中学生の頃から日本のニュースや情報を世界に発信するサイト「Japan Forward」で、学生寄稿者として記事を書かせて頂いたり、学校の同好会でビーチでごみを回収する活動などをしています。
今回私が皆さんにお願いしたいのは、私が参加した、World Scholar's Cup(WSC)…世界中の学生が集まって様々な分野で競う大会の決勝大会に参加したいと思っているため、応援していただきたいです‼︎
毎年変わるテーマに沿ったシラバスを基に質問内容が決められています。(ちなみに今年のテーマは"Reconstructing the Past"でした。)
Team Debate, Collaborative Writing, Scholar's Bowl, Scholar's Challengeとこれらは全て英語で行われ、学力だけでなく、論理的思考力やエッセイやディベートでの表現力、チームワークが必要となる競技です。
Team Debate: 各チームが様々な議題について15分間準備を行い、ディベートで勝敗を決めます。
Writing: 与えられたトピックに対して、エッセイを英語で時間内に書き上げます。
Scholar's Bowl: 歴史、文学、公民などの分野についてのクイズが出題され、チームで協力し合って答えを出し、クリッカー(早押しボタン)を押します。
Scholar's Challenge: 200問のテストを瞬時に解いていきます。
-2位 個人ライティング
-4位 チームライティング
-個人 ディベート
-上位40% Social Studies(個人 筆記試験) / Special Area(個人 筆記試験)
-優秀賞 Art&Music (個人 筆記試験)
-2023 ToC 参加権
-3位 チームライティング
渡航スケジュール 11日間
1日 ニューヨークへ出発/Departing for NY
2日 大会会場であるイェール大学のあるニューヘイブンへ到着・大会チェックイン
3日 オープニングセレモニー, Scholar's Scavenge(ミッションを他国の生徒とチームになってクリアしていくアクティビティー)
4日 MIT, Harvard University見学
5日 Scholar's challenge,Team Debate, Collaborative Writing
6日 Cultural Fair(各国の団体がブースを開き、そこで自分の国の伝統工芸品・言語・食べ物・パフォーマンスを紹介することが出来ます。私のチームは折り紙を配り、みんなの名前を日本語で書いたりしました。予想外に好評でした!)
7日 Debate Showcase(参加者の中でトップのディベータ―がステージに上がり、みんなの前でディベートをします) Scholar's bowl, Scholar's ball(最終日にあるパーティー) Scholar's show(二回に分けられてやるタレントショー。ここで自分の文化の一部を披露したり、歌を歌ったりダンスをしたりする。日本人の参加者は団体でソーラン節をやるのが定番です)
8日 結果発表(Awards and Closing Ceremony )
9日 空港のあるニューヨークへバスで移動
10日 ニューヨーク発
11日 日本着
WSCのチャンピオン大会であるTournament of Champions (TOC)への参加費と渡航費、滞在費に使用します。
宿泊費:約22万円 8日間
1,000円 campfireのメッセージ機能を使ってお礼のメッセージをお送りさせて頂きます!
3,000円 お礼のメールをお送りさせて頂きます!
5,000円 お礼のメールと、決勝大会の様子をリポートした大会報告書をお送りいたします!
15,000円 直筆のお礼メール(直筆で書いた手紙をメールに添付してお送りします)を大会報告書と共に送らせて頂きます!
50,000円 感謝の気持ちを込めて…! 直筆のお礼状、大会報告書、 ニューヨークまたはイェール大学のお土産をお送りいたします。(キーホルダー1個/色や形は私にお任せでお願いします)
100,000円 本当にありがとうございます〜!! 直筆のお礼状、大会報告書、ニューヨークまたはイェール大学のお土産(キーホルダー1個/色や形は私にお任せでお願いします) zoomを使用しての英会話レッスンまたは大会のご報告(30分×1回)をさせて頂きます。 (有効期限は2024年の1月31日まで。)
※実施希望日は備考欄に第3希望日と時間をご記入ください。例:第1希望日:1月8日/17:00〜22:00 など)
※実施希望日は備考欄に第3希望日と時間をご記入ください。例:第1希望日:1月8日/17:00〜22:00 など
A bit about Me
I received my primary education at a local public Japanese school as a normal Japanese student. However, I was brought up in an environment where I was constantly surrounded by English songs, books, and TV shows in my parent's efforts to help me learn the language. I eventually grew a love for the Western culture and the English language and began to learn more through the power of books, leading me to achieve Eiken grade 1(the highest level of English proficiency of the most well-known Japanese-English test) at age 11.
My hobbies include reading, and I finished reading 280 books last year, marking the prime of my bookworm phase. I also love writing short stories/poems and collecting famous people's last words. Quite a morbid interest, as I've been told. I was even introduced on a Japanese TV show for this hobby.
As part of my extracurriculars, I have been writing articles for the Japanese-English online newspaper Japan Forward since 7th grade as a volunteer student journalist. I submit my poems, short stories, and essays to literary magazines regularly. In my school club, I also attend weekly beach cleanups.
In conclusion, I have a passion for creative writing and learning/spreading cultural diversity.
What I aim to achieve in this project
I am hoping to participate in the final round of the World Scholar's Cup, which will be held at Yale University.
The reason why I started up crowdfunding
I participated in the Tokyo regional round of WSC with my 2 best friends as a three-person team and received qualifiers for the global rounds. We then recently attended the Bangkok global round where 3500 scholars competed and fortunately won qualifiers for the Tournament of Champions (ToC) as part of the top 15%.
However, the reality is that participation fees are pricey. To make matters worse, the Japanese economy has caused the decreasing value in yen, making the costs more expensive than that of past tournaments.
All this time my team members and I have spent hours together practicing and reviewing, giving each other feedback all while multitasking in our schoolwork. In all the time I have spent with my members, I have seen our bond grow in our mutual determination. Seeing what all of us have sacrificed, it isn't easy to say "I give up" because of money. Therefore, I set up this project hoping for a final chance with your support.
What is the World Scholar's Cup (WSC)?
WSC is an academic tournament for junior to senior high school students all over the world.
These scholars come from over 60 countries, with regional rounds held in almost 100 places. Among them, only the top 15% of participating teams achieve qualifiers for the next rounds.
Academic Content
These scholars rival each other in Team Debate, Collaborative Writing, Scholar's Bowl, and the Scholar's Challenge.
Team Debate: Teams are given a motion aligning with the year's theme and 15 minutes to prepare their points and possible rebuttals. There are 3 rounds of debate in which the number of times one wins can contribute to their points. Points are also calculated on how well an individual debater performs. Research skills, attitude, teamwork, and critical thinking are necessary.
Collaborative Writing: Teams are given time to discuss what topic (from history, Music&Art, technology, etc.) every member should choose, have individual writing time without consultation, and a final few minutes to exchange papers to give feedback before submitting. Individuality and a unique storytelling voice are important for top grades.
Scholar's Bowl: A collaborative quiz where teams compete in subjects such as history, pop culture, literature, and technology, all based on the yearly theme. Memory, good teamwork, and analytical thinking are crucial for this section.
Scholar's Challenge: This is the same as the Bowl, except every team member is on their own. This is a paper test consisting of 200 questions divided into sections based on the subject. Points are given in many divisions, such as best scholar per subject, best scholar based on age, or best scholar in total. Memorization of the syllabus is key.
Our results
-2nd place Individual Writing
-4th place Team Writing
-Team Bowl
-Team Debate
-Individual debate
-Top40% Social Studies(Scholar's Challenge)
-Top50% Special Area(Scholar's Challenge)
-Team Champions
-2023 Global Round Qualifiers
-Team Bowl
-Individual Writing
-Individual Debate
-Top Scholar in Art&Music (Scholar's Challenge)
-Champion Teams
-2023 ToC Qualifier
-3rd place Team Writing
How I plan to use the donation money
I will use every amount on the participation, transportation, and hotel fees for attending the Tournament of Champions (TOC).
Participation fee: approximately 180,000yen
Transportation fees(including flight):about 370,000 yen
Hotel fees: approximately 220,000 yen
Service charge (17%): about 130,000 yen
In return
I will send an email of gratitude to every donator.
Other gifts, depending on the donation size, may include WSC reports for those interested in learning more about WSC, and souvenirs such as keychains from New York or Yale University (where the ToC will be held).
For those who have kindly donated over 100,000 yen, there will be an offer to give free English lesson/free conversation session via Zoom (30min/1lesson, until January 2024).
I would also love to hear from sponsoring companies!
(Written returns available in both Japanese and English)
Final thoughts
I believe this will be an unforgettable and priceless experience for me, both academically and personally.
My experience at the culture fair, where I received positive feedback through sharing Japanese culture, taught me how to be proud of my country. Debates and conversations with my peers exposed me to diverse values and the importance of flexible thought. Collaborative Writing opened up the many possibilities of experimental writing styles that I have never explored before and allowed me to learn more about my teammates through their work, establishing a stronger bond between us.
Now I have the opportunity to experience these on a larger scale, in a richer academic setting. However, I am faced with financial problems.
Normally, this would have been where I'd give up and turn around. But this time I am not alone. I have amazing teammates and friends with whom I share the mutual desire to go through this journey together. I do not, in the slightest bit, have the intention of giving up without giving everything I have.
I hope that my determination will reach as many people as possible and move them to give much support.
Again, thank you for your time and cooperation.
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