English version is added. 

Please use google translate for the rest of translation.




Hello, we are members of Okinawa Traditional Textile Club at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Okinawa, Japan. 



Our club is established to provide opportunities for everyone including OIST employees, family memberes, as well as local residents to gather and talk about our common interests, Okinawa's traditional textile. One of the purpose of the club is to hold a study group for conserving Bashofu, which is heading for declining Okinawa's traditainally crafted and dyed fabric. Ideas from the study group are going to be shared with the public through exhibitions and lectures. 




Bashofu is a cloth made of the fibers of the Okinawan ito-basho, a tree looks like banana. And it is one of the National Important Intangible Cultural Property in Japan. In this project, we are going to introduce what Bashofu is and its history and unique techniques to make the cloth. Bashofu is one of 










沖縄では、芭蕉布は祖父母のタンスから出てきたり、琉球舞踊で漁夫の衣装としても着られていたりすることから、 農民が着ていた野良着のイメージが定着していますが、実は、いくつものグレードがあります。









Grade of Bashofu

Although general images of Bashofu now may be a costume of fisherman in Ryukyuan Dance or farmers’ work clothes in the past, there were various grades in the quality of Bashofu textiles.

Most Bashofu textiles that were woven by commoners for their own use were not dyed and the textures were hard. The common patterns of their Bashofu textiles were plain, striped, checkered and kasuri. At that time, commoners could not afford to have their Bashofu Kimono, which were their everyday clothes, dyed colorfully or woven in fashionable patterns.

On the other hand, Bashofu Kimono which were worn by courtiers as official uniforms were dyed dark blue, blue or green. Bashofu Kimono worn by the royalty were dyed with red or yellow, the royal color, which were prohibited for commoners to use.


Bashofu textiles were highly valued as a tribute from the Ryukyu Kingdom to the Bakufu*, and Daimyo* in Japan or to foreign countries. These high-quality Bashofu textiles used as tributes were woven by professional craftsmen, therefore the technique had never been handed down to commoners.

Kuruchou is a formal attire for the backing chorus of Okinawan traditional performing arts called Kumiodori. Kuruchou used to be made of black dyed Bashofu textiles. To dye Bashofu black takes a lot of time and care with special skills, therefore nowadays Kuruchou are made of different materials.

Before the war, Bashofu were woven all across Okinawa, however, their main production area today is only Kijoka, an area in Ogimi village located in the northern part of the main island of Okinawa.

Bashofu was once almost lost during the WWII, until Toshiko Taira, 97 years old, who had evacuated to mainland Japan, revived the production of Bashofu in Kijoka after the war. She has not only revived Bashofu but also advanced the techniques and artistic quality to the same level as the Bashofu textiles woven for the royal family during the Ryukyu Kingdom Era. In 2000, Toshiko Taira was designated as a Living National Treasure.

*Bakufu- Japan’s feudal government headed by a Shogun

*Daimyo-Japanese feudal lord








To get bashofu thread, plant ito-basho.

Making bashofu starts from planting ito-basho and it takes about three years for the tree to grow. Then craftsmen cultivate, strips layers of the stalks, and boil with wood lye to extract fibers. One ito-basho tree can produce few grams of fiber and to make a cloth big enough to make one Kimono, they need about 200 ito-basho. 







Weaving is 1% of entire process of making bashofu.

In total, there are 23 steps to make a bashofu cloth and there is no powered machine involved in the process. And the way they make bashofu is the same way their mother, grandmother, and ancestors were making. Mieko Taira, a president of the association for the preservation of Kijoka Bashofu said,"we are working so hard to make bashofu (in the same way Okinawan's ancestors did) but people say, "That is so expensive!" or "How did it become so expensive!"... High-quality Bashofu is very expensive then too... 

We want people in Okinawa, Japan, and the world to know the history of the bashofu and understand its true value. 













- 展示会のリーフレット作成費:60%

- 展示会用ポスターの写真購入費:5%

- 展示会用パネル作成費:10%

- 糸づくり体験講師の交通費:5%

- 「喜如嘉の芭蕉布」保存会から「お返し」の購入:15%

- 「お返し」の送料:5%






8月27日 (月)- 9月22日(土):芭蕉布展示会開催





TEL 098 982 3373


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