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このプロジェクトは、2024/05/27に募集を開始し、 13人の支援により 108,000円の資金を集め、 2024/06/30に募集を終了しました











このプロジェクトは、2024/05/27に募集を開始し、 13人の支援により 108,000円の資金を集め、 2024/06/30に募集を終了しました




For non Japanese native people, some of them contacting me, to better understand my project, I am providing English text using Google translator hereby.

In home nursing, nurses and rehabilitation staff visit elderly people and other homebound patients to provide medical and nursing care. In order for homebound patients to smile and feel safe at home, medical and nursing care insurance services alone are not enough; providing non-insurance life support services is also important. We will do our best to develop life support services to improve the quality of life (QOL).

We want to transform home medical and nursing care services with a focus on home nursing and improve the QOL of homebound patients.

Nice to meet you! My name is Sakurai, representative of Hibarinomori Home Nursing Station.

We established a business corporation (Wellness Co., Ltd.) in 2018. In 2019, we started the "Hibari no Mori Home Nursing Station" business in Kanagawa Prefecture and are currently operating with three bases (two offices and a management headquarters).

(24/7 emergency response system, designated medical institution for chronic pediatric diseases, visiting nurse training facility (commissioned by nursing association), medical care support facility for elementary and junior high schools (commissioned by Kawasaki City))

Visiting nurses work with local governments (municipalities, community comprehensive support centers, etc.), medical institutions (hospitals, clinics), and nursing care facilities (care managers, etc.) to provide medical and nursing care services (nursing care, rehabilitation, etc.) to those who need support for illnesses or disabilities (home care recipients) by visiting nurses and rehabilitation staff (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech-language-hearing therapists) in their homes (since visiting nurses are covered by medical insurance, nursing care insurance, etc., users only pay 10% to 30% of the cost (no charge for those on welfare)).

In addition to caring for elderly people receiving home care, Hibarinomori Visiting Nursing Station also actively provides care for infants and postpartum mothers, visits to elementary schools (care for children attending school), accepts visiting nurse trainees from local core hospitals, nursing schools, and nearby businesses, and cooperates with local cafes (town cafes and dementia cafes).

[Visiting Nursing Services (Medical Care and Nursing Insurance)]

- Health management (monitoring and advising on medical conditions, measuring body temperature, pulse, and blood pressure, etc.)

- Care for convalescent care (assistance with eating and excretion, personal hygiene, oral care, etc.)

- Medical treatment and management (management of intravenous drips, catheters, home oxygen, artificial ventilators, artificial anus, and artificial bladder, intravenous drip injections, suction, gastrostomy, bedsores, prevention and treatment, wound treatment, etc.)

- Medication guidance (effects and side effects of medication, guidance on how to take medication, checking remaining medication, etc.)

- Rehabilitation (support for independent living, daily life) Movement training and guidance, functional recovery and language training, etc.)

- Dementia and mental illness (counseling for the patient and their family, advice on how to respond, lifestyle adjustments, medication management, etc.)

- Terminal care (nursing care for the terminal and end-of-life stages of cancer, mental support for the patient and their family, etc.)

- Nursing care consultation and home support (nursing care advice, anxiety and stress consultation, etc.)

In addition, what makes us different from general visiting nursing is that we are focusing on developing and providing "life support services" that are not covered by medical and nursing care insurance, aiming to improve the "QOL (Quality of Life)" of home care patients and their families so that they can live their lives with a smile and peace of mind at home.

The purpose of this crowdfunding is to raise funds to "provide higher quality visiting nursing services" and "strengthen our efforts in life support services"!
