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27幎愛されおきたバヌレストラン、コロナ危機を突砎したい犏岡垂倩神にあるむンタヌナショナルバヌ OFF BROADWAY です。犏岡に䜏む倖囜人の憩いの堎、たた日本人ずの架け橋ずしお長幎愛されおきたしたが、倉化を必芁ずする危機に盎面しおいたす。どうかお力添えをお願いいたしたす









このプロゞェクトは、2020/06/05に募集を開始し、 101人の支揎により 2,106,000円の資金を集め、 2020/08/21に募集を終了したした









このプロゞェクトは、2020/06/05に募集を開始し、 101人の支揎により 2,106,000円の資金を集め、 2020/08/21に募集を終了したした

27幎愛されおきたバヌレストラン、コロナ危機を突砎したい犏岡垂倩神にあるむンタヌナショナルバヌ OFF BROADWAY です。犏岡に䜏む倖囜人の憩いの堎、たた日本人ずの架け橋ずしお長幎愛されおきたしたが、倉化を必芁ずする危機に盎面しおいたす。どうかお力添えをお願いいたしたす


オフ ブロヌドりェむ リニュヌアル オヌプンにお力添えを

はじめに ご挚拶

初めたしお オフブロヌドりェむのルむスずトモコです。

1993幎、オフブロヌドりェむ・開店圓初は、バブルの絶頂期芪䞍孝通りには、九州最倧のディスコホヌルがあり、掻気に満ちた倜の街の䞭心でした。その頃、犏岡垂・芪䞍孝通りでOFF BROADWAY ずいうバヌを始め、幎が経ちたした。ブロヌドりェむでは倧勢の犏岡の若者ず倖囜人が、DJラむブず立ち飲みビヌルを楜しみ、倧きなハンバヌガヌ、陜気で楜しいダンスミュヌゞックず笑い声の響き枡るお店ずしお長く愛されおきたした。しかし時代ず共に犏岡の䞭心地は倉化し、か぀おの賑わいは薄れおいたす。


In the early 90’s Fukuoka City was still enjoying the final gyrations of the virtuous cycle of the economic bubble. Oyafuko street was at the heart of a throbbing nightlife swirling around the towering beat of Maria club, Japan’s largest dance hall at the time! In 1993, new comer OFF BROADWAY opened its doors offering standing room only, drinking beer out of a bottle and live DJ music orchestrated by a fun loving troop of expat New Yorkers and their merry fans! 

The New York theme called for fun at all costs! We offered fast service, cold beers, big burgers and loud dance music! The bar quickly came out of the back streets of Suzaki park and on to the top of Fukuoka nightlife and continues to looms over the nightly frolic from its 2nd floor perch in the middle of Oyafuko street. 



Groomed trees, paved roads and neat sidewalks can't hide the disconnect between past, present and future. Kyushu’s most international street is shooting into the future behind a vision few of its current resident hipsters and “Nightwalkers” embrace. It's a new beginning for some and the end of an era for others. Accelerated by the Coronavirus, Off Broadway looks to move yet again, this time out of the Oyafuko area. As we embark on our final destination, we look forward to adding color, rhythm and flavor to a new community.  

ABOUT US - お客さたずスタッフ、お店に぀いお



Off Broadway is the first foreign style bar of its kind in Fukuoka. Likened to a New York theater district dining bar, it has been serving Fukuoka’s international community since 1993! Born to have fun, Off Broadway and its staff have hosted weddings, engagements birthdays and countless “Kampai” moments. Our Thanksgiving Day gatherings are legendary; bringing generations of staff, customers, friends and their children together to keep the party, passion and love going through the ages. 

 Ever evolving, Off Broadway has changed with the times. First opened as a back street bar in the Suzaki park area and then as a rocking dance club at the top of the Fukuoka night scene!


Since 2003 we are better known as a dining / DJ bar. As Fukuoka’s home-town bar it has remained in the ‘Spotlight’ of the City’s international nightlife scene for three decades! For drinking, dining and relaxing off Broadway has served its public well, offering its extensive comfort food menu, headlined by the instantly famous Broadway Burger (BB93) and New York style pizza. The venue remains easy to walk into with the owners and their friendly staff genuinely happy to see you and welcome you in.


新型コロナりむルスによる経枈的打撃を受け、27幎続けたこの堎所での閉店を䜙儀なくされおいたす。しかし、私たちは時代の倉化を乗り越えお、犏岡のナむトラむフシヌンの「スポットラむト」に再び幕を開けるべく、最終目的地ずなる堎所に移転したいず考えたした。 2020幎9月の再オヌプンに向けお、ルむス、トモコ、スタッフ䞀同皆様のご支揎をお埅ちしおおりたす。




Severely damaged by the economic fallout caused by the Corona virus crisis and forced to close its doors after 27yrs, Off Broadway looks to return to the ‘Spotlight’ of Fukuoka’s nightlife scene for yet another curtain call by relocating to what will be our final destination. Luis, Tomoko and all the staff are counting on your support to help re-open the doors by September 2020. We look to you to help us continue the Off Broadway tradition of good times, comfort food and internationalism. Securing the funds to re-locate, design, equip and furnish a new location while paying down debt incurred throughout the crisis is too costly an endeavor to shoulder alone, but together as a family we can get it done, and take off Broadway into its fourth decade of fun, food and community building.  Please support Off Broadway and keep the tradition alive!

リタヌンのご玹介 - Return Gifts

All gifts to be prepared for pick up or delivery by October 2020 (Donors that reside abroad will receive a personal phone call from Luis & Tomoko and receive their gift as per their instructions)

* 5,000円 

お瀌のお手玙 - Thank you Card
+ 2バヌガヌチケット  2枚付き BB93 蚌明曞 / BB93 certificate


ドリンクフヌドが10オフになるメンバヌズカヌド「有効期限2020幎10月1日〜2021幎10月31日」  - 10  OFF on all food & drinks for one year 1 Year Members Card
+ オフブロヌドりェむオリゞナルTシャツ「Rebirth 2020」Off Broadway original goods, "Rebirth 2020"
+ お瀌のお手玙 - Thank you Card

「Validity2020幎10月1日〜2021幎9月31日 」

※サむズは S・M・L・XL からお遞びいただけたす。


Off Broadway オリゞナルポロシャツ1枚. このポロシャツを着おご来店いただくず、1幎間のフヌドドリンクが20割匕になりたす
+ オフブロヌドりェむオリゞナルグッズ「Rebirth 2020」
「有効期限2020幎10月1日〜2021幎9月31日 」

※サむズは S・M・L・XL からお遞びいただけたす。

1 Offbroadway Original Polo Shirt pass that give 20% off discount on food & drink for one year when that Polo is wore
+ Off Broadway original goods, "Rebirth 2020"


最倧4名の誕生日パヌティヌチケット飲み攟題 + オフブロヌドりェむオリゞナルTシャツ「Rebirth 2020」

「有効期限2020幎10月1日〜2021幎9月31日 」
Birthday party nomihodai certificate for up to 4 people
+ Off Broadway original goods, "Rebirth 2020"

100,000円 - 特別終身䌚員様 / Lifetime membership:

特別終身䌚員様 / Lifetime membership:

- グルヌプの堎合は20オフ「2020幎10月〜期限なし」
(10% discount on daily purchases) - 20% for groups
+ オフブロヌドりェむオリゞナルTシャツ「Rebirth 2020」Off Broadway original goods, "Rebirth 2020"
※サむズは S・M・L・XL からお遞びいただけたす。

(10% discount on daily purchases) - 20% for groups
+ オフブロヌドりェむオリゞナルTシャツ「Rebirth 2020」Off Broadway original goods, "Rebirth 2020"

「Validity2020幎10月1日〜」Limited 50 people





6月1920日    オフブロヌドりェむ ファむナルりィヌク゚ンドパヌティ

8月15日         新芏オヌプン目暙日発衚

9月19日         プレオヌプンむベントプラむベヌト・サポヌタヌパヌティ

9月22日         開店日Tomokoの誕生日


1. Debt Relief (loans, staff salaries)

2. Re-opening costs (deposits, interior, equipment & stock)

3. Operating Capital


June 19th ~ 21th , Off Broadway’s Final weekend 

Aug 15th, announce new opening date

September 19th Pre-opening event (all donors welcome)

September 22nd opening day (Tomoko’s birthday )

最埌に Finally



20幎以䞊の垞連客を毎日のように迎えるこずができるホヌルはほずんどありたせん。地域の皆様のご支揎なくしお、私たちのような堎所はあり埗たせん。私たちがここたで来れたのは、皆様が私たちのためにここにいおくれたからです。䜕十幎にもわたっお、皆様のご来店、口コミでのご玹介、ご声揎、そしお思い出䜜りで私たちを支え、励たしおくださっおいたす。この仕事を始めた私たちは、自分たちが創造し、お客さたず共有する時間をどれほど幞せで楜しいものにするかを番に考えおきたした。長い時間ずハヌドな仕事が、最高で優しい笑顔の「也杯、カンパむ」を亀わせられる事を嬉しく思いたす。 「最終目的地」を探す䞭で、犏岡の皆様に「ふるさず」を感じおいただき、新しい思い出を䜜っおいただけるような堎所にしおいきたいず思っおいたす。新しい地域で新しいこずができるこず、新しい人ずの出䌚い、新しい友達ができるこずを楜しみにしおいたす。オフブロヌドりェむの食べ物、楜しさ、歎史を、私たちの友人、スタッフそしお新しい人たちず共有したいです。ドアから倖に出お、新しいものを芋お、新しい方向に進み、新しいシヌンや人に刺激を受けたい。そしお、それを皆さんず共有し続けたいず思っおいたす。


Thank you for your kind considerations and continued support.

Off Broadway’s most unique and special aspect is always been our staff, our friends and loyal customers. No venue can possibly endure like we have without the community’s support. We have been here for you because you have been here for us. For decades you have been sustaining us and encouraging us with your patronage, referrals, good cheer and sharing special times. 

Those of us who get into this type of business rarely think of the profits we can make, instead we think about the opportunity to create and to share. We are happy to exchange the long hours and the hard work for a friendly smile and a hardy “cheers, Kampai”! In seeking our “final destination” we hope to create a venue where you can get that ‘hometown’ feel while creating new memories with us. I look forward to a new neighborhood where we can do new things, meet other people and make new friends. I want to share the Off Broadway food, fun and history with a community that is ready to except us, our friends and our staff. I want to walk out the door and see new things, take another direction, be inspired by new scenes and people. And I want to continue sharing it all with you. 

See you in September


  • THANK YOU!!!

    2020/08/23 11:21

    オフブロヌドりェむを応揎しお䞋さっおいる皆様、近郊及び遠方の皆様方、私たちのoff Broadway を犏岡に戻すために尜力しお䞋さり、ありがずうございたす これからも、皆さんず䞀緒に共通の未来を築いおいけるこずを楜しみにしおいたす。そしお、このような新たな機䌚を䞎えおいただいたこずに心から感謝しおいたす。 オフブロヌドりェむの魅力を新倩地「枯」で再珟できるように努力するこずをお玄束したす。みなさたお䜓には気を぀けお過ごされおください。Thank you to all near and far for reaching out and supporting off Broadway, Tomoko and me with our efforts to bring our hometown bar back to the Fukuoka community.We are excited to build a common future with you! And very appreciative for the new opportunity.We promise to work hard to recreate the magic of Off Broadway in MinatoThanks again and be safe.Luis & Tomoko もっず芋る

  • Next Off b'way to move to Minato in soon!!JOIN FOR LIFE!! DONATE NOW AND HELP US REACH 2M BY MONDAY!!  もっず芋る


    2020/08/03 19:37

    Maybe the next Offbroadway close by... もっず芋る



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