いじめ撲滅動画 今日は自己紹介にあったいじめ撲滅動画について詳しく書こうと思います! ちょうど一年ほど前のことになりますが、映像部でいじめ撲滅動画を作成しました。そして嬉しいことにこのコンテストでは高校生部門での審査員賞に加え、視聴者賞(Youtubeでlikeの数で競う)をいただきました! テーマは「Stand Up, Don't Stand By」でした。メッセージは、「いじめを目撃した場合やいじめにあっている人を知っている場合、ただ彼らのそばにいてなにもしないのではなく、行動を起こせ。」です。 正直この動画を作るのにあまり時間がなく、3週間弱で0から完成まで持っていく形になったのですが、みんなの団結力がいい結果に結びついたと強く思っています。 主催者TELLによるページ:http://telljp.com/anti-bullying-video-contest/ 団結力 この作品を作っていた時につくづく感じたのが、映像を作るのにおいてチームの団結力はとても大事な要素だということ。 いいストーリーを作るのも、いいショットを撮れるのも、最後はいい作品にするのも、 チームのみんなが常になにかできることはないかと考えていなければ、できるものではありませんでした。みんなが動いているからことなんとか保てているバランスがあって、一人でもなまけてしまうと全てが崩れてしまうような感じでした。 それだけみんなが持っている一人一人の力と行動力がなければ映像は本当にいいものが作れないのではないかと思います。 この会社をやるのにおいて、僕はこれから作るチームでもこの団結力がなければいいサービスは作れないと思っています。 そのため、チームのメンバーが増えてきたら彼らと最高の団結力を作り上げ、最高のサービスを提供できるよう、最大限の努力を尽くします。 今後の活躍を是非見守っててください!よろしくお願いします。 いじめ撲滅動画: ご連絡はkopeko2016@gmail.comまたはツイッター (@kodo_kopeko)からお願いします!なるべく早く返信するようにします!
今回はコペコシールについてです! 想像が一番つきやすいシールだとは思いますが、予定ではこのようなデザインでお送りさせていただこうと思っています! 5cm x 5cm と言いますと、ちょうどMacBookなどのApple logoを覆うくらいのサイズになります。 コンピューターやスマートフォンの裏などにいかがでしょうか! 余談ではありますが、シールをどこで作ろうか探してる時に、KING PRINTERSという会社を見つけました。そして、先日KING PRINTERS様からシールや名刺などのサンプルセットを送っていただきました!シールの素材や大きさは思っていた通りだったので、ここでシールを作成する予定です! このようなテカテカつるつるの素材をコートPPと言うらしいのですが、この素材の5cm x 5cmで作成しようと考えています! なお、こちらのシールは3,000円以上支援していただいた方々にお配りしております! 「活動報告」はブログ感覚て書き、更新するといいというアドバイスをいただきましたので、これからも活動報告の方を更新していきますので、よろしくお願いします!
残り36日! リターンの方でコペコTシャツのデザインはお楽しみとしていましたが、なにもわからないままではどうなのかと思ったので、 こちらがTシャツデザインの案です! なお、Tシャツは8,000円以上支援していただいた方々にお配りしておりますが、「Tシャツのみ」というリターンを4,000円で追加する予定ですので、 その審査が通過するのをもうしばらくお待ち下さい! シールの詳細や、他の情報も活動報告の方で随時お知らせしますので、 よろしくお願いします!
昨日(3/25)のことにはなってしまいますが、CAMP FIREでプロジェクトを公開してから一週間が経過しました! それに加え、お二人の方にパトロンになっていただき、とても感動しました! 新しくパトロンになってくださった方々は・hbkr様・Jumpei Mouri様 です!スタートダッシュの時は友達の間では知ってもらえたものの、会ったことのない方々にまで見ていただくチャンスがなかなか作れなかったのですが、 主にツイッターを通していろんな方に知ってもらえるようになりました! 残り36日! いろいろな方法を考えてこのページを修正したり、拡散するよう最大限の努力を尽くしますので、よろしくお願いします!
■Introduction Hello, my name is Kodo Sugawara (17), who is about to start the last year of high school from April! When I was in 9th grade, I created a short slideshow of our school trip for my class. From this point on, I became more and more interested in film, and started a Film Club at the beginning of 10th grade with my friends. We created a variety of videos there, mainly for film contests. And now, I am here to create a company, to make a place for myself where I can improve the skills I have built up on film! Anti-Bullying Video from the Film Club: ■Why I Started This Project I am collecting donations in order to start a video editing company called "KOPEKO". This company edits the videos and pictures given from the customers, and return it back as a finished version. Unlike the other video editing companies though, we not only edit the videos, but can also add English translations or Japanese translations as subtitles of the video. Since I have been raised as a bilingual, not only I am able to speak Japanese and English, I am able to read and write like a native speaker of English. This is why I want to reach out to customers abroad, in International schools, and to Foreign-owned enterprises in Japan. We will still be open to the customers in Japan though, since this is the base of where we will start. In the future, I plan to make it a company where we plan, shoot, and edit the videos for our customers. In addition to this, the service will all be done by high school students. Through this project, I am trying to collect donations in order to create and start the company. Also, I want more people to know about what I am about to do, which could come true by creating this project on CAMP FIRE. ■Why High School? When I started 11th grade, I looked for an internship related to film so that I could build up more experience. It couldn't be a job though, since my school does not allow students to have part-time jobs. Some teachers helped me out when looking for internships, but most of them were only for university students. In addition to that, there were close to no internships that are film related. I was able to enjoy and build up my skill on film in my club, but I wasn't and still can't experience the real hardships that are in internships and in companies. Although I couldn't be in an environment with professionals, I instead did my best in the Film Club and made the best effort to build my skills. During that time, I had an offer from one of my relatives asking me if I could edit a video for them. They offered me this job because they knew how even at the point of being a high school student, I had the skills to create something good. They trusted me for the fact that I could do video editing, and even at a level that is similar to what the professionals can make. It was easier for them to ask me because I was a high school student. This is when I thought that there could be a company that can edit videos that only have high school students, and keep the price low and accessible for the customers. If I could also have high school members come in as internships, they will have the opportunity to build up their experience just in the way that I wanted to. In addition to that, this service will create and opportunity for the world to know that we as high school students have high skills. From the fact that we are all high school students, this may bring attention to the people around us, and make it an opportunity to get everyone to know that we can do it too. This is why I want to start this company now, at the point where I am still a high school student. ■Why Company? When doing this form of service, it is harder for me to be trusted because I am only a high school student. Even in other form of jobs, it is harder to gain the trust If I decide to do something on my own at this age. In order to solve this problem, I thought that it was best to create a company and make this service official and trustable. At the same time, Since I am interested in both film and business, this will become a place for me to manage a company on my own. I thought it would become an opportunity for me to improve my skills on film as well. Also, I thought that this should not only be a place for my experience, but also a place for other high school students to challenge what they're interested in through internships. Many of the high school students now have high skills with the use of computers and can use various types of soft wares. In order to create a place for them, I believe that this service should be in a form of a company for their parents to feel safe. ■A Suitable Environment For Creation If there are other high school students who are interested in film like me, I would like to welcome them in to this service, and work together as a team. I believe that creating this environment will become a valuable experience for me, as well as the others in the team. If this becomes something that will allow the students including me, to have their future clearer than before, I believe that this will not only have value to the customers, but also to us high school students. ■Difference Between Others Other video editing companies set the price to a high cost. Unlike those companies, I plan to keep the prices low since the videos will be created by high school students instead of adults. In addition to that, we will include English/Japanese translations in the videos for those who wish to have them. We believe that this is our greatest advantage and the greatest difference between the others. ■Future Goals When extending the scale of this business in the future, we plan to create the same environment in different parts of the country. Since videos and pictures can be sent as data through the Internet anywhere, we think that this will be a possibility as well. ■How The Donation Will Be Used In order to start this service, I need the money to create a company. Therefore, the donations that have been collected through CAMP FIRE will be used towards registering the company. Thank you for reading to the end, and please donate if you can!