

お店の住所:〒542-0086 大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋2丁目1−18 ノリビル6F

Here is our project to create an eSports cafe in Shinsaibashi Amemura.
Our project supports Japanese, English and French.
In the future, we also want to support Korean and Chinese !

The bar is already open now but not yet an ESports bar so please come and join us !
Bar page
Bar address:〒542-0086 Ōsaka-fu, Ōsaka-shi, Chūō-ku, Nishishinsaibashi, 2 Chome−1−18, ノリビル6F




フランスにいた頃、私が大学生のときにe-Sportsという世界を知りました。友達と家でビールを片手に「Warcraft 3」や「Starcraft」をよく見ていました。



I’m Alex, I’m french and I live in Osaka since 2012.

I run a bar in Shinsaibashi, amemura called Meat n’ Bones. We are sometimes running some esports events at that bar and we plan to turn it into an eSports dedicated place !

I discovered the world of eSports when I was university student in France. My friends and I used to meet a my place to watch some « Warcraft 3 » or « Starcraft » games while having some beers.

What I like about eSports is that it has no border. We all speak the same language when we play games together !

Gamers of Kansai, our time has come ! Let’s gather and create a new world... our own world !

▼このプロジェクトで実現したいこと(What we want to achieve with this project)

「Gamer House」プロジェクトは今あるゲームバー「Meat n’ Bones」をesportsカフェにリニューアルオープンしたいと考えています。



この場所はLeague of Legends、PUBG、Fortnite、ロケットリーグ、CSGO、Rainbow Six Siege、鉄拳、ドラゴンボールファイターズ、ストリートファイターを始め、ジャンルにこだわりなく扱いたいです。

皆さんの助けを借りて、 Gamer Houseは人々が出会うだけのカフェではなく、新しいチャンピオンが育つ場所、伝説が生まれる場所、そして新しい世界の始まりとなる場所になるでしょう...日本の大阪から私たちの世界を一緒に作りましょう!


The eSport cafe Gamer house project is to change the old gamebar “Meat n’ Bones” into a place dedicated to eSports (professional gaming )

The plan is to create a place where all eSports game lovers can meet, enjoy games, watch games or just talk with other eSports fan.

We also want to have many different kind of events related to eSports like showing international contests on big screens, invite pro gamers to have special training days with them or having many different kind of contests.

The place will be dedicated to all recent popular eSports games such as LoL, PUBG, fortnite, rocket League, CSGO, rainbow six, Tekken, dragon ball fighterz, SF and many others !

With your help, Gamer House will not only be a cafe where people meet, it will also be a place where champions from a new generation will raise, a place where legends will be born, it will be the beginning of a new era !

So please support us and let’s achieve that together !

▼プロジェクトをやろうと思った理由(Our motivations)



Recently, some eSports dedicated places have opened in Osaka but there is no place which supports multiple languages and foreigners communities.

We want to focus on the social part of eSports. We want to create a place where you can make new friends, join new communities...
Since we’ll have Japanese, English and French speaking staffs, we really want to create an international atmosphere to enjoy together our common passion !

Our project is similar to a regular sport bar but instead of displaying regular sports, we want to display eSports games.

▼これまでの活動(Activities up to now)



Until now, we hold different fighting games events.
We also had hearthstone and shadowverse events.
We also welcome players who want to enjoy some board games or some Dungeon and Dragons.

Recently, we created the Kansai eSports association. Our aim is to gather the Kansai community and inform them about what’s going on in terms of eSports in the Kansai area.
We are currently using social medias to spread some new contents such as events informations or interviews.

We also hosted some meet-up events so that people interested in esports can meet.

▼資金の使い道(Fund use)



We will use the money to acquire some projectors, screens and better audio equipment.

If we get enough funds or a sponsor, we also want to acquire some gaming computers

▼リターンについて(About returns)


支援頂いた方にはぜひ私たちのGamer Houseに来て欲しいので、より多くのクーポンを差し上げます!


We want to focus on the social part of ESport and meetings “in real life” so we mainly offer discount coupons for people who want to support our project.

We also want to have some special events where you can improve your skills by training with pro-players !

We’ll also do our best to invite the most prestigious pro players !

And we are currently looking for sponsors (companies etc) who can help us achieve our project !


これはGamer houseのフード/ドリンクメニューです!

There are Gamer house food / drink menus!


▼お店の料金体系(Bar system)

Gamer Houseでは特別料金は必要ありません。






Bar system

There won’t be any special charges when you come to Gamer House !
You just pay for your drinks and your food.

We’ll keep the same price as it was before:
Soft drinks are 500 yen, beer is 600 and most of the cocktails are 700 yen.

We’ll also have a food menu which will often change.
We’ll have 2 sofas space where you can use the screens to play the games you bring !

Also if we success to get some gaming computers, we will add 500 yen per hour charges to play the computer games.
You’ll be able to connect to your steam account or play different games using your own accounts.

For the first 3 months, we will open from 7 pm to 1 am on week days and from 6pm to 3 am on week-ends.
The opening hours may change after that.




In France, we already have places like that in every big cities. I really enjoyed going there, drinking beers, having some food while chatting about eSports or watching some games and that’s where I got the inspiration to create such a place in Osaka !

So if you too, you would like to have such a place in your area, please support our project!

▼サポーター(They support us)






Nice to meet you! My name is Yu Yamaguchi and I fully support this project !
Originally, I was a player of the “NORA- RENGO” team.
I’m now organizing eSports events in Kansai area.
I’m also owning the professional team called “PNG” which is active in the entire country.

In Alex’s cafe, I’ve met many kind of people, high school or university students, salaryman etc...
Everytime I went there, I heard some Japanese, English, French, sometimes Chinese or Korean.

I think that it is awesome to enjoy esports together in such a wonderful international atmosphere !
I am supporting it, but it is not enough. We also need everyone’s support!
