※English translation message is at the bottom.
渋谷駅徒歩4分「ちくちくCAFE (Hedgehog home and cafe)」は、キッチン・ダイニング・ベッドルーム・ガーデン・和室など様々なシチュエーションで生活するハリネズミさんたちがみなさまをお出迎えしてくれる動物カフェです。
【住所】東京都渋谷区渋谷1-13-5 大協渋谷ビル2F 【営業時間】11時~19時
・お礼メール、ステッカー&缶バッチセット(国内限定郵送) 1300円
・1人分チケット 2200円(通常料金より20%OFF)
・2人分チケット 3850円(通常料金より 30%OFF)
・4人分チケット 6600円(通常料金より 40%OFF)
・貸し切りチケット 16500円(通常料金より 50%OFF)
We would like to ask for your cooperation so that we can continue to run our cafe to spend your time with the cutie hedgehogs.
“ChikuChikuCAFE (Hedgehog Home & Cafe)” in Shibuya is temporarily closed for the time being (sales 0 yen) to prevent the infection of the new coronavirus. We would be grateful if you could help us to take care of the hedgehogs, keep running the shop, and maintain the employment of staff. We appreciate your cooperation.
Introduction / Greetings
We are ChikuchikuCAFE, a cafe in Shibuya in TOKYO where you can touch and play with the hedgehogs.
In response to the emergency declaration, we have closed the shop business from April 8, 2020 to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections and to protect the health and safety of our hedgehogs, staff and customers.
We keep doing our daily routines to take care of the hedgehogs because there are many things that must be done to keep living creatures whether or not our cafe is open such as daily health check, cleaning of the shop and cages, management of feeding and medication.
We would appreciate it if you could help and support us.
What is “ChikuChikuCAFE” in Shibuya?
ChikuChikuCAFE (Hedgehog Home & Cafe) is an animal cafe, 4-minute walk from Shibuya Station, where hedgehogs living in various situations such as kitchen, dining, bedroom, garden, and Japanese-style rooms to welcome you.
You can take pictures, put them on your palm, give snacks, and enjoy playing with the hedgehogs.You can also purchase your favorite hedgehog as a pet.
We want to be a shop where customers from Japan and overseas can be “relaxed and refreshed”.
ChikuChikuCAFE has continued to operate our business having many customers not only from Japan but also overseas. (Originally 60% to 70% of the customers are from overseas, and it is expected that it will take time to completely restore the shop sales because the overseas travel restrictions are expected to last for a long time.)
It is the category called "entertainment" that suffers from such an unprecedented situation and is the first to be omitted.
But we think the world without amusement and entertainment is very sad and boring.
We upload the videos of our cutie hedgehogs on SNS on a daily basis (Please check them out if you like) to hope that we could deliver healings to you in this tragic situation a little bit and make you feel relaxed and have some heartwarming moments.
We will restart our business and make it a better shop as the best "refreshing spot" where domestic and overseas customers can enjoy and be relaxed when this situation is improved.
1,300 yen
ChikuchikuCAFE's original goods set (normally for 1,710 yen) will be sent.
3 Stickers (normally 100 yen each)
3 Can badges (normally 300 yen each)
1 Key chain (normally 550 yen)
* We do not ship overseas.
2,200 yen
Ticket for 1 person (20% off)
We will give you 1 admission ticket for normally 2,750 yen for 60 minutes and an original sticker when you come to the store. Please show the CAMPFIRE screen or the completion email to the staff at the store.
3,850 yen
Tickets for 2 people (30% off)
We will give you 2 admission tickets for normally 2,750 yen for 60 minutes per person (5,500 yen worth) and 2 original stickers when you come to the store. Please show the CAMPFIRE screen or the completion email to the staff at the store.
6,600 yen
Tickets for 4 people (40% off)
We will give you 4 admission tickets for normally 2,750 yen for 60 minutes per person (11,000 yen worth), 4 original stickers, and 4 can badges when you come to the store. Please show the CAMPFIRE screen or the completion email to the staff at the store.
16,500 yen
Private ticket to have the shop all to yourselves for 60 minutes (50% off)
We will give you a ticket of 33,000 yen worth to have the shop all to yourselves for 60 minutes. Advance reservation is required to use this ticket. Please show the CAMPFIRE screen or the completion email to the staff at the store.
2020/08/02 06:04※お送りしたメールと同様の文面を掲載しておりますこのたびは「ちくちくCAFE」の存続のため、CAMPFIREでのご支援をいただき誠にありがとうございました。スタッフ一同、心よりお礼申し上げます。営業時間やリターンについて下記にまとめましたので、お手数ですがご確認ください。【現在の営業について】様子を見つつ、感染症拡大防止の対策をしながら平日・休日共に短縮営業を再開させていただいております。営業時間は13時から18時(L.O.17時30分)とさせていただきます。 【リターン:チケット申し込みの方】予約の際、もしくは入店時に、ご支援いただい際の画面や返信メールにございます支援IDをご提示頂けましたら、そのまま入場いただけます。(※入場チケットの郵送等はございません。)【リターン:オリジナルグッズセット申し込みの方】梱包の上、配送を始めさせていただいております。すべて送り終えるのは8月上旬を予定しており、恐れ入りますがもう少しお待ちいただけると幸いです。改めまして、クラウドファンディングでのお力添えや、ご来店いただいた際のあたたかい励ましのお言葉をいただき誠にありがとうございました。今後ともハリネズミさんの可愛さや生態について、小動物の命の尊さ大切さを多くの方にお伝えできるよう精進してまいります。何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。ちくちくCAFEスタッフ一同 もっと見る短縮営業再開について
2020/07/07 05:10こんにちは。ハリネズミさん×ドールハウスのふれあいカフェ ちくちくCAFEです! 様子を見つつ、先月中旬頃から感染症拡大防止の対策をしながら平日短縮営業を再開させていただいておりましたのでお知らせさせていただきます。営業時間は引き続き 13時から18時(L.O.17時30分)とさせていただきます。 マスクの着用、検温や手指消毒など、お客様のご協力により平日営業を再開できることになりました。そしてクラウドファンディングでのお力添えや、ご来店いただいた際のあたたかい励ましのお言葉、本当に本当にありがとうございました。 今後ともハリネズミさんの可愛さや生態について、小動物の命の尊さ大切さを多くの方にお伝えできるよう精進してまいります。何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。 ちくちくCAFE もっと見る