2020/02/26 13:01

① 2019年 元旦のこと








About New Year’s Day 2019

It was on the first of January 2019 that Michiko Moriya, the person in charge of the tea ceremony, suddenly called me. 

What would she want so early in the year?

“ I am right now with ballet dancer Braulio Alvarez, he is planning a performance in Kameoka and you would be perfect for what he is looking for. Won’t you join us? “

Why is it that Mrs. Moriya’s ideas always take me by surprise? 

Three days later I met Braulio Alvarez in Daitokuji in Shinjuan. After showing him my work I listened to his idea for the performance. It got my attention right away and so I decided right there to participate. 

“With a flash of lightning, the blue and white dragon appears and its dance begins.” The main idea has not changed from our conversation from more than a year ago. 

And it is going to be grand! In order to portray this moment of light, I will prepare no less than 10 meters of canvas! 

Kazuya Yamaguchi