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希望の灯をともすYUMとメイク・ア・ウィッシュ 世界の子どもたちへ笑顔を届けよう

YUSUKE TODA STUDIOの人気キャラクター『YUM』が、メイク・ア・ウィッシュ オブ ジャパンと手を取り合い、子どもたちの夢をかなえるプロジェクトが始動しました!限定コラボグッズを通じて、難病の子どもたちへ希望を届けます。売上の一部は、子どもたちの支援に寄付され、夢の実現を後押しします!









このプロジェクトは、2024/06/05に募集を開始し、 124人の支援により 9,972,080円の資金を集め、 2024/07/14に募集を終了しました


希望の灯をともすYUMとメイク・ア・ウィッシュ 世界の子どもたちへ笑顔を届けよう







このプロジェクトは、2024/06/05に募集を開始し、 124人の支援により 9,972,080円の資金を集め、 2024/07/14に募集を終了しました

YUSUKE TODA STUDIOの人気キャラクター『YUM』が、メイク・ア・ウィッシュ オブ ジャパンと手を取り合い、子どもたちの夢をかなえるプロジェクトが始動しました!限定コラボグッズを通じて、難病の子どもたちへ希望を届けます。売上の一部は、子どもたちの支援に寄付され、夢の実現を後押しします!



メイク・ア・ウィッシュ オブ ジャパン 事務局長 鈴木 朋子 様より、このコラボプロジェクトに際して、以下の温かいコメントをいただきました。『この度は、素晴らしいコラボプロジェクトを開催してくださり、ありがとうございます。Make-A-Wish-願い事をする。夢をもつ。その瞬間から夢の力が生まれます。勇気、希望、努力。頑張ろうという気持ち。誰かの幸せを願ったり、誰かを愛おしく思ったり、家族やお友だちの大切さに気づいたり。感謝の気持ちや、たくさんの温かな想いを、自分自身にも、周りの人たちにも届けることができるのが夢の力です。病気と闘う子どもたちにも、夢の力を通じて笑顔と未来を届けたいと心から願います。世界中の子どもたちに明るい夢と希望を届けてくれる「YUM」と共に、一人でも多くの子どもたちの夢をかなえることができますよう、皆様のご支援をどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。』公益財団法人メイク・ア・ウィッシュ・オブ・ジャパンとともに、このコラボプロジェクトをより一層、盛り上げていけたらと考えております。また、未来の子どもたちに笑顔と希望を届けるため、そして社会還元活動を続けていくために、鋭意努力して参ります。 引き続き、皆様からのあたたかいご支援、お力添えをお待ちしております。YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLCチーム一同


皆さま、こんにちは!YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLCのチームです。皆さまの温かいご支援のおかげで、目標金額の500万円を無事に突破することができました。本当にありがとうございます! 皆さま一人一人のご支援が、私たちのコラボプロジェクトをここまで導いてくれました。このコラボプロジェクトを通じて、私たちのキャラクター「YUM」が多くの方々に笑顔と希望を届けられることを、心から嬉しく思います!しかし、私たちの旅はまだ終わっていません。 さらに多くの子どもたちに喜びを届けるために、7月14日(日)まで引き続きご支援を募集しております。皆さまのご協力が、私たちのささえとなります。皆さまの温かいご支援を、どうか引き続きよろしくお願い申し上げます!心からの感謝を込めて。YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLCチーム


Announcement:We have identified an issue with the address requirement on CAMPFIRE, which is causing errors for international collectors. To address this problem, we have implemented a temporary solution. As an interim measure, we are offering the use of our studio address for all international collectors. Once the payment is processed, we will arrange the shipment with the most favorable conditions for you, whether that means faster delivery times or more cost-effective shipping rates. Please use the following address for the shipping information: ーーー (Japanese) 郵便番号:1200005 都道府県:東京都(Tokyo)市区町村:足立区(Adachi-ku) 番地:2-10-22 建物名:Seiko102 電話番号:03-6662-5987 ーーー (English) Postal Code: 1200005 Prefecture: Tokyo (東京都) City: Adachi-ku (足立区) Street: 2-10-22 Building: Seiko102 (晟幸ビル102) Phone Number: 03-6662-5987Overview:YUSUKE TODA STUDIO’s popular character ‘YUM’ collaborates with Make-A-Wish Japan to fulfill children's dreams! Limited collaboration goods will bring hope to children with serious illnesses. Part of the sales will be donated to support these children and help make their dreams come true!Introduction:◆A Collaborative Project to Fulfill Children’s Dreams!United by a common vision of "bringing dreams and hope to children," the two organizations, Make-A-Wish Japan and YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC, have come together to launch this project.Make-A-Wish Japan, a charity organization with over 40 years of history originating from the United States, and YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC, led by contemporary artist Yusuke Toda, who has seen his art sell out globally, have formed a strong partnership to support children battling serious illnesses.From this collaborative project, the "exclusive collaboration goods" were born. A portion of the sales proceeds will be donated to support children with serious illnesses.These products are not just items but are meant to ignite a "light of hope" in the hearts of children. We invite you to join us in bringing smiles and hope to them. Please lend us your support!Note: For detailed information about the YUM Goods Light Plan and YUM Goods Premium Plan, please refer to the catalog below:◆About Make-A-WishMake-A-Wish is a volunteer organization established to fulfill the dreams of children aged 3 to 18 battling serious illnesses, giving them the strength and courage to fight their diseases. It provides unforgettable experiences and brings hope and joy to these children.◆The Beginning of Make-A-Wish JapanFounded in the USA in 1980, Make-A-Wish started to help children with serious illnesses fulfill their dreams. The world's largest wish-granting volunteer organization has expanded from Arizona to the entire USA, including Puerto Rico and Guam, with 62 branches. Worldwide, it operates in 39 countries, including Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Chile, Taiwan, and Japan.◆About YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLCYUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC, established by contemporary artist Yusuke Toda, actively works to bring bright dreams and hopes to children worldwide. The character "YUM" from his works is beloved for its warm and gentle worldview and cute appearance. Last year, his art sold out immediately at exhibitions around the globe.YUM, the character featured in the artwork created by YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLCWork scene at YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLCOur Wish at YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLCThrough art, YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC has been delivering smiles to children. This collaboration project with Make-A-Wish Japan aims to bring light to the hearts of children battling serious illnesses, supporting their smiles and courage. A portion of the sales proceeds will be donated to activities that support children with serious illnesses. Together with the globally beloved character "YUM," we hope to help make their dreams come true.◆About Contemporary Artist: Yusuke TodaYusuke Toda graduated from Tama Art University and has been recognized with several awards, including the FACE Award and the Shell Art Award in 2020, as well as the Fukuzawa Ichiro Award and the Shell Art Award in 2015. His works convey a warm message that envelops viewers' hearts. In 2021, he established YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC and has been holding exhibitions around the world with his character "YUM," delivering dreams and hopes to many people. YUM serves as a friend to children and their families, bringing bright dreams and hope, and spending time with them.Message from Yusuke Toda:"Hello, I am contemporary artist Yusuke Toda. My main character YUM was created to deliver bright dreams and hopes to children worldwide. From the desire to bring smiles to children fighting illnesses, we realized this collaboration project with Make-A-Wish Japan. Each return gift will be carefully hand-painted with love. I hope this warm support will spread from here. Together, let's take a step to brighten the future of children."Use of Funds and Schedule:The funds raised from this project will be used for donations through Make-A-Wish Japan and for the production costs of the return gifts. Additionally, to continue providing support, the online shop "ATELIER YUM" will open concurrently. A portion of future sales will be used for sustainable support activities. We greatly appreciate your support and cooperation.◆Use of Funds•    Donation to Make-A-Wish Japan: ¥2,200,000 (Used to realize the dreams of children aged 3 to 18 living in Japan battling serious illnesses. For details, see the activity report: Realized Wishes)•    Return gift production costs, personnel costs, shipping costs: ¥2,100,000 (Cost of raw materials, processing materials, special ink)•    Equipment costs for producing return gifts: ¥500,000 (Exposure machine, press machine, workbench)•    Fees and other miscellaneous expenses: ¥200,000o    Total: ¥5,000,000◆Schedule•    Late June: Collaboration project ends•    Late June: Online shop "ATELIER YUM" opens, continuing support for children•    Early July: Shipping of return gifts (sequentially)•    From September: Introduction of children whose dreams have been realized through donations to Make-A-Wish JapanImage of 'ATELIER YUM' scheduled to open in late June Fundraising Method:This project will be conducted in an All-in manner. Even if the goal amount is not met, the plan will be executed, and the return gifts will be delivered.A Wide Range of Attractive Returns!To bring smiles to supporters, we have prepared a variety of exclusive collaboration goods! Each return item is hand-painted by artist Yusuke Toda, making each piece unique. Enjoy the special design and warm texture created through meticulous handcrafting!Please note:Entering your address is mandatory, and email communication after payment is required.After completing the application and payment for the return on Campfire, you will receive an email. Please reply to this email with your address and name entered in the dedicated fields.★Estimated shipping costs for international orders (using EMS) are as follows:Asia: Approximately ¥2,000 - ¥4,000North America, Central America, Oceania, Middle East: Approximately ¥2,500 - ¥5,000Europe: Approximately ¥3,000 - ¥6,000South America, Africa: Approximately ¥3,500 - ¥7,000Please note that these are rough estimates and actual shipping costs may vary depending on the size and weight of the package, as well as the shipping method chosen.Additionally, please be aware that customs duties and taxes may apply upon importation, depending on your country's regulations. The recipient is responsible for these additional charges."★Estimated delivery times are as follows:Asia: 3-5 daysUSA and Canada: 5-7 daysEurope: 7-10 daysPlease note that these are estimated delivery times and actual delivery may vary. Delays may occur due to flight schedules and other unforeseen factors."*Note: This does not apply to paintings.* ◆Production of Goods in Progress *Note: Sound plays during playback*◆YUM Goods Light Plan•    Regular price: 15,000 yen → Early bird: 9,980 yen•    A small version of the limited collaboration goods assortment. Recommended for those who want to enjoy YUM's charm at an affordable price. Available at early bird prices!•    Catalog available here→◆YUM Goods Premium Plan•    Regular price: 45,000 yen → Early bird: 29,980 yen•    A large version of the limited collaboration goods assortment. Perfect for those who want to immerse themselves in YUM's world and get a lot of exclusive collaboration goods! Available at early bird prices!•    Catalog available here→◆Special Original DrawingRegular Price: ¥105,000 → CAMPFIRE Special Price: ¥69,980Each piece is a unique, special original painting, carefully hand-painted. It's the perfect art piece to decorate your desk or room. Ideal for those who want to add a touch of YUM to their life! Available at a significant discount from the regular price!Please note:•    This return includes an official certificate of authenticity issued by YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC.•    A two-year non-resale agreement must be signed.•    Limited availability! First come, first served until sold out!________________________________________◆Canvas ArtworkCAMPFIRE Special Price: ¥289,980This is a one-of-a-kind canvas artwork, hand-painted by artist Yusuke Toda! It features the vibrant colors and unique world of YUM, making it a special, exclusive collaboration item.Please note:•    This item is available exclusively through this collaboration project on CAMPFIRE and cannot be purchased elsewhere.•    This return includes an official certificate of authenticity issued by YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC.•    A two-year non-resale agreement must be signed.•    Limited availability! First come, first served until sold out!________________________________________◆Large Canvas Artwork (Over 100cm)CAMPFIRE Special Price: ¥489,980Each piece is a unique, large canvas artwork, hand-painted by artist Yusuke Toda. This exclusive collaboration good, featuring YUM's worldview and vibrant colors, is over 100cm in size, offering a powerful visual impact!•    This return is available only through this collaboration project on CAMPFIRE.•    Includes an official certificate of authenticity issued by YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC.•    A two-year non-resale agreement must be signed.•    Limited availability! First come, first served until sold out!________________________________________◆Custom Request Canvas ArtworkCAMPFIRE Special Price: ¥999,980Yusuke Toda will create a custom artwork just for you! This exclusive piece, sized at an impressive 160cm, offers a stunning visual impact.•    This return is available only through this collaboration project on CAMPFIRE. As a custom request piece, it holds high value and is sure to be a prized collection.•    Includes an official certificate of authenticity issued by YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC.•    A two-year non-resale agreement must be signed.•    Requests containing anti-social expressions, content violating public order and morals, copyright infringement, violent or discriminatory expressions, or privacy invasions are not accepted. Commercial use is also prohibited.•    Limited to five pieces! Available until sold out!*。+.. World-Class Art in Your HandsYUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC's artwork has captivated audiences around the globe. Last year, our exhibitions in New York, Paris, Taiwan, and Hong Kong saw instant sell-outs. This remarkable achievement is now reflected in the returns of our dream collaboration project. The "canvas artworks" included in the exclusive collaboration goods are available only through CAMPFIRE! This is a unique opportunity to bring globally beloved art directly to your hands.*。+.. A Once-in-a-Lifetime OpportunityThis is not just an art piece. It is a symbol of hope and joy born from the heartfelt collaboration between YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC and Make-A-Wish Japan. By acquiring these exclusive collaboration goods, you can help support more children who bravely face their daily challenges.Conclusion:The message of "Make-A-Wish" is "It all begins with a wish!"Through this collaboration project, we aim to deliver the "light of hope" to children battling serious illnesses through the power of art. The moment children smile is a piece of the future we aim to achieve. By participating in this collaboration project, you can add color to the future of more children.Of course, supporting this collaboration project is not limited to financial contributions. Sharing information about the project on social media will also be a great help. Let's spread the bright smiles of children together with YUM, a character loved worldwide."Your support has brought these smiles. To deliver hope and light to even more children, we need your help. Will you join us in adding color to their world alongside YUM, full of vibrant dreams?"YUSUKE TODA STUDIO LLC will continue to engage in social contribution activities that bring life and hope. To create new value through art and add color to life, we will open the online shop "ATELIER YUM" this summer.We sincerely appreciate your warm support and cooperation in our collaboration project with Make-A-Wish Japan and our ongoing social contribution activities.Donation Information:•    Recipient: Make-A-Wish Japan•    Note: Donations made through this collaboration project are not eligible for tax deductions for donors. After the project ends, we will provide proof of donation through an activity report.Thank you for your support and generosity!