2017/09/10 17:17

 今日は Doom の子供たちの就学率などについて説明したいと思います。
 Today, I introduce about the the percentage of school attendance of the Doom community.

 Doomの人達は、ネパール第4の地方都市、ビラートナガル(Biratnagar)の中心部のわずか 0.5ha (半径約40m、約70四方)の大変狭いエリアに住んでいます。
 The Doom people are living in very small area of the center of the fourth biggest city, Biratnagar in Nepal. The area is nearly 0.5 ha(5,000 square meters, radius 40m, 70m square area).

 Doom の人達が住む場所(Google Map)
 The place where the Doom living(Google Map)

 Nearly 980 people, 250 families are living in this small areta. This means each family is living in nearly 20 square meters(4.5m square area). In this small area, nearly 4 people are living.


 18歳以下の子供は約17%(160人)。そのうち学校に通えているのは約7%(10人ちょっと)。 学校に通えない子供たちは、遊んでいるか、日々の生活のために働いてわずかなお金を稼いでいるようです。
 Under 18 years old kids are 17% of their population, it's nearly 160 kids. Only 7% of kids(nearly 10 kids) can commute to school regularly. The other kids are just playing in their small living area, or the kids are working and earn small money for their darly basis needs.


 If their all parents earn money regularly, all kids can commute to school regularly! For that, we need to success this project as a first step!