We are a small student group (with big hearts) from K. International School Tokyo (KIST) who are eager to help alleviate the conflict, poverty, and distress that occurred in East Timor.
ピースウィンズ@KISTのメンバー / Peace Winds KIST members
■ピースウィンズ・ジャパン(PWJ)って? / Who are we?
ピースウィンズ・ジャパン(PWJ)は、紛争や災害、貧困などの脅威にさらされている人びとに対して支援活動を行うNGO (Non-Governmental Organization = 非政府組織)です。
To support this cause, we are collaborating with PWJ (Peace Winds Japan) in raising money to help the coffee bean providers in East Timor. As international students, we are continuously learning about global issues, and we want to help make the world a better place.
コーヒーを学校内で売る様子 / Selling coffee at school festival
It was through school that we first heard of PWJ, and read about a potential project involving East Timorese coffee. Some of us have friends from East Timor, and others have an interest in coffee. All of us wanted to help in some way.
With Fair Trade practice, PWJ also ensures a better income for coffee bean providers. Third parties are not involved in the production and sale of coffee. Therefore, a large portion of the revenue goes to the coffee bean providers in East Timor. With better income, there will be sustained education and sustained happiness.
Poster designed by student for a school festival
Postcard designed by student - One of the returns for donation
■東ティモールってどこ?/Why East Timor?
We have worked very hard in researching, planning, and finding new creative ideas to support this project. We believe that collaborating with PWJ on this project would be a great way to support the people in East Timor and to give back to others. East Timor is an island country in South East Asia and is one of the poorest countries in the world.
We need your support to help us (and PWJ) provide 2 moisture meters for the coffee bean providers in East Timor.
■私たちの目的 / Our Goal
One of the most useful crop products produced in East Timor is coffee and therefore, PWJ focuses on helping coffee bean providers. We chose to support this PWJ project because rather than simply donating money to a cause, we will be providing a means for coffee bean providers to produce better quality coffee in the long run.
水分計 / Moisture Meter
Moisture meters confirm the fact that levels of moisture in different batches of coffee beans are consistent, allowing for a smooth flavor in one harvest batch. When harvesting coffee, many harvesters are needed to pick the fruit while it is still ripe as the harvest time period is short. As efforts need to be focused on harvesting, moisture meters will help streamline the process so that labour can be used for harvesting, and time is not wasted estimating the moisture content by sight.
We wish to raise around ¥400,000 to help buy 2 moisture meters, which the farmers can use to monitor the quality of coffee beans.
■リターンについて / Returns
・デジタル水分計 ×2(各13万円)
・クラウドファンディング手数料 (約6万円)
The ¥400,000 raised will be used to:
・Buy 2 moisture meters (~¥130,000 each)
・Print postcards that we are providing as returns (~¥10,000)
・Cover cost of shipping equipment to East Timor and returns to donors (~¥20,000)
・Pay Campfire crowdfunding site (~¥60,000)
Any leftover amount will be donated to PWJ for other projects