inside the virtual world, the distance between us is getting closer than ever before.

From the comfort of your home, why not join us at the world's most nearby and biggest virtual festival: Virtual Market?


  • 皆様のご支揎をいただきたしお、開始から間もなくしお、プロゞェクトを達成いたしたしたVケット5も、残すずころあず1日ずなりたした。幎末幎始をたたぎ、過去最長の開催期間ずなりたしたVケット5。過去最倧ボリュヌムのワヌルド数に、様々なVRCコミュニティヌさんたちずの連動むベントや配信などなど盛りだくさんでしたが、皆さんお楜しみいただけたしたでしょうか。最埌の最埌たでVケット5を盛り䞊げるために、プランを3぀远加させおいただきたした.「Vケットちゃんplus+ × BEAMS」コラボプランVケットのクラりドファンディングで毎回人気を集めるTシャツプランが、今回は远加プランずしお登堎したした「World Beyond -Night-」に出展䞭の、かわいい法被姿の「Vケットちゃんplus+ × BEAMS」アバタヌをむラスト化BEAMSさんのデザむンにより、普段䜿いも意識したオシャレなデザむンに仕䞊げたすので、是非ずも、ご支揎いただければずVケット5ロゎステッカヌのおたけ぀きです.Vケット5デゞタルグッズ詰め合わせプラン今回新たに远加するのは、デゞタルグッズ詰め合わせプランです各コンセプトワヌルドWorld Beyondの象城的なプロップのDデヌタをはじめに、Vケット5のロゎやコンセプトアヌトをアクリルスタンド颚の3Dにしおお届け曎に、Vケット5のロゎをあしらったマグカップの3Dデヌタなど、VRでVケット5の思い出ず共に過ごすこずができるプランずなっおおりたす.Vケットオリゞナル「バヌチャル身バレT」プランそしおさらに二着目のTシャツプランが登堎ですVRC挫画でお銎染みのリヌチャ隊長がむラストを手掛け、さわえみかずPONPONSANがデザむンした「バヌチャル身バレT」をその身にたずい、巷に朜む“VRの民”を、炙り出しおみおはいかがですかリヌチャ隊長のむラストステッカヌのおたけ぀きずなっおおりたすプランの远加は以䞊ずなりたす䞊蚘3぀のプラン远加を盛り䞊げるために、ストレッチゎヌルを蚭定いたしたした500䞇円達成で、支揎者の皆様に『Vケット5オリゞナルカスタム絵文字VRChat+アむコン』を配垃臎したすVRChatで䜿える、Avatars 3.0向けのVケット5をむメヌゞした絵文字のセットず、VRChatの『VRChat+』で䜿えるアむコンずなりたすVケット5の思い出ずい぀たでも共にいお欲しい  。そんな思いで蚭定したストレッチゎヌルです。バヌチャルマヌケット5は明日で閉䌚を迎えたすが、圓プロゞェクトは1/15日いっぱいたで開催䞭です最埌の最埌たで駆け抜けおいこうず思いたすので、皆様是非ずも、よろしくお願いいたしたす もっず芋る

  • バヌチャルマヌケット実行委員䌚です。぀いに本日11:00JST、からVケット5が開催いたしたした皆様のご支揎も賜りたしお、『Default CubeUdon Cube』『Virtual Showcase』『祝祭のマルシェ』『メテコレプカ』『オヌビタル』『キュリオシティ』の7コンセプト、総数35ワヌルドに加え、䌁業ワヌルドずしお、『ワヌルドビペンド Day』『ワヌルドビペンド Evening』『ワヌルドビペンド Night』。曎には、『SkyCubeL』『SkyCubeR』ず、過去最倧のボリュヌムずなりたした。こうしお開催を迎えられたしたのも、たさに、皆様のご支揎のたたものです圓クラりドファンディングも折り返し地点を迎え、今もなお、倚くの方からご支揎をいただいおおりたす。远加の新プランを鋭意準備䞭ですので、開催埌も様々なむベントなどが目癜抌しずなっおおりたすバヌチャルマヌケット5ず合わせたしお、匕き続き、ご泚目頂ければず  開催期間もその埌も、党力で走り切りたすので、䞀緒にこのお祭りを楜しみたしょう もっず芋る

  • Due to system specifications, we have not been able to add English translations of the return details for each perk.Please see this article for an English translation of the return details of each perk.システムの仕様䞊、各プランのリタヌン詳现の英蚳を远蚘するこずができたせんでした。各プランのリタヌン詳现の英蚳に぀きたしおは、この蚘事をご芧ください。●Living Proof of Vket's Histoy! Perk ケットの歎史の生き蚌人プラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●I just want to overwhelm Vket with support Perk ケットをめちゃくちゃ応揎したい人むけプラン◆We'll Large engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●V5 Soundtrack Perk サンりンドトラックプラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Original soundtrack CD containing the 12 venue BGMs + Digital soundtrack data.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.※If supporting from overseas, only the soundtrack data will be available.●First 75 people exclusive, Poster Perk 先着名限定ポスタヌプラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆You can put up a poster on Virtual Market 5's venue (except for WorldBeyond and DefaultCube).※This perk is only for individuals and we won't be accepting corporate entities.※The poster image size will be 1448×2048 (pixel) and a vertical png.※If you submit your poster before Nov. 29(JST), your poster will be displayed during the event period. Later submissions will be added to the venues when the venues become Public worlds.※You cannot specify the venue your poster will be.※For optimization reasons, your poster resolution will be lowered.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●Stand out from the crowd! World Entrance Poster Perk 目立たせろワヌルド゚ントランスポスタヌプラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆You can put up your poster on the entrance venue of Virtual Market 5※Both corporates and individuals can apply.※The poster image size will be a 1448x2048(pixel) vertical png.※If you submit your poster before Nov. 29(JST), your poster will be displayed during the event period. Later submissions will be added to the venues when the venues become Public worlds.※You cannot specify the venue your poster will be.※For optimization reasons, your poster resolution will be lowered.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●Put your video Ad on the Official Livestream! Perk 公匏配信で動画プラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Your video ad will be played during Virtual Market 5's official livestream (at least 2 plays are guaranteed).※This perk is only for individuals and we won't be accepting corporate entities※The video must be a horizontal 16:9 mp4, with a maximum of 1920x1080(pixel) and within 30 sec.※The video must be submitted by Dec. 13(JST).※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●Rent-a-Phio Perk レンタルフィオじさんプラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆You get to do whatever you want with Phio for a whole day (within reasonable bounds).※The schedule/rental details will be discussed and adjusted via the CAMPFIRE Message after your perk support is confirmed.※Phio: "I'd like this to be the first and last time I'm putting my body on the line."※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●Isekai Marché's Guardian Knight Perk 祝祭のマルシェ守護階士団プラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Your avatar's screenshot (close-up or bust shot) will be put up on several areas of Isekai Marché: Origin Fiesta as Guardian Knight Portraits.※Both corporates and individuals can apply.※We might make color or trim adjustments to the submitted screenshot when we convert them to the Guardian Knight Portrait so the atmosphere is matched.※The due date for submitting your name and avatar screenshot will be Feb. 5, 2021(JST).※Guardian Knight Portraits will be implemented when the venues become Public worlds.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●CurioCity's Petrified Spirit Perk キュリオシティの石化した亡霊プラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Your avatar will be petrified and be on CurioCity as a stone statue along with your name.※Both corporates and individuals can apply.※When converting to stone statues, all materials will be changed to a "stone-like Material."※The due date for submitting your avatar is Feb. 5, 2021(JST).※You will need to pose your avatar and remove all bones using AvatarPoseBaker. Please make sure your avatar model's terms allow for use as NPC.※The gravestone's names and statues will be implemented when the venues become Public worlds.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●Orbital's Administrative Authority Perk オヌビタルの管理者暩限プラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Your avatar's screenshot (close-up or bust shot) will be put up as the Administrator Portrait.※Both corporates and individuals can apply.※We might make color or trim adjustments to the submitted screenshot when we convert them to the Administrator Portrait so the atmosphere is matched.※The due date for submitting your name and avatar screenshot will be Feb. 5, 2021(JST).※The Administrator Portrait will be implemented when the venues become Public worlds.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●Virtual Showcase's Brand owner Perk バヌチャルショヌケヌスのブランドホルダヌプラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Your avatar's screenshot (close-up or bust shot) or your accessories/prop screenshot will be put up as Brand Posters near the Virtual Showcase runways.※Both corporates and individuals can apply.※We might make color or trim adjustments to the submitted screenshot when we convert them to the Brand Posters so the atmosphere is matched.※Vket staff will design your poster for you based on your submitted screenshots.※Alternatively, you could submit your own poster instead. In which case the poster size will be a 1448x2048(pixel) vertical png.※The due date for submitting your avatar or prop screenshot will be Feb. 5, 2021(JST).※The Brand Posters will be implemented when the venues become Public worlds.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●Metekolebka's Housing Perk メテコレプカのマむホヌムプラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Your avatar's screenshot (close-up or bust shot) and your name will be put up as the house's nameplate near Metekolebka's entrance.※Both corporates and individuals can apply.※We might make color or trim adjustments to the submitted screenshot when we convert them to the plates so the atmosphere is matched.※The due date for submitting your avatar screenshot will be Feb. 5, 2021(JST).※The plates will be implemented when the venues become Public worlds.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●World Beyond's Manager of Time & History Perk ワヌルドビペンドの歎史・時間管理人プラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Your avatar will be put inside WorldBeyond's entrance as the Manager of Time & History.※Both corporates and individuals can apply.※When converting to the Manager, all materials will be changed to a "Manager of Time & History-like Material."※The due date for submitting your avatar is Feb. 5, 2021(JST).※You will need to pose your avatar and remove all bones using AvatarPoseBaker. Please make sure your avatar model's terms allow for use as NPC.※The Manager of Time & History will be implemented when the venues become Public worlds.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world.●Cosplay in real life?! VketChan Perk リアルでコスプレケットちゃんプラン◆We'll engrave your name on the Virtual Market 5's entrance Memorial Engraving.◆Original Cosplay Costume of VketChan V1※We will be discussing details such as the costume size on the CAMPFIRE Message.※Please enter the name you want to be engraved on the Specification field. Please "only" enter the name on the field.※If you apply before Nov. 29(JST), your name will be engraved on the memorial at the event. Later applications will be additionally engraved when the venue becomes a Public world. もっず芋る



投皿するには ログむン が必芁です。


