2023/11/13 14:46








※This article was created with the assistance of ChatGPT. The eye-catching image in the flyer was extended on the left side using AI-powered Photoshop for a flyer image, and it looks remarkably natural. Its purpose remains a delightful secret.

Now, let's delve into the latest progress of our new musical, "AI-WRI-EN."

Due to Director Yamasaki's business trip, rehearsals have taken a brief hiatus. But did you know that this unexpected break can actually be a source of creativity in the world of theater?

Theater is a living art form, and sometimes, a quiet period of maturation is necessary. During this time, the cast deepens their understanding of the production, avoiding becoming mechanical on stage and allowing them to perform more naturally.

Meanwhile, our production staff is not wasting this time. Behind the scenes, we are diligently working on creating original merchandise and pamphlets for all of you, our audience members. In particular, the pamphlet is filled with a wealth of information about the creative process, enriched by the use of artificial intelligence. Reading it will deepen your understanding of the world and message of the production. This pamphlet is included as part of the crowdfunding rewards, ensuring that those who can't make it to the theater can still enjoy our journey of passion and creation.

While we strongly wish for all of you to experience this production in the theater, we also hope that, in case attending in person is challenging, your support through crowdfunding will be a way to sustain our creative journey.

"AI-WRI-EN" is more than just a musical; it's the birth of a new story woven together by AI and humans. We hope that your warm support will guide this unique endeavor to success. With just a few days remaining in the crowdfunding period, we eagerly await your support from the bottom of our hearts.