Introduction / Greetings  ご挨拶

Dear Friends, Patrons & Musicians from John at Dickens! Ebisu & Nick at Infinity Books Asakusa.

We trust you are all well and coping with the social distancing & isolation and are  now in the same boat and struggling  financially.

In response to the government's request re-Coronavirus, we will refrain from all operations during April-May 2020 and more than likely well into June.

As a result, it will become difficult to survive in business and as such we sincerely ask for your consideration in supporting our shops by pre-buying coupons for our shops to cover necessary expenses in this down time.

皆様こんにちは。What the Dickensのジョンと、Infinity Booksのニックと申します。このソーシャル・ディスタンシングと孤立を乗り切っていらっしゃることを願っています。皆様と同じように、私たちは今同じボートの上にいます。そして誰もが経済的に苦しんでいます。



Background of products and shops  これまでの活動

Dickens has now been going for almost twenty-five years supporting the local music and thespian scene with live events nightly including supporting many charity events over the years.The idea is to be able to continue doing this and provide a place and atmosphere for our customers to enjoy free live music, events, beer and food.

Infinity Books & Event Space has now been running for over six years, when we started, there were a few other indie English book shops of this stature, and over the past year or so, we have become the last one standing. We offer pretty much the book shops of olde from back home.The idea is to not just to keep open, but continue into a time when we see other such book shops open again !!

We understand that there are many other similar businesses who will also require financial help to continue! We hope you will carefully consider supporting the Beers, Books, Balllad Futures project.

What the Dickens!は25年前から地元の音楽シーンをサポートしてきました。その間、多くのチャリティーイベントを含め、毎晩ライブイベントを開催してきました。 今後もこの活動を続け、お客様に無料のライブ音楽、イベント、ビール、料理を楽しんでいただけるような場所と雰囲気を提供していきたいと考えています。

Infinity Books & Event Spaceは開店から6年以上経ちました。開店当初は、同規模の独立系洋書店が他にもいくつか存在しましたが、ここ1年ほどで、当店が最後の1つとなってしまいました。当店では昔懐かしの本屋さんにいるような気分を味わっていただけると思います。このままただ営業を続けるのではなく、将来的にまた私たちのような洋書店が再び姿をあらわすようになってほしいと願っています。

Reasons leading to crowdfunding this project  クラウドファンディングに至った理由

Due to the Covid-19 worldwide crisis myself and Nick, as with every other business have been hit hard in the past 6 weeks and there is no end in sight as to when our businesses can get bck up and running.

To this end we are launching this campaign in an attempt to raise funds to keep the business viable by pre-selling beer and book coupons, similar to 'Paying It Forward ”, so to speak.

 We are currently closed for the foreseeable future.And, hope to re-open when the crisis has subsided, which is beyond our control.



現在、当分の間はお休みをいただいております。 そして、いつになるかは私達でもはかりかねますが、危機が収まったときに再オープンすることを願っています。

Introduction of return  リターンとして入手いただけるもの

We are presenting four options to purchase coupons which can be used at both businesses.

Options are:

A. 2,000 Yen – 2,000 yen coupons
B. 5,000 Yen - 6,000 yen coupons
C. 10,000 Yen – 12,000 yen coupons
D. 20,000 Yen – 25,000 yen coupons

Of course any extra support is greatly appreciated.

* For any support from outside of Japan, please input the dummy address below.
4f Roob 6 Bldg, 1-13-3 Ebisu Nishi, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0021



A. 2,000 円 – 2,000 円クーポン
B. 5,000 円 – 6,000 円 クーポン
C. 10,000 円 – 12,000 円 クーポン
D. 20,000 円 – 25,000 円クーポン


150-0021 東京都 渋谷区 恵比寿西 1-13-1 ROOB6 4F

What the project wants to achieve  プロジェクトが成功した場合に達成したいこと

To ensure that Dickens! & Infinity Books can successfully reopen soon!


Usage and schedule of funds 資金の使い道について

• Rent
• Utilities
• Suppliers
• Staff
• Miscellaneous expenses


Shop Information  店舗情報

What the Dickens!

 ADDRESS: 4f Roob 6 Bldg, 1-13-3 Ebisu Nishi, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0021
 TEL: 03-3780-2099

Infinity Books Japan

 ADDRESS: 1F Komagata Bashi Heights Bldg , 1-2-4 Azumabashi, Sumida-ku,  Tokyo, 130-0001
 TEL: 080-3412-2564
