● 世界子どもの日から世界自閉症啓発デーまでの4か月半、立川南口の商店街をブルーに染め「だれでも暮らしやすい街」を発信したい!
◆偏見や差別のない街を・・・ライト・イット・アップ・ブルー in 立川
◆ライトイットアップブルーin立川 【ペットボトルお絵かきイベント】2019.11.9
ライトイットアップブルー in 立川最新情報(Facebook)
We want to decorate the shopping street at Tachikawa south exit with blue lights for four and a half months from Universal Children’s Day to World Autism Awareness Day!
We want to illuminate it with blue lights to let everyone know this is "a livable city foreveryone”!
Light It Up In Blue ~ Let’s illuminate the shopping street with blue lights~
We are planning to light it up in blue!
Tachikawa city has “a regulation to make a town where people with and without disabilities can live together." “Tachikawa City is a place where it's easy for people to live together” which was mainly built by its citizens based on the idea that “a city livable for disabled people is also a livable one for everyone” and that ”Each person is different
and unique”.
Being that it's Tachikawa City, we think we can do this together with one or as many people as possible, and we think about "Tachikawa being an easy place where all children can live." We want to light up the Shopping Street with blue lights to encourage many people to come and see it and give them a chance to think about “a
livable city for everyone”.
詳細:「11月20日は世界子どもの日」ユニセフ公式サイト https://www.unicef.or.jp/wcd/
詳細:世界自閉症啓発デー公式サイト http://www.worldautismawarenessday.jp/htdocs/
● 一人ひとりが個性ある、大切な子どもたち。
Every individual is unique and all children are precious.
We want to make a livable city for all children!
Our city, Tachikawa has a child-comprehensive plan, ”Tachikawa Children"s Dream Plan 21” which is based on the idea, “A town overflows with the smiles of children and their cheers of joy can be heard”, and helps them to mature like themselves.
And Tachikawa City has “the regulation to make a town where people who do and don’t have someone with disabilities can live together” which was mainly made by its citizens based on the idea that “a livable city for disabled people is also a livable one for everyone” and” each person is different and unique”.
That’s why we think that together with as many people as possible, we can make Tachikawa City, "a livable town for all children”.
“Kirari Child Family Cafe” is supporting the child rearing of children with developmental disabilities.
“Kirari Child Family Cafe” is supporting the child rearing of children with developmentaldisabilities.
Are there any “people with problems” in preschools or schools around you?
Actually, “a person with a problem” is “a person in need”.
There are many children who have different ways of feeling and comprehending thing
differently from others, and who are slow to mature and aren’t able to controlthemselves.
There are many children who have these difficulties.
"Kirari Child Family Cafe" is supporting the rearing of those children who are in need
and those who aren’t. We are working to make a community where all children whohave no sense of trouble can grow up better.
Through discussions and nurturing study sessions, we are supporting parents who arehaving trouble with their children’s development.
In addition, at "Kirari Child Family Cafe", we are providing information and awarenessraising
activities so that local people can learn who are concerned about their children'sdevelopment.
Tachikawa"s Center for Children's Futures held a “Light it Up in Blue Tachikawa” for thefirst time on “World Autism Awareness Day”, April 2, 2019.
We held an “Autism Quest” event that was supported by the Tachikawa City Parents'
Association Caravan for Disability Awareness, "Hikoki Clouds”.
By many children and adults getting to know and experiencing the various personalities
and feelings of children with developmental disabilities and their difficulties, we want to
make it a city that is respected by each child and is easy for everyone to live in.
“Tachikawa Kirari Child Family Cafe” & Merchants’ Association are planning "Lighting it up with Blue" to pass on information to many more people!
By making many more people understand children having trouble in living, people will
have respect for children who have various personalities, and we want to make a livable city for everyone.
The volunteers of "Tachikawa Minamiguchi Nishidori Nishikai Shop Association” is whatlead to the thoughts of the “Tachikawa Kirari Child Family Cafe”.
We are working under the catchphrase of “Kindness to People, Earth-friendly Merchants’ Association”.
【Tachikawa Minamiguchi Nishidori Nishikai Shop Association】
“Tachikawa Minamiguchi Nishidori Nishikai Shop Association” is located near the south exit of JR Tachikawa Station and on the west side across from the Tama monorail, wecan see it from station concourse.
We are working under the catchphrase of “Kindness to People, Earth-friendly Merchants’ Association”.
We don’t carry out event projects such as big economic development projects in the area by ourselves, but we connect with the local community and help one another through steady activities such as “Eco painting exhibitions” in which we decorate street
lights with children's paintings and “Eco workshops” where we make things out of waste material.
We do the event projects especially for kindergartners, elementary school students and junior high school students, and also participate in the fundraising campaigns for victims of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the Kumamoto Earthquake, West Japan heavy rain etc. such as over-the-counter donations and street donations.
And also we hold “Recycled plastic bottle illuminations” every year.
From these “Recycled plastic bottle illuminations”, we came up with the plan of using blue illuminations for four and a half months from Nov. 20th, “Universal Children’s Day”
to Apr. 2nd, “World Autism Awareness Day”.
We are going to make the illuminations by connecting plastic bottles the members of
the community have joined together to collect and the children have painted.
That’s why we need money to buy new blue illumination lights etc.
We would really appreciate your financial support.
● 支援金の使いみち
設備購入費 25万円
返礼品購入費 円
合計 50万円
● 実行スケジュール
11月09日 ペットボトルお絵かきイベント 同時開催「手形でみんなのみらいと輝くまち」
(キラリっ子ファミリーカフェ主催 子ども未来センターにて)
11月20日 ライト制作・設置
11月23日 点灯式 16:00~17:30 立川南口の柴崎中央公園
11/27~12/20 アレアレア ラーメンスクエアにおいて
「手形で みんなのみらいと輝くまち」提出
(キラリっ子ファミリーカフェ主催 子ども未来センターにて)
04月08日 消灯
(発達障害啓発週間 最終日)
● 主催団体
【事業主体名】ライト イット アップ ブルー IN 立川 実行委員会
【Special thanks】Meat&Deli Cafe KIKU
● Schedule for 2019
November 8: Crowdfunding will start.
November 9: Children's workshop
November 20: Installed Light It up Blue in the street light of the shopping street
November 23: Start of Light It up Blue
December 25: End of crowdfunding
April 2: World Autism Awareness Day
April 8: End of Light It up Blue
[Sponsorship] Tachikawa south exit west street west society mall
[Co-host] Kirarikko Family Cafe
[Operating entity] Light It Up Blue IN Tachikawa Executive Committee
[Business Support] (as of October 18, 2019)
Tachikawa City, Tachikawa City Board of Education, Tachikawa City Social Welfare Council,
Tachikawa City Neighborhood Association, Tachikawa Chamber of Commerce, Tachikawa City Shopping Street Association,
Tachikawa Tourism Association, Tachikawa South Exit Shopping Street Federation, Community Development Tachikawa
● お問い合わせ先
●Currently only supports Japanese