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ジェンダー平等な社会を作ろう/ #VoiceUpJapan


  • avatar ギリギリになってしまいましたが、先日のChoose Life Projectの動画を拝見して応援したくなりました!これからも注目していきますし、自分も動いていきます〜! byAoi Maejima
  • avatar 先日CLPを視聴してVUJを知りました。海外在住者で18歳の娘がおりますが、より良い社会に向けて行動している日本の若い人たちの存在に嬉しくなり希望が持てました。 byParis15
  • avatar We’re generation equality!! byTanaka210119

ジェンダー平等な社会を作ろう/ #VoiceUpJapan










このプロジェクトは、2020/12/19に募集を開始し、 306人の支援により 1,541,000円の資金を集め、 2021/01/19に募集を終了しました

ジェンダー平等な社会を作ろう/ #VoiceUpJapan







このプロジェクトは、2020/12/19に募集を開始し、 306人の支援により 1,541,000円の資金を集め、 2021/01/19に募集を終了しました



Voice Up Japanってなんの団体? / What is Voice Up Japan?

Our Accomplishments 今まで達成したもの 一般社団法人Voice Up Japan

Our Accomplishments 今まで達成したもの 一般社団法人Voice Up Japan

What is Voice Up Japan? / Voice Up Japanとは?  一般社団法人 Voice Up Japan

Voice Up Japanの始まりは、代表である山本和奈が、2019年に『週刊SPA!』の「ヤレる女子大学生RANKING」という記事に対して抗議の署名を始めたことでした。




Voice Up Japan is an organization founded by Kazuna Yamamoto in 2019 after starting a petition against a tabloid magazine that created a ranking of universities with female students that are easy to approach for sex.

Our mission is to advocate and create change through petitions, lobbying and peaceful demonstrations.

Furthermore, we educate people on urgent social issues through events and study sessions, & empower them to voice up and express their true selves by providing them with safe & supportive environments.

Lastly, we elevate the next generation of leaders by supporting them in building up student-led branches who pursue their own objectives in their respective institutions.

日本のジェンダー格差について / Gender Inequality in Japan


Japan is still very behind in Gender Equality where theres a new headline almost every other day whether it's regarding sexual violence, sexual harassment, gender inequality , or a sexist comment. There are many issues regarding gender that are barely hitting the headlines yet.

We don't want to just be angry, or try to raise awareness but want to create solid solutions to such issues.

なぜクラファンしてるか / Why we're CrowdFunding

私たちは、当時学生であったメンバーで、Voice Up Japanをスタートさせました。


今までの資金は、個人的に寄付してくださる方や、米国のグラミー賞バントBON IVERによる2 A Billionキャンペーンからの寄付などによりなんとか調達して参りました。

-記事リンク:Bon Iver、来日公演へ向けオークション開催 収益はジェンダーの平等目指すVoice Up Japanへ全額寄付




Voice Up Japanは設立以来、皆様からのコメントやアイディアを参考にして、様々な問題に声を上げて意見を述べてきました。今後の目標は以下の通りです!

We originally started Voice Up Japan when we were all students. Therefore, fund raising was extremely difficult. Speaking at international conferences and supporting student branches are not that easy. 

From administrative costs such as paying for our Organizational zoom account to hosting services and paying taxes, to transportation costs (as public transportation in Japan is NOT affordable), securing funding is a must for us to be able to focus on our advocacy & activism.

We've been able to come this far thanks to our supporters that donate to us from all over the world, and thanks due to the 2 A Billion Campaign lead by Bon Iver.

BON IVER's official Facebook Link:

Furthermore, managing a student branch can cost from about 150,000 to 300,000 depending on the project and activities each branch does.

We hope to spend about 300,000Yen on administrative costs, 1,600,000Yen to host events and organize projects in rural regions, 3,200,000JPY to support the 30 branches we plan to create (we currently have 11), 450,000JPY for the Media team to continue writing about local activists, and about 4,000,000JPY for new emerging projects such as the Same-Sex Marriage Project, Parite Project, Sexual Consent Project, and the Anti-Discrimination law project,

Ever since we have been founded, we have been carefully listening to the voices of the people within our community, and here is what we'd like to accomplish next year.

応援メッセージ / Messages 

Our current life only exists because of those that voiced up in  the past.
Lets support those that are raising their future for our future, and for the future of Japan.
-Yumi Ishikawa. Feminist, Writer,Actress, Starter of #KuToo Movement

By Raising our voices, we are able to put our thoughts into action and deliver it,
The society that we desire, which is a society where no one is left behind, is developed by us, by our voices and our hands, and I believe that it is possible to build.

Kazuko Fukuda - #Nandenaion Project Leader

Naho Ida

Leader of the The Selective Separate Spousal Surname National Petition Action

The 13th article of the constitution is a guide for everyone working towards gender equality, including myself.
"All of the people shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation and in other governmental affairs."
But to understand this, it is important to read the 12th article.
"The freedoms and rights guaranteed to the people by this Constitution shall be maintained by the constant endeavor of the people, who shall refrain from any abuse of these freedoms and rights and shall always be responsible for utilizing them for the public welfare.".
Our freedom and rights shall only be maintained through the constant endeavor of the people. It is our responsibility to raise our voices and shape existing politics and systems into more equality.
I believe that the work Voice Up Japan has done, is exactly that.
Achieving an equal society no matter their gender, raising against discrimination, fighting for more gender equal politics.
I will support initiatives taken by the youth to look forward to a world where everyone is able to respect each other.

Yan Fan
Code Chrysalis共同創立者・CTO

Robin Lewis
共同創立者 Mymizu
代表理事 一般社団法人Social Innovation Japan


手数料:約45万円 (14%+税)




開始日(2020年12月8日)  / Start Date 10th of December

最終日(2021年1月8日) / Finish Date 10th of January

商品のお届け(2021年4月まで) / Shipment of Returns : April, 2021

リターン Returns

・¥1,000 Voice Up Japan Supporter

御礼のメールをお送りしますWe will send you a Thank YouEmail 

・¥3,000 Voice Up Japan Promotor


You can receive a Sticker Set designed by the Design Team and Apparel Team. You can chose the set when the CrowdFund ends.

・¥5,000 (MAGAZINE + Sticker)



You will receive 1 set of stickers and a digital version OR a physical copy of our limited edition MAGAZINE created by the Voice Up Japan Media Team. This Magazine has opinion articles and interviews done by other VUJ Members and even Non-VUJ Members.


You will receive a bag made with a design from VIVID, the official brand created by Voice Up Japan. You will also receive the limited edition MAGAZINE and a Sticker Set of your choice.



For those who don't want any physical good but just want to cheer on Voice Up Japan.
リターンはなしで、VUJを応援したい方へ。お名前をVoice Up Japan Fighterとしてウェブサイトに記載いたします(任意)


For those who don't want any physical good but just want to cheer on Voice Up Japan.

リターンはなしで、VUJを応援したい方へ。 お名前をVoice Up Japan Super Fighterとしてウェブサイトに記載いたします(任意)


For those who don't want any physical good but just want to cheer on Voice Up Japan.

リターンはなしで、VUJを応援したい方へ。お名前をVoice Up Japan Ultra Fighterとしてウェブサイトに記載いたします(任意)


ロゴの入稿方法や配布物の案件に関してはクラウドファンディング終了後Voice Up Japanから各企業・団体様にご案内をお送りします。ロゴのデータは .ai と.jpg / .png データを両方をご準備ください。

※For those who want to know more about sponsorships and collaborations, please contact to receive more information. Once the Crowdfunding ends, we will send each enterprise/organization an email regarding more information. Please make sure you have your company/organizational logo ready in .ai and .jpg/.png.

・法人様用 / For Corporations and Enterprises ¥100,000 

websiteにロゴ記載・希望の法人様はSNS(IG Story, Twitter, )で商品やサービス紹介(3回まで)、イベントなどでチラシ配布(1000枚もしくはイベント3回まで)有効期限2021年3月~2022年2月

Publishing your logo on our website, promoting products or services via IG Story and Twitter (Up to 3 times)、Introducing the project or company at events(up to1000Flyers or max. 3 events).From March 2021 until February 2022

・法人様用/ For Corporations and Enterprises¥300,000 

Websiteにロゴ掲載・希望の法人様はSNS(IG Story, Twitter, Facebook)で商品やサービス紹介(合計10回まで)、チラシや配布物にロゴ(小)記載、イベントなどででチラシ配布(3000枚もしくはイベント10回まで)

Publishing your logo on our website, promoting products or services via IG Story, Facebook and Twitter (Up to 10 times), putting your logo on handouts at events and other opportunities.(up to3000Flyers or max. 10 events)).From March 2021 until February 2022.

・法人様用/ For Corporations and Enterprises¥500,000

websiteにロゴ掲載・希望の法人様はSNS(IG Story, Twitter, Facebook)で商品やサービス紹介(合計20回まで)、チラシや配布物にロゴ記載、イベントなどででチラシ配布(10000枚もしくはイベント30回まで)

Publishing your logo on our website, promoting products or services via IG Story, IG Feed, Facebook and Twitter  (Up to 20 times), putting your logo on handouts at events and other opportunities.((up to10000Flyers or max30 events).From March 2021 until February 2022

タイムライン Time Line

開始日(2020年12月19日)  / Start Date 8th of December

最終日(2021年1月19日) / Finish Date 8th of January

商品のお届け(2021年4月まで) / Shipment of Returns : April, 2021


Please support us and help us raise funds for a gender equal society where everyone can voice up. 

最後に: 学生支部からのメッセージ/Messages from our Student Branches


Please support us and help us raise funds for a gender equal society where everyone can voice up

今までの活動:ヤレる女子ランキングに対する署名活動 / The Petition against the "University Sex Ranking"



The "University Sex Ranking" was a ranking created by the Tabloid Magazine Shu-kan SPA! in December, 2018. They had created a ranking where they ranked the actual names of the Universities without any evidence .

Seeing that, Kazuna Yamamoto started a petition via and collected more than 40,000 petitions and just a few days. The petition and the meeting she had with the authors of this magazine generated a lot of media attention both nationally and internationally.

活動:性犯罪の刑法改正を求める署名活動 /Petition to change the criminal law against sexual violence

2019年3月、19歳の女性が実の父親から性交を強いられていたケースで父親が無罪になるなど、性犯罪について理不尽な判決が続いています。これを改善するために、 人権のために活動している他の二団体、認定NPO法人Human Rights Now、一般社団法人Springとともに、Voice Up Japanは「日本における性的暴力に関する法律改正」のための署名を集め始めました。書名趣旨は、「同意なしの性行為を刑法で有罪とする」ことを求めるもので、一年もせずに10万人以上の署名が集まりました。

また、就職活動中の学生に対するセクハラを止める活動に参加し、2019年の11月に記者会見を開き、国内外からの 注目を集めています。会見では、日本の就活生に対する様々なセクハラについて発表しました。記者会見はその後Twitterで大きく広まり、被害者たちが今までの経験を話せるきっかとなりました。


Voice Up Japan started a petition along with Human Rights Now and Spring to change the criminal law regarding sexual violence after hearing about the case where a man who raped his own daughter was ruled innocent. 

The petition was in favor of creating a law that was based on consent and not based on the existence of violence. The petition was able to collect over 100thousand signatures in a year, and they met twice with the minister of justice to advocate the importance of this law.

November of the same year, the Voice Up Japan team participated in a project about Shukatsu-Sekuhara, sexual harassment that occurs while job hunting. As the Labor Laws do not specifically protect students that are in the process of job hunting, the team organized peaceful demonstrations to allow people to know the horrendous reality of the students that are searching for a job.

After the press conference and the public comments (official comments you can send to the inner cabinet for certain issues), we were able to realize the amount of sexism, and gender-based violence in Japan. 

写真出典 一般社団法人Spring


  • 一般社団法人Voice Up Japan 理事の西村俊哉です。私たちが2020年12月19日から開始したクラウドファンディングプロジェクトが、1月19日(火)23:59に幕を閉じました。応援メッセージを送ってくださった、石川優実様、福田和子様、井田奈穂様、Yan Fan様、Robin Lewis様、元山仁士郎様、そして、鈴木萌子様、ありがとうございました。Choose Life Project様とコラボ配信でも、たくさんの反響を頂き、このプロジェクトに勢いを与えてくださいました。また、ご支援とメッセージ全て読ませていただき、毎回励まされておりました。支援してくださった306名の皆様、この度は、大変ありがとうございました!今後の情報発信は、以下からしてまいります。公式サイトインスタグラムページ一般社団法人Voice Up Japan 理事西村 俊哉 もっと見る
  • こんにちは!VUJ代表の山本和奈です。この度は、二人の方に、新しく応援メッセージをいただきました!「辺野古」県民投票の会元代表・大学院生の元山仁士郎さん。また、一般社団法人Start Up Lady協会の代表理事、鈴木萌子さん。残り5日となりましたが、引き続き頑張ります!みなさん、どうぞよろしくお願いします! もっと見る
  • みなさん初めまして、こんにちは。一般社団法人Voice Up Japan理事の西村俊哉と申します。この度、Voice Up Japanのクラウドファンディングに新しいリターンを追加させていただきました。詳細につきましては下記画像をご確認いただければと思います。クラウドファンディングの目標を達成するために、引き続き皆様の応援、ご支援よろしくお願いします。3,000円5,000円15,000円 もっと見る



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