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キャンプファイヤー 寄付型のバッヂ

NPO法人Tier Heim KOKUAです。今この瞬間も殺処分の恐怖に怯えている命、家族を失った命、心無い人間からの虐待に耐え私達の助けを必要とする小さな命たちの存在が後を絶ちません。現在のシェルターを増設する事で一頭でも多くの命を救えます。シェルター増設資金を募るプロジェクトに力を貸して下さい。









このプロジェクトは、2022/07/25に募集を開始し、 644人の支援により 5,744,500円の資金を集め、 2022/10/11に募集を終了しました


キャンプファイヤー 寄付型のバッヂ








このプロジェクトは、2022/07/25に募集を開始し、 644人の支援により 5,744,500円の資金を集め、 2022/10/11に募集を終了しました

NPO法人Tier Heim KOKUAです。今この瞬間も殺処分の恐怖に怯えている命、家族を失った命、心無い人間からの虐待に耐え私達の助けを必要とする小さな命たちの存在が後を絶ちません。現在のシェルターを増設する事で一頭でも多くの命を救えます。シェルター増設資金を募るプロジェクトに力を貸して下さい。


TO BEGIN WITHNPO Tier Heim KOKUA has decided to participate in this project to save even more lives and raise public awareness of Japan's current animal welfare issues. To fulfill these goals, we want to expand our shelter in Harajuku, where many people of different generations and international backgrounds gather.NPO Tier Heim KOKUA is a loving shelter for dogs. Throughout our journey, we have taken responsibility for the lives we have saved and have actively addressed the issue of animal welfare through rescuing and hosting educational activities. We are working daily to help better animals' lives, including those living in kill shelters, abused and abandoned by heartless people, and those found in disaster areas and crime scenes. At Kokua, we have two goals that branch into systematic and social justice. In terms of the Japanese animal welfare system, we want to abolish the culling of dogs and cats, prohibit animal sales and ban animal abuse. Regarding social animal welfare, we want to create a comfortable and welcoming society for both humans and pets. Although the number of pet euthanizations has decreased in recent years, irresponsible owners still abandon many cats and dogs.We are working 365 days a year to be the voice for the voiceless so that one day we can proudly present Japan as an animal-friendly country.   What We Want To SolveIn recent years, the number of new dog owners has been on the rise due to the pet boom caused by the coronavirus epidemic.The increase in pet owners means an increase in the number of dogs being bred. What seems like an innocent and cute pet store is rooted in dark and abusive industries that handle "breeding animals," the parents of these puppies and kittens. At these unscrupulous breeding sites, breeding animals are locked up in tattered and cramped cages with their own waste There are also cases where dogs are not neutered and spayed, resulting in the mass increase of dogs. In this situation, the household or owner almost always leaves the dogs malnourished and in dire condition.  With easier access to pets through pet shops, it is easier to abandon pets. Every day we receive calls from dog owners demanding us to take their dogs because for unjust and illogical reasons. If we or other organizations don’t rescue the dogs, these dog owners usually put their pets in the kill shelter as a last resort. And if no one rescues the dog within a week, they are euthanized at the facility. This is the reality of the pet business in Japan. (参照:環境省自然環境局総務課動物愛護管理室) Tier Heim KOKUA works to tackle the "abolishment of pet euthanization, prohibition of the sale of live cats and dogs, and prohibition of animal abuse." Although we take pride in being one of the few animal shelters in the center of Tokyo, of course, this location has consequences—space being one of the largest problems. To provide proper care for each of our shelter dogs, we have to control the number of dogs we shelter in order to make the most of the available space we currently have. This make it very difficult to rescue all the dogs at the site, especially when rescue requests ask to shelter ten dogs at once. Furthermore, with the different personalities and characteristics of each dog, it is essential to separate those that do not get along. Therefore, to rescue many dogs, we need a larger shelter than we have now.      WHAT WE WANT TO ACCOMPLISH THROUGH THIS PROJECT  Although dog euthanization has been on the decrease, the number dog abandonment has never shown great improvement. Although we try to provide shelter dogs with as much free space as possible, the reality is that we are always on the edge of our means, both physically and financially. In 2021, the Animal Protection Law will be revised and enforced, and numerical regulations on cage size, etc. will be established. In Germany, an animal-loving country, facilities (Tierheim) are designed to understand the nature of animals and provide them with a comfortable environment. At Tier Heim KOKUA, we do not keep shelter dogs in cages. Although we try our best to prevent fights between dogs that are incompatible with each other, sharing space with conflicting animals isn’t easy. With new and socially unaware puppies constantly nagging veteran shelter dogs, we fear that both dogs would build up stress. With more space at the shelter, it will be a lot easier to raise, train, and rehabilitate dogs in a spacious area. Also, in the event of a disaster, the shelter will be able to provide ample space for evacuation guidance. Rescued dogs are often abused, sick, or injured by humans, thus medical support is essential. If a second space can be secured at the shelter, an environment suitable for post-operative rehabilitation can be prepared, and the dogs can spend time in a mentally calm environment. Also, senior dogs, which are prone to sudden changes in health, can recuperate slowly. We can also take measures against infectious diseases and can respond to sudden rescues. Emotionally traumatized dogs lose trust in humans. They either result in violent behavior where they growl and bite, or they result in anxious behavior where they refuse to eat, walk, or even catch eye contact. However, to give them their second life as new dogs, we must mentally care for and allow them to trust humans once again. With more space at the shelter, we hope to set up training spaces for positive experiences and interactions with humans. Many shelter dogs find it hard to settle down in typical pet hotels or trimming salons. Moreover, if the shelter dog is old, they are more likely to show aggressive behavior. These types of dogs are often refused by pet hotels. Therefore, the expansion of Tier Heim KOKUA's trimming and care space will enable us to continue to support dogs with aggression and help their owners foster a better relationship with their pets. By setting up a shelter in Harajuku—a town full of individuality that is not bound by genre, nationality, or gender—we will be able to educate people of all ages. By answering the curiosities of those with no prior education on animal welfare, we hope to nurture animal activists and subsequently create a comfortable and justifiable society for humans and animals. We want prospective foster parents to be able to see the dogs inside the shelter, where they can see their everyday lives. However, due to our inability to secure a suitable location, we only hold meetings with prospective foster parents outside the shelter. Outdoors, it is sometimes difficult for people to observe the dogs in their normal state due to nervousness or excitement. We believe that if we can hold the meet-and-greet in a calm and familiar place, we can minimize the anxiety and stress of the shelter dogs. In addition, by increasing the number of meets and greets and making new connections, we will be able to send more dogs into new homes and rescue more dogs from heartbreaking stories. In order to reach our ultimate goal of abolishing the culling of pets, we need more supporters and advocates by our side. By expanding our facilities and improving the environment of our shelter, we will be able to improve the quality of care for the dogs and attract more people to support our activities. Tier Heim KOKUA is purposely placed at the center of Tokyo, in Harajuku. By being under the natural spotlight of the city, we hope to become the model for animal care facilities and industries. We want educate people about animal welfare and shed light on the grim reality of Japan’s pet industry. In the future, we also hope that the improvement of animal welfare will put in law a system in which only those who are qualified for proper ownership are allowed to own animals. 参照:改正動物愛護管理法 数値規制の解説(環境省) Volunteer’s Comment   HOW WE PLAN TO SPEND THE MONEY initial lease contract fee 2,500,000 yenInterior construction cost 1,500,000 yenEquipment fee 505,000 yenCrowdfunding fee (9% + tax not included)450,000 yen + 45,000 (tax) Total 495,000 yen  SCHEDULE Early July Crowdfunding beginsEarly August Lease contract signedEarly August Interior constructionMid-August On-site inspectionMid-August Shelter dogs enter the buildingEarly September TierHeim KOKUA ANNEX completion unveilingLate September Return shipment (About the campaign method)This project will be implemented on an all-in basis. Even if the target amount is not reached, the project will be carried out and returns will be delivered.  What We DoTier Heim KOKUA is actively involved in rescuing and caring for shelter dogs from animal welfare centers, homes, and unethical breeders. We are also engaged in outreach activities such as protesting, teaching life lessons to students, and hosting educational activities to educate people in Japan about the harsh realities of animal cruelty. RESCUE Tier Heim KOKUA rescues a wide variety of dogs, including those that are sick, have biting problems, are old, or malnourished...we do not discriminate.The dogs' lives’ are no different from puppies sold in pet stores, but many of them are easily thrown away and/or killed. Some owners impulsively buy a dog or cat from a pet store and then abandon them for selfish reasons such as 1. it is not what I expected, 2. it’s is difficult to tame, 3. It’s too noisy, 4. the puppy’s sick. Although It is heartless humans who threaten the small lives of innocent dogs and cats, it is also us humans who can save the lives of dogs and cats.    MEDICAL CAREDogs at Kokua have check-ups every so often done by a reliable veterinarian. Each dog receives appropriate treatment such as surgery, vaccinations, microchipping, care for skin diseases, and all other medical care in order to stay healthy. In addition to medical care, we also provide natural therapies to enhance the natural healing power of each animal according to its condition.    SKIN/FUR CARE Many rescued dogs are extremely matted or have skin diseases due to abuse and neglect and poor sanitation. Their skin may be inflamed due to the feces and urine that have been on their fur for a long period of time. Here at Kokua, the animals are trimmed and cared for by volunteers who are certified trimmers, etc. There are instances where we have found over 1,000 fleas attached to a single dog, causing them to endanger their lives from the lack of blood in their body. Skin diseases require long-term care, but all of Tier Heim KOKUA's shelter dogs have been cared for and their severe skin diseases have been corrected.    NUTRITIOUS DIETEvery day we make food specifically catered for each dog, based on their weight, diet, nutrition, and condition. We also devise fun menus to please the shelter dogs, who look forward to their morning and evening meals here REHABILITATION OF SHELTER DOGS Tier Heim KOKUA rescues dogs from a variety of situations. Dogs that have never been walked outside since birth, dogs that have never been put on a collar or leash, dogs that have been abused by their owners, and dogs that have been rescued from abandoned homes. Thus, most of them have a fear of humans. We take the time to build a trusting relationship with each of these dogs by providing emotional care. Even the worst biting dogs can be turned back into well behaved dogs once they start believing in us. Even for those who were given up as unable to walk, we do our best to bring out their potential to walk once again.   REHABILITATION OF OLD/SICK DOGSSome of our shelter dogs have undergone major surgeries or need concentrated care. However,  no matter what their situation is, all the dogs rescued from Tier Heim KOKUA are cared for with love. There were instances in the past where the vets were so amazed by the level of recovery made by our shelter dogs.      ADOPTION PROCESSWe only allow the adoption from foster families who promise to keep their dog as a member of the family for the rest of their lives with love and responsibility. Some of our shelter dogs are deeply traumatized by humans and panic at the slightest noise. In addition, due to COVID-19 protocols, we can only allow one family to meet the dog per session.During the meeting, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire to determine whether or not the dog meets the transfer requirements specified by our organization, and after determining the dog's characteristics and compatibility with the family, we will proceed to a trial period. During the trial period, we will be in contact with the family every day to share information about the dog and to provide 24-hour support for any concerns the family may have. We will keep in touch with the family regularly, not only during the trial period, but also after the actual transfer, both in Japan and overseas, to ensure that both the dog and the family are comfortable and happy.  EDUCATIONEducation for children, life lessons, lecturesWe give lectures on the importance of life, the importance of animals as family members, morality, and animal welfare to elementary, junior high, senior high school students, as well as to vocational students, and adults, etc. Depending on the age and need, we visit schools, companies, and other places upon request. In addition, students from all over Japan come to Tier Heim KOKUA's shelter to take classes on life. Many students from international schools are also active as volunteer members of the student club, learning about the importance of life and improving animal welfare issues in Japan. OUTREACH ACTIVITIES AND PROTESTSWe are taking action against the following:the sale of animals by unethical breeders and pet storesthe killing of animals at animal welfare centers and public health centers nationwideanimal abuseThere is still much exploitation of animals in Japan that is not well known. We encourage people in Japan and abroad to raise awareness and take action to eliminate the neglect and belittlement of animals.ABUSE PATROLWe have formed the "Wannyan Patrol" to patrol the area for the purpose of early detection and prevention of animal abuse.Animal abuse occurs in our daily lives. Neglect and indoor violence are difficult to notice and difficult to report. In many cases, people do not know where to report animal abuse even after they have found the scene, so they leave the situation as it is. In order to prevent such cases, when we receive a report of abuse, we report it to the police or government authorities. Within our jurisdiction, we search for lost dogs, cooperate in the protection of dogs that have escaped, and patrol the metropolitan area. Tier Heim KOKUA's shelter dogs and registered patrol dogs and cats also wear bandanas around their necks and serve as patrols in their respective areas.    APPEALING TO THE GOVERNMENTWe are also involved in activities to appeal to the police, government, and politics to improve animal welfare issues in Japan. For example, we send in public comments for better revision of the Animal Protection and Control Law and the creation of ministerial ordinances to the Minister of the Environment through postcards. FUNDRAISINGAlthough street fundraising is affected by circumstances and weather, our volunteer members are working their hardest to raise as much money for the shelter dogs at Tier Heim KOKUA.  ANIMAL CULLING CHANGE.ORGIn recent years, many voices have been raised against the killing of dogs and cats from all over Japan. Although the number of dogs and cats killed in Japan has been on a downward trend for several decades, the goal of "no-kill" set by the Ministry of the Environment has yet to be achieved.We, NPO Tier Heim KOKUA, have launched a petition to the Japanese government, relevant ministries and agencies, politicians, and local governments that own killing machines to demand the abolition of the Japanese killing system, which uses CO2 to kill dogs and cats. This is in violation of international animal welfare standards, causing fear and pain to the animals. Currently, we have received the support of over 49,000 people.ふ_GVI__rGCDb3aZik   DONATING TO PLACES AFFECTED BY NATURAL DISASTERSWhen the Kumamoto earthquake struck, we provided shelter and material support for dogs affected by the disaster. We delivered relief supplies to the affected areas over a period of several days, and when possible, we took in dogs and brought them back to shelters to place them with new families. We also provided supplies to ordinary households affected by the nationwide torrential rains that occurred in July 2021, as well as free food assistance by mail to ordinary households with pets infected with corona during the corona outbreak. Support for animal welfare centers and animal welfare organizationsIn total, we have provided thousands of treats and supplies for dogs housed at animal guidance centers and public health centers across Japan. Although we cannot save all the lives of the dogs, we are supporting them with supplies because we want them to have at least a little bit of good food to eat. We also provide supplies to small organizations like ours that are doing sound animal sheltering work. SUPPORTING THE FOSTER FAMILYWe don’t just transfer our shelter dogs and leave it there. We give full support towards the adopted dog and the foster family for any concerns or problems. The foster family can always get in touch with us when they see the need.    CLEANING THE NEIGHBORHOODTier Heim KOKUA also does cleaning activities in the city, focusing on the walking trails for the dogs. Our shelter for shelter dogs is kindly looked after by our neighbors. We believe that if both people and animals can be close to each other with good manners and cooperation, it will naturally attract kind people and create a peaceful town that is kind to both people and animals. MEDIA/ TVTier Heim KOKUA's graduate dogs have appeared on the NHK BS program "Cat Raising Dog Raising," which broadcasts the story of the rescue and the transfer of the dogs. In addition, the representative of Tier Heim KOKUA has been asked to appear on a news program to inform many viewers about the problems and current situation of wild dogs. In addition, Tier Heim KOKUA has appeared on radio programs and in many other media outlets, appealing to as many people as possible to become aware of the dire situation surrounding shelter dogs and cats in Japan, and to help change people's minds.  【Received a letter of appreciation from Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike 】


こんにちは!NPO法人Tier Heim KOKUAです。今回は増設したスペースを使い聾学校の職場体験と命の授業を行いました。今回クラウドファンディングプロジェクトで幅広い世代への啓蒙活動を行うという公約を果たしました!この職業体験の内容の詳細は代表のブログでご覧いただけます。インスタグラムのプロフィールについているリンクからブログをご覧下さい。Tier Heim KOKUAは、日本の学生、インターナショナルスクールの学生、動物専門学校の生徒など様々な子供達へ向けて年齢に応じた命の授業や職業体験、インターシップの受け入れを行っています。これからの未来を担う学生達に、社会問題を伝え、場所を提供し、動物福祉問題の解決のために自分ができることを一緒に考えることは素晴らしい活動の1つです。(代表ブログ引用)今後ともTier Heim KOKUAは、助けを待つ動物達のためにできることを確実に取り組んでいきます。私達の活動の応援をよろしくお願いいたします。 クラファンの期限が残り僅か13日となりました。現在、まだ目標の達成はできていません。私たちの健全な活動が動物の命を繋ぎ社会に貢献できるものであると信じて下さる方は引き続き、ご支援と拡散の応援をよろしくお願いいたします!


NPO法人Tier Heim KOKUA です。この度、前回の報告で紹介した増設したシェルターにて初のお見合いを行いました!このプロジェクトでまた1つ公約を果たしました!TierHeimKOKUAのお見合いは増設スペースができる前は、現在のシェルターの中には人間恐怖症の子や本気の噛みつきをしてしまう保護犬もいるので保護犬たちのストレス軽減と事故防止の観点から屋外でお見合いを行っておりました。屋外のお見合いは外の物音などによって犬が緊張した状態になってしまうことが難点でした。今回のプロジェクトでシェルターが増設したことで、里親希望のご家族様と落ち着いた環境でお見合いができるようになり、保護犬達の不安やストレスの軽減につながりました。今回、契約した増設シェルター物件の内装は未だ資金が足りないことから、まだ完成しておりませんが、現状で出来る部分の施工は、保護犬達のためを考え工夫をしています。マックス君のお見合い風景の動画はこちらでは載せきれないので、インスタグラムのリールにて投稿いたしました。 お見合いの様子はInstagramのこのリール動画で見て下さい。↓ 本日までにご支援と拡散のご協力をして下さいました皆さま、本当にありがとうございます! クラウドファンディング期限は10月11日まで、まだまだ資金不足となっておりますので、ラストスパート僅か22日となりましたがTierHeim KOKUAの保護犬シェルターの必要性を感じて下さる方はどうぞ引き続き、応援と拡散のご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。


NPO 法人Tier Heim KOKUA です。現在も継続中のクラウドファンディングは2022年10月11日が終了となる為、当然、皆様からのご支援を受け取ることは出来ておりまんが、クラウドファンディングに挑戦する際、私たちはご支援者の皆様へ今回の資金の使用用途を明確に公約させて頂いております。 そこでこの度、皆さまに対してお約束させていただきました公約の通り、8月の上旬に物件の契約をするという公約を果たしましたことをここにご報告致します! 今後もTier Heim KOKUAの保護犬達の暮らしを安全かつ快適に守り、私たちの助けを待つ小さな命を救う為に私たちが出来ることを精一杯、行っていきます。今回は、契約したシェルター物件の内装は資金が無いのでまだ完成しておりませんが、現状で出来る部分の施工は、保護犬達のためを考え工夫をしています。増設施設はInstagramのこのリール動画で見て下さい。↓本日までにご支援と拡散のご協力をして下さいました皆さま、本当にありがとうございます!クラウドファンディング期限は10月11日まで、まだまだ資金不足となっておりますので、どうぞ引き続き、応援と拡散のご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。