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このプロジェクトは、2020/06/14に募集を開始し、 99人の支援により 1,175,000円の資金を集め、 2020/08/15に募集を終了しました








このプロジェクトは、2020/06/14に募集を開始し、 99人の支援により 1,175,000円の資金を集め、 2020/08/15に募集を終了しました



手数料0円から実施可能。 企画からリターン配送まで、すべてお任せのプランもあります!


歌声養成所One Voice Music Land代表ボイストレーナー(2004~)、ラジオ番組「川上真樹のMackie's Cafe」メインパーソナリティ(2008~)など務めさせて頂いております。



業務提携ミュージシャン、俳優、ダンサーのキャスティング、楽曲制作、スタイリング業務、歌声養成所One Voice Music Landにて講師の先生方のレッスンを通常運転に戻したいです。


2020年1月15日にニューシングルとして石原裕次郎さんの「夜霧よ今夜も有難う~Thanks Again Night Fog~」を英語詞カバーでリリースさせて頂きましたが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大により全国各地でのキャンペーン、営業並びに各主催ライブ、海外ではアメリカ公演などプロモーションが最も活発的となるシーンを全て奪われました。
それと同時にミュージシャン、俳優、ダンサーのキャスティング、更に追い打ちをかけるように外注で受けていた音楽制作、スタイリング業務の停止、もう1本の柱である歌声養成所One Voice Music Landのレッスンにおいては、3月中旬からキャンセルが相次ぎ、4月の緊急事態宣言以降は5月31日迄弊社内レッスン自粛期間を要しました。



またボイストレーナーとしては歌声養成所One Voice Music Landを2004年に設立、

2014年 株式会社Mackie-i-Lands設立。
自社レーベル「M-i-L RECORDS」では8作品発表、「いくじなし/さくらしめじ」(SDR)他、
ラジオ番組制作「川上真樹のMackie's Cafe」も12年目に入りました。

歌声養成所One Voice Music Land


ボーカル 井上昌己先生/Kayo先生(SKY HI & SUPER FLYERS)/近野"Chochi"剛先生

ギター 小金坂栄造先生 ベース のまぐちひろし先生 DTM/レコーディング 矢島直樹先生

基礎演技指導 飯島利奈先生 英語 Ginny Wilson先生 ダンス 真子先生


ミュージシャン、俳優、ダンサー、講師、スタッフの人件費、 オンライン業務化諸費用、家賃、光熱費など事務所維持費、CAMPFIRE決済手数料、リターン送料、ニューシングル制作費、制作スタッフ、関連事業者への返済、イベント中止・延期費用。



シングル「夜霧よ今夜も有難う~Thanks Again Night Fog~
    「My Dear
    「True eyes/闇を越えて


【川上真樹/Pink Arashi オリジナルグッズ】

川上真樹×Pink Arashi 20周年記念Tシャツ(S/XLサイズ)
川上真樹×Pink Arashi 20周年記念 ギターピック(ミディアム)
Pink Arashiトートバッグ


弊社主催ライブチケット ※会場での開催が困難な場合、有料配信ライブとなります。



【One Voice Music Landレッスン予約券】

One Voice Music Landのレッスンを受講する権利です。



2020年6月吉日 CAMPFIREクラウドファンディング開始

2020年8月吉日 CAMPFIREクラウドファンディング終了

2020年9月以降 ニューシングル制作費、制作スタッフ、関連事業者へお支払い。







Hello. My name is Masaki Kawakami, a neo-traditional singer. In addition to activities my activities as a musical artist, I am also the managing director of the music production company Mackie-i-Lands (from 2014), the main voice trainer at the vocal training school One Voice Music Land (from 2004), the main personality of the radio program "Masaki Kawakami's Mackie's Cafe" (from 2008). Now, due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, all of our business activities have been put on hold, affecting not only myself but our affiliated actors, partner musicians, instructors, dancers, stylists, and production staff.  Even though the state of emergency has been lifted, we are still facing a major business crisis. While there are concerns about second and third waves of infections, we still want to protect all our colleagues who are involved in the continuation of music and the performing arts.  In an effort to find the support that the national and local governments cannot give, I turned to CAMPFIRE, which I heard about from a friend.

The goals of this project

I would like for the work of casting musicians, actors, and dancers, styling, music production, and lessons by the teachers at One Voice Music Land to return to normal operation.  However, due to the uncertain situation, we are also looking into paid online performances and online lessons. If the target amount were to be exceeded, we would like to put it towards production cost related to the delayed release of Masaki Kawakami’s new single and compensation for the cancellation and postponement of live performances.

Why I decided to start this project

On January 15, 2020, we released an English cover of Yujiro Ishihara's "Yogiri yo konya mo arigatou ~Thanks Again Night Fog~", but due to the novel coronavirus, all the most important areas of promotion activity, such as nationwide campaigns, sales, live performances for sponsors, and overseas performances in the United States, have all been lost. At the same time, the casting of musicians, actors, and dancers, outsourced music production, and styling work, all of which was already suffering, was suspended.  As for our other business pillar, One Voice Music Land, lessons were cancelled one after another beginning in the middle of March, and with the declaration of the state of emergency, we have been unable to hold classes at our school until May 31st. Even after the state of emergency was lifted, it has been harder than I imagined to recover from this situation where the profit had dropped significantly, and I realized that I cannot protect our business staff under these conditions.

History of activities

Masaki Kawakami

Masaki Kawakami made his debut in 1992 with a rock band. The band broke up after producing one mini-album, and after many twists and turns, he moved to the United States in 1999 to pursue the music he admired most. He spent five days a week on the mic at various clubs. After returning to Japan, he started working as a solo singer both in Japan and abroad and released several singles and albums. Performing at hospices on the request of a fan at that time led him to become interested in social activities, and he now holds yearly volunteer performances including a charity concert for the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. He has decided to release his latest single so that the famous Japanese song “Yogiri yo konya mo arigatou” could be shared with foreigners around the world. As a voice trainer, he established the vocal training school One Voice Music Land in 2004, which grew only by word of mouth until it was incorporated in 2014. The school has taught over 3,000 people from 10 to 80 years old, including amateurs as well as many professionals such as singers, pop idols and voice actors who are still active in their fields today.

Mackie-i-Lands, Inc.

Established in 2014, it is a small music entertainment production. Our main work includes the casting of artists, musicians, actors, dancers, and lecturers, music production, planning and production of musical events, and styling work. There are 8 works on our in-house label “M-i-L RECORDS”, including “Ikujinashi / Sakura Shimeji” (SDR), and many other musical offerings. Production of the radio program "Masaki Kawakami's Mackie's Cafe" has also entered its 12th year.

One Voice Music Land Vocal Training Center

One Voice Music Land was established in 2004 incorporated in 2014. Currently, we have a corporate contract with 3 schools in Tokyo, 1 school outside the prefecture, and 1 corporate school. We are actively producing regular live performances, recitals, tour performances at Kizuna Clinic (Minamisoma City), and year-end hall performances. Our current list of teachers includes the following:

Vocal: Syoko Inoue / Kayo (SKY HI & SUPER FLYERS) / Tsuyoshi “Chochi” Konno

Guitar: Eizo Koganezaka   Bass: Hiroshi Nomaguchi   DTM Recording: Naoki Yajima

Basic Performance Training: Rina Iijima   English: Ginny Wilson   Dance: Mako

Use of funds

Personnel expenses for musicians, actors, dancers, lecturers, staff, online commercialization expenses, rent, utility expenses such as office maintenance costs, CAMPFIRE fees, return shipping costs, new single production costs, production staff, repayment to related businesses, and costs related to event cancellation and postponement.

About Benefits (Returns)

[Masaki Kawakami CD]

Singles: "Yogiri yo konya mo arigatou ~Thanks Again Night Fog~" "My Dear" "True eyes/Beyond the darkness"

Albums: "HOME" "Listen"

[Masaki Kawakami / Pink Arashi original goods]

20th Anniversary collaboration T-shirt (5 size S, 2 size XL), eco bag for cash register (50 black / 2 blue), pin (29), Pink Arashi tote bag and other goods are in development.

[Masaki Kawakami Live Ticket]

This is a ticket for a live performance sponsored by our company *If it is difficult to hold a performance at the venue, it will be a paid broadcast.

[Rights to host Masaki Kawakami Live]

This grants the rights to hold a live performance of Masaki Kawakami. We will meet your needs for songs and performance style in various forms such as band, solo, or duo performances.

[One Voice Music Land lesson reservation ticket]

This is a ticket to reserve a lesson at One Voice Music Land. Online lessons from all over the country are also available.

*For face-to-face regular lessons, it is highly likely that you will be asked to take thorough measures to prevent the spread of infection, such as hand washing, gargling, alcohol disinfection, wearing masks, keeping social distance, and the use of clear curtains.

Implementation schedule

June 2020 (date undecided): CAMPFIRE crowdfunding starts

August 2020 (date undecided): CAMPFIRE crowdfunding finishes

After September 2020:  Payments for new single production costs, production staff, and related businesses

Resumption of all regular business operations and distribution of gifts and benefits to supporters


To be honest, I have found it embarrassing to sell my own CDs, live tickets, and original merchandise through crowdfunding, and even call for reservations for voice training lessons, and my pride has made me hesitant to take these actions. However, the impact of the spread of the novel coronavirus has been greater than I could have imagined, and if exposing the pain in my heart allows my project to succeed, I am beginning to feel that it will give singers, musicians, voice trainers, and small business owners in similar circumstances the courage and hope to take a step forward. Is this something that we can do because this is a new era? It's time to go find the answer. On behalf of myself and the friends and colleagues involved, I would like to ask for your continued support and cooperation.

*This project will be implemented in the All-in method. Even if the target amount is not reached, we will carry out the plan and deliver the promised benefits.





  • ご支援者各位いつも大変お世話になります。12月11日(金)CAMPFIREの最終目的地でありました弊社主催の年末ホール公演を、入場制限、検温、手指消毒、換気など感染症対策を徹底的に施した上で無事に終了した事をご報告させて頂きます。今回の用途はホールレンタル代、スタジオ代、フェイスシールド等の感染症対策用品、当日の音響、照明、舞台監督への報酬、劇団小道具、その他レンタカー代、お弁当代など諸経費へご利用させて頂きました。お陰様で、ご来場下さった皆々様にもお慶び頂けましたようで、また出演者(受講生)、我々スタッフ陣も、新しい時代の中に希望が芽生えました。この日の反省を今後の糧に生かし、これからも日々精進して参ります。改めまして、ご支援ご協力頂き重ね重ね感謝申し上げます。株式会社Mackie-i-Lands 川上真樹 もっと見る
  • step by step

    2020/10/07 08:05
    クラウドファンディングで集まったご支援は現在、目標のひとつでありました講師の先生方を戻す事や、夢追い人活動の際の感染症対策などにも活用させて頂いております。改めまして感謝申し上げます。 もっと見る
  • little by little

    2020/10/07 08:02
    クラウドファンディングで集まったご支援は現在、目標のひとつでありました講師の先生方を戻す事や、夢追い人活動の際の感染症対策などにも活用させて頂いております。改めまして感謝申し上げます。 もっと見る



投稿するには ログイン が必要です。


  1. 2020/06/15 02:18

    ご支援者の皆様 この度は心厚いご支援を賜りまして誠に有難う御座います。 開始から24時間でこんなに反響があるとは全く思ってもおらず、昨晩一人残った事務所で涙を堪え切れませんでした。 そして、ここでのコメントが何より今日を生き抜く糧になっております。 大変なのは皆様も同じ。それになのにご心配をお掛けしてしまってる自分が本当に情けなく思います。 だからこそ恩返しの何倍返しが出来る日を目標に、歌道、這いつくばっても邁進して参ります。 頑張るぞーーーーーーーーーーっ!! Always 感謝so much, 川上真樹

