(English follows Japanese)
私の名前はハッサンです。私の故郷はアフリカのスーダン共和国南コルドファン州のヌバ山岳地帯です。私は 5 歳のころ視力を失ってから全盲で、現在難民として鍼灸を学びながら日本に住んでいます。
A recent photograph of me in 2024
2- 私は理学療法学士と修士を持っています。
3- 京都大学で多くのことを学びました。
ヌバ山岳地帯は南コルドファン州に位置する広大な地域です(地理的にはちょうどスーダンの真ん中にあたります)。 南コルドファン州の面積は北海道と同じくらい(およそ 80,000 平方キロメートル)で、ヌバ山岳地帯はそのうちの 50,000 平方キロメートルを占めます。東京都の 8 倍の広さです。
ヌバ山岳地帯は 1983 から長期の国内紛争に遭い、壊滅的な打撃を受けました。 紛争がようやく終結したのは今年 2020 年になってからです (1) 。
この紛争で数え切れないほどの家屋、村や農耕地が破壊されただけでなく、発展に向けた政策も全て停止しました。また、老若男女を問わず多くの人々が傷つき、様々な後遺症に苦しんでいます。 紛争を原因とする身体的不具や障害を抱えている人々の数は 50 万人以上とも言われていますが (2) 、 実際の人数は未だ不明です (私は報告されている数より多いと考えています)。 なぜなら被害にあった主な人々は、ジャーナリストや国連といった国際機関ですらたどり着けない奥地に住んでいるからです。
The Nature of the Nuba Mountains is Fascinating.
私の整体院設立の目的は二つあります。ひとつ目は、経済的に自分の生活を支えること。そしてふたつ目はヌバ山地で身体障害者を支援する Shams Center の設立です。私は整体院の売上の30%を、Shams Center の設立に使います。ヌバ山地の身体障害者の数についてデータを集めたところ、28,000人あまりがいることがわかりました。Shams Center を通じて、私はこれから3年間、4,000人の障害のある生徒の勉強をサポートする予定です。
場所: 横浜市内で、大きな駅に近い場所。
スペース: ベッド(電動ベッド)6台、受付、トイレ
費用内訳 「使い道」
物件初期費用(礼金・敷金・家賃・保証金等) 300万円
内装工事費 3百万円
広告宣伝費 100万円
レセプトコンピューター・治療機器 5百万円
什器備品 3百万円
合計 15百万円
Hello everyone! Please listen to me.
My name is Hassan. My homeland is in the Nuba Mountains, South Kordofan State, Republic of Sudan, Africa. I lost my vision when I was five years old. I have been blind since then. I currently live in Japan as a refugee studying acupuncture and moxibustion. When I applied for refugee status, there were 10,000 applicants but I was the only one chosen out of those 10,000. I am very grateful to the Japanese Government and the Japanese people that my application was successful.
My goal is to learn as much as I can about the cutting-edge knowledge available in Japan, not only in acupuncture, but also in science and technology. My aim is to share this knowledge with the people in my country, Sudan, especially in the Nuba Mountainous Areas, and to help them by spreading the knowledge I gained.
A little about me:
1 - I studied physiotherapy, Anma massage and acupuncture in Hamamatsu and Kyoto.
2- I have a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in physiotherapy.
3- I learned a lot at Kyoto University.
4- I have 18 years of experience in various techniques and approaches in physiotherapy and chiropractic care.
About the Nuba Mountains:
The Nuba Mountains is a large area located in South Kordofan State (geographically, it is right in the middle of Sudan). The area of South Kordofan State is about the same as Hokkaido (8,000 square kilometres approximately). The Nuba Mountains occupy 50,000 square kilometres of this area. It is eight times the size of Tokyo.
The Nuba Mountains Area is home to a surprisingly diverse ethnic population, also known as the Nuba People.I belong to the Nuba People myself, and I am very proud to be Nubian!
Current Situation in the Nuba Mountains Area:
The Nuba mountains region has been devastated by a long period of internal conflict since 1983. The conflict finally ended in 2020 (1). The conflict has not only destroyed countless houses, villages and agricultural lands, but it has also suspended all development-oriented projects. In addition, many people; young and old, men and women, have been injured and are suffering from various aftereffects. It is estimated that more than half a million people became physically disabled as a result of the conflict (2), but the actual number is still unknown. I do believe the number to be higher than reported. This is because the majority of the people affected lived in remote areas which are not accessible by journalists or international organisations such as the United Nations (UN). These people have no access to education or employment opportunities. There is no social welfare system in the Nuba Mountains and there are no support centres or professional or volunteer assistance. Thus, the Nuba Mountains Area was lost in immeasurable suffering and agony. If the situation continues without help or support for people there, countless lives and human potential will be lost. To change this situation in the Nuba Mountains, I would like to propose the following project to you and invite you to contribute in it.
The Project:
My priority now is to set up my own chiropractic clinic and I need your financial support to do this. I want to establish my own chiropractic clinic so that I can support myself financially. I also want to establish a centre to support people with special needs in the Nuba Mountains in the future.
My Two Goals:
Why should my social business exist?
I have two goals for establishing my chiropractic clinic. The first goal is to support myself financially.
The second goal is to establish Shams Centre, which supports people with physical special needs in the Nuba Mountains Area. I will use 30% of the profit from my clinic to establish Shams Centre.
Through Shams Centre, I will support 4,000 students with special needs in their education over the next three years. Losing my sight at an early age was an immensely painful and difficult experience, but I want to use my adversity as a gateway to success. I want to inspire and give hope and to people in my situation and help them move forward in life. My chiropractic clinic is not only for my own benefit, but also for the benefit of society.
My Vision:
What is my vision for my chiropractic clinic?
What kind of service, value and atmosphere do I want to offer my customers and supporters?
My chiropractic clinic will be different from the ordinary chiropractic clinic that you know.
I will use the Japanese culture to treat muscle problems and I will incorporate ancient African and Arabian cultures into my treatment as well. With these three cultures combined, I can offer relief to patients suffering from muscle pain, fatigue and stress.
My skills and techniques will definitely heal you!
My Chiropractic Clinic will convey an African appeal to the supporters and visitors (design, music, etc.). The decoration will be inspired by the African and Arabic Cultures. In this way, my chiropractic clinic will also become a cultural hub.Given my knowledge, 18 years of expertise, experience and great motivation...I think my attempt to open a chiropractic clinic is an amazing thing!
My concrete business plan for a successful chiropractic clinic:
Cost: it costs 93,000$to establish the chiropractic clinic.
Location: in Yokohama, close to a major railway station.
Space: 6 beds (electric beds), reception area, toilets.
Cost Breakdown:
Advertisement and Publicity Cost: 6,200$
Reception Computer and Treatment Equipment Cost: 31,000$
Furniture and Office Equipment: 18,600$
Total Cost: 93,000$
I believe in your support for this project.
(1) Thirteenth periodic report of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in the Sudan
(2) https://enoughproject.org/files/NubaMtns-report.pdf