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このプロジェクトは、2024/05/27に募集を開始し、 13人の支援により 108,000円の資金を集め、 2024/06/30に募集を終了しました











このプロジェクトは、2024/05/27に募集を開始し、 13人の支援により 108,000円の資金を集め、 2024/06/30に募集を終了しました




Current preparation statusHibari no Mori Visiting Nursing Station (Wellness Co., Ltd.) continues to undertake various initiatives to help homebound patients live their own lives in the areas they are familiar with and maintain and improve their quality of life.[Examples of initiatives]・Improvement and efficiency of operations at the company-wide level: Initiatives in collaboration with the Management Headquarters and business offices・Accepting trainees: Management Headquarters internship (working interns)・Research and investigation: Research on surveys of life support services (white paper on the aging society, public information from local governments, private survey reports, etc.), meetings with local stakeholders, individual surveys, etc.・Planning home support services: Improvement of existing services, proposal and consideration of new services and products・Visiting (transportation) hairdressing and beauty: Expanding partnerships (responding to user requests, etc.), meetings with partners, considering creating a visiting beauty manual (for homebound patients who require medical care and physical care)・Visiting glasses and hearing aids: Meetings with partners, etc.・Cooperating with local cafes: Posture and walking lessons, holding health consultation rooms, etc.・Foot care: Participating in foot care seminars hosted by medical institutions, meetings with foot care experts, taking specialized foot care lessons (for beginners), treatments at foot care salons, etc.About returnsWe would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who cooperated with us.We will provide returns according to the amount of support you provide.・Thank you email・Email of the home care guide (PDF)・Mail of Hibarinomori special ballpoint pen・Invitation to an online seminar on visiting nursing rehabilitation・Interview with Representative Sakurai (online)ScheduleWe would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who cooperated with us.The following schedule is planned.End of June Crowdfunding endsEnd of July Crowdfunding depositsAugust Hiring of dedicated life support service staff beginsAugust to November Specialized foot care course attendanceSending of rewards, holding online seminars, etc.FinallyAt Hibarinomori Visiting Nursing Station (Wellness Co., Ltd.), we value the following "management philosophy."[Management philosophy]In order to bring "smiles" and "peace of mind" to everyone, we will become "good understanding people" for each individual, unite with the community, and "help" with all our "feelings and strength."


Hibari no Mori Visiting Nursing Station is working to improve its business structure, including promoting digital transformation, in order to simultaneously provide "visiting nurse services" and "life support services" as part of a comprehensive community care system, thereby improving operational efficiency across the company and respecting the work style of each and every employee.[Work structure (example)]・DX promotion: introduction of electronic medical records (visits with business iPads and automatic processing through linkage with in-house business software), loan of business iPhones, use of in-house intranet and cloud services (accounts given to all staff), network connection with external parties such as clinics, paperless, cashless, etc.・Development of company-wide work manuals and tools: visiting nursing and rehabilitation work, clerical work, management headquarters work, etc.・Enhancement of education and training system: in-house training (OJT), in-house and external OffJT (conferences, seminars, etc.), introduction of e-learning, etc.・Concentration of all corporate work in the management headquarters・Outsourcing of indirect work such as finance (accounting) and human resources (labor)・Utilization of various support from government, local governments, associations, industry groups, etc.On the other hand, in the visiting nursing business, the daily workload of the visiting staff (nurses and rehabilitation) and clerical staff at the facility is large, and the work of the management headquarters is also diverse.We are working to improve operational efficiency in various ways, but at present it is not easy to secure the personnel and time necessary to operate and promote our "life support services," and in order to strengthen our efforts in the future, we will need to hire and assign a dedicated person within the Management Headquarters.In addition, in aiming to provide higher quality home nursing through specialized foot care, it will be difficult to provide opportunities within the company to acquire the necessary skills, so we will need to create an environment in which staff can systematically take external training while also considering efficiency as a company.[Home nursing duties (examples)]・Before the visit (preparation): Checking the details of the visiting nursing instructions and care plan, checking the information in the electronic medical record, organizing and checking the visiting bag and items, legal alcohol check, infection control measures, checking appearance, clothing, visiting route, parking location, etc., measures according to weather conditions such as extreme heat, typhoons, heavy rain, snowfall, etc.・Home nursing and rehabilitation services: Vital signs measurement, interview, nursing and rehabilitation care according to the visiting nursing plan, assessment, checking the placement of welfare equipment and furniture, notifying the next visit schedule, caring for family members (caregivers), delivering birthday cards, responding to absences, refusals to visit, sudden changes, etc. (contacting the business, family doctor, care manager, etc.), etc.・Emergency response: Responding to emergency contacts and requests from 24-hour visiting nursing service contract parties (on-call parties)・After the visit: Within the business (Director, etc.) ・Reporting and confirming with external parties (attending physicians, care managers, families, etc.), inputting (recording) electronic medical records, network processing (recording) for external parties・Medical record check: New request reception form, request for home nursing care service provision (common record by care manager), visiting nursing instructions, visiting nursing plan, coordination record, care plan, provision slip, insurance card information (insurance card, share of burden certificate, etc.), visiting nursing service contract, important information explanation, etc.・Angel care/grief care: Visiting nursing care when a person passes away at home, visiting family (caregivers) after the death (mental care/support)・Visiting schedule/shift adjustment: Creating/adjusting schedule for regular visits, handling cancellations/schedule changes due to other party circumstances, and responding to visiting staff's vacation/absence, etc.・Internal conferences, etc.: Overall/business/job-specific conferences, in-house training, etc.・Communication with external parties: new consultations/requests, confirmation/adjustment of visiting schedules, requesting/proceduring instructions for attending physicians, multi-disciplinary collaboration, complaint/incident response, etc.・Attending conferences with external parties: discharge conferences, service staff meetings, seminars/study sessions, meetings with other companies in the same industry, etc.・New contract procedures: explanation of visiting nursing rehabilitation services, preparation/explanation of visiting nursing service contracts/important matters explanations, etc., contract signing, handing over of account transfer requests, etc.・Document creation: preparation/handing over of visiting nursing plans/reports/service provision tables, invoices/receipts, etc.・Billing operations: preparation/issuance of invoices/receipts, medical insurance (health insurance/medical care for the elderly), nursing care insurance, public subsidies (welfare, self-reliance) Supportive medical care system, etc.・Elementary school visits: Visits to schools for children who require medical care entrusted by local governments, signing contracts, and handling paperwork such as billing and confirmation.・Accepting trainees: Conducting short-term training (classroom lessons, accompanying visitors, etc.), responding to requests from nursing associations, nursing schools, and local medical institutions, signing contracts, and handling paperwork such as billing and confirmation.・Government and association related: Attending meetings and briefings, submitting various notices, legal investigations, regular inspections, and cooperating with investigations and questionnaires.・Accounting and personnel related: Attendance management, vacation applications, expense settlement, exchange of goods, vehicle inspections, etc.


Secondly, "Through crowdfunding, I hope to cover the cost of external training for staff to introduce specialized foot care (foot care) to visiting nurses!""The feet are the second heart" and "A cold head and warm feet" are some of the phrases related to health and medicine that relate to "feet".Although it is almost uncommon to see them in Japan, some countries overseas have "foot" specialists and departments.Normal visiting nurse services include care for ingrown nails and skin, but by incorporating specialized foot care (care for ingrown nails, ringworm, thickened nails, nail fungus, bunions, foot swelling, knee pain, and decreased function of the soles of the feet, etc.), you can expect to improve your physical condition and QOL, leading to "providing higher quality visiting nurses" (in many cases, medical and nursing care insurance is applied).[Examples of specialized foot care]- Nail careIf left unattended, the muscles (skin) that normally lie on top of the nails can cause ingrown nails and ingrown toenails. The muscles of the toes can push around the nails, causing the nails to become deformed. While applying a moisturizing serum to the nail, the dead skin around the nail is removed, and the entire nail is lifted from the foot muscles. Since the nail grows in the direction it is cut, nail care is performed to ensure that it grows in the correct direction. Not only can pain be relieved, but swelling on the top of the foot can also be improved.・Sole careIf you get tired easily when walking, feel a sense of tension in the soles of your feet, or feel dull and heavy, you will lose the desire to walk. The root cause of this is often "flat feet" related to the arch of the foot. Sole care removes hardened dead skin and uses a special tool (reducer) to align the foot and toes. Adjusting the arch improves floating toes, releases blood vessels that have been compressed by hardened dead skin, and softens the muscles on the soles of the feet, absorbing irritation when walking.This makes it easier for the elderly to move, which is effective in preventing falls and reducing strain on the knees.・Foot oil massageFirst, an oil massage is performed from the feet to below the knees while lying on your back. Next, while lying on your back, an oil massage is performed from the feet to the top of the pelvis and hip joints, and then while lying face down, an oil massage is performed from the feet to the ischial bones. This improves foot swelling and posture, and loosens the hip joints, making it easier for caregivers to change diapers.Background to the launch of the project[What can be done from the grassroots in a super-aging society]Japan is the world's top super-aging society (40-50% of the total population will be elderly in 20 years), with an aging rate of about 30%. In 2025, the baby boomer generation (about 8 million people) will become elderly (75 years old), and in 2040, the baby boomer juniors (same size) will become elderly (65 years old or older), so the elderly population is steadily increasing and the population structure is changing significantly. In order to reduce social security costs and clarify the role of medical institutions, the government is strongly promoting the expansion of the local medical, nursing, and welfare fields, aiming to realize a society (community-based comprehensive care system) where elderly people and patients who have been hospitalized in medical institutions and facilities for a long time can live a recuperative life at home with peace of mind. We are now in an era where elderly people and patients who have been hospitalized in medical institutions and facilities for a long time can return home early and spend their last days recuperating at home.The community-based comprehensive care system is a system in which local governments, medical, nursing, and welfare-related institutions and businesses work together to support homebound patients so that they can maintain their quality of life and live their daily lives in their own way with peace of mind. There are approximately 7 million nursing care insurance users nationwide, of which 6 million are receiving homebound care (the remaining 1 million are in elderly care facilities, etc.). In order to live a comfortable life at home, a system is needed in which "medical care, nursing care, welfare, housing, and lifestyle support" are provided seamlessly and in an integrated manner according to the circumstances of the region. Initiatives based on self-care (self-help), mutual support (mutual aid), the social insurance system (mutual aid), and government services (public aid) are being promoted, with visiting nurses playing a central role.


Hibari no Mori Visiting Nursing contributes to society and the community, supports the daily lives of those who need home medical care and nursing care, and strives to help them live their days with a smile and peace of mind. We are a "good understanding" for each and every one of you, from those who are highly dependent on medical care, those who need preventive care, and from children to the elderly, and do our best to provide "high-quality medical and nursing care services" in collaboration with multiple professions.On the other hand, high-quality home medical care and nursing care are very "important" for home care recipients to live "their own way" in the area they are familiar with and maintain and improve their QOL, but we cannot say that it is "sufficient." We believe that it is our mission to create a living environment where people can have fulfilled their hopes and wishes and feel satisfied, rather than giving up on the fun and joy of living as a consumer. With our passion, wisdom and ability to make it a reality, we are committed to providing non-insurance lifestyle support services so that each and every one of you can live a life filled with purpose and hope forever.The lifestyle support services are being provided primarily by staff from the Management Headquarters in cooperation with office staff, but as they are being provided at the same time as regular work, it is not easy to find enough time.We are creating systems to improve operational efficiency at a company-wide level (digitalization, outsourcing indirect work, developing manuals and training systems, etc.), but for life support services, the series of tasks is diverse and considerable, including planning, information gathering, research and analysis, detailed consideration of the services to be provided, formulation of implementation plans, confirmation of legal and insurance matters, development and identification of external contractors and consultations and discussions, creation of contracts, documents, tools, etc., public relations to the local community and outside the company, development of internal operations and manuals, internal training (with the cooperation of external contractors as necessary), accounting and information management, practical operations with internal and external contractors, identification and improvement of issues after operations begin, etc. In order to expand the quality and quantity of the life support services currently being provided and actively develop and deploy new services and products, it is necessary to hire and assign a dedicated person within the Management Headquarters. First, "We hope to cover the labor costs of a dedicated staff member through crowdfunding!"[Lifestyle support services (examples)]- Creation of a "Home Care Guide": For those who are about to start home care or who want to improve their current care life, we have created a "Home Care Guide" that compiles all the information that will be useful for home care.- Providing information on government and local government services: We provide information on "daily life equipment subsidies," "home renovation subsidies," "bed drying," "outing support," "disposable diaper subsidies," "dementia support," "disaster prevention support," "disaster relief," and "community cafes (town cafes and dementia cafes)."- Visiting (pick-up and drop-off) hairdressing services: Going out to the hairdressing salon is a hassle, and you're worried about your physical condition and the weather on the day, so have you given up? A nearby hairdresser will visit your home and perform a cut, shampoo, blow dry, perm, color, etc. (wheelchair and bed are also OK). Wig consultations are also available. If your hair and appearance are well-groomed, you will feel brighter during your recuperation (and you may smile more every day).- Visiting eyeglasses and hearing aid service: Improving your eyesight and hearing will prevent falls and improve the inconvenience of daily phone calls and conversations with your family (some research reports have shown that using hearing aids can improve dementia). Affiliated eyeglass stores will visit you at home and make suggestions after counseling and examinations.- End-of-life counseling: While we are devoting all our efforts to improving the quality of life of your recuperation, this is something that you and your family may not want to mention (or say). If you have any worries or concerns, we will consult with you.- Provision of disaster prevention information and advice: It is important to prepare and take measures in advance to minimize damage from disasters such as earthquakes, storms, floods, infectious diseases, and communication failures, and to assume situations such as leaving the house or evacuating. It is also necessary to keep a list of emergency contacts for medical equipment dealers, hospitals, primary care physicians, care managers, visiting nurses, etc., where you usually receive services.


[Main members]Kazuhiro Sakurai (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry certified small and medium-sized business consultant / Master of Business Administration)Representative of Hibari no Mori Visiting Nursing Station (Wellness Co., Ltd.)"I wanted to face the social issue of a super-aging society and tackle it from the grassroots level with my life, so I jumped into the world of home medical care and nursing care! It's a world where government, medical, nursing and welfare workers are working hard every day, but I think that by having a management expert get involved, we can provide unprecedented value.""I think that more than half of a manager's job is to be a trusted behind-the-scenes player, a silent supporter. I believe that creating an environment where each staff member can devote themselves to their work with ease and enthusiasm, feel fulfilled and competent from their daily work, and feel at ease with a smile on the whole team will lead to the best service. In home medical care, users are not "patients" but "people living in their homes." We will do our best to help you with not only high-quality medical care and nursing care, but also various services to help you live every day as a "people living in their homes" (not just giving up) and spend your days full of hope and happiness! "Naomi Sasaki (Nurse, Care Manager)Director of Hibarinomori Visiting Nursing Station Tama (Over 20 years of experience in visiting nursing)Vice Chairman of Kanagawa Prefecture Visiting Nursing Station CouncilFormer Chairman of Kawasaki City Visiting Nursing Liaison Council"I was often sick as a child and had to go to the hospital a lot, but I was touched by the kindness of the nurses and became a nurse, which is what I dreamed of, and I have been doing for several decades. I was fascinated by home nursing from the hospital, and opened a visiting nursing station. "I want to spend my time at home being myself. I want to support you." All of our staff want to provide visiting nursing that will enrich your life! "Tomoko Tanaka (Nurse)Director of Hibarinomori Visiting Nursing Station Miyamae (Over 25 years of visiting nursing experience)Community Collaboration Promotion Committee Member of Kawasaki City Nursing Association"I have 25 years of experience as a visiting nurse. I will always strive to improve myself and provide higher quality visiting nursing, with the sincere hope that our users will be able to live a comfortable life at home and that their families will be able to continue their daily care with peace of mind. I would like to provide nursing services with this goal in mind!"What I want to achieve with this project[Project purpose]We want to achieve "providing higher quality visiting nursing services" and "strengthening our efforts in life support services"!"We want to revolutionize home medical care and nursing care through visiting nursing care and create a society where everyone can enjoy life until the end!"[Method 1 to achieve the goal]"Strengthen efforts, mainly with dedicated staff, to develop, promote, and operate comprehensive life support services."[Method 2 to achieve the goal]"Have staff take external training to introduce specialized foot care (foot care) to visiting nursing care."