Open "The Door to the Last Summer" Please support the production of a sci-fi fantasy short film directed by Nakada!
初めまして。この度パイロット短編「最後の夏への扉」を製作する映画監督の中田雄一郎と申します。本プロジェクトでは、初監督長編SFファンタジー映画「最後の夏への扉」のパイロット短編映画の制作資金を調達します。そのパイロット本編の総製作資金の約450万円ほどの内撮影分の300万円近くを集め、 今秋(9−10月頃予定)に撮影することが目標です。ぜひご支援応援の方お願いします。
Introduction / Greetings
Nice to meet you. My name is Yuichiro Nakata, the director of the pilot short film "The Door to Last Summer". Through this project, we will raise funds for the production of a pilot short film for our first feature-length science fiction fantasy film "The Door to Last Summer". Our goal is to raise nearly 3 million yen (20K USD) for filming out of the approximately 4.5 million yen (40K USD) needed to produce the pilot film in total, which will be shot around this autumn (September-October TBD). Please support us!
(*) We will start with 2 million yen as the first target amount, and set a second stretch goal of 3 million yen after achieving the first target amount.
Feature Film concept
An astronomer’s daughter encounters a traumatised Physics student from Syria. They take a fantastical night locomotive train and deliver a letter and their respective keepsakes of her grandmother and his war buddy. On the way they retrieve those long forgotten priceless memories.
(*) The pilot version is a short film that is an image of the essence of this film, and differs from the full-length version
What we hope to achieve with this project
The reason for using crowdfunding is that the pilot itself is an independent film and financial support from individual supporters and the community is essential. We would like to use this project as Step 1 towards a feature film, and then as Step 2, we would like to encourage investment in a feature film by communicating our vision of a fantasy world through the pilot. The legendary French film director, Jean Luc Godard used to say “The cinema is truth 24 frames-per-second.” Your support will be engraved in the film as one frame of a film, or truth 24 frames-per-second. Why don't you share the time of making the film with us?
Director’s statement
No birth and no death. It’s all transformation.
-Thich Nhat Hanh
A few years ago, I found an old letter from my late grandmother at my parents' house. It was addressed to me when I was still a minor at the time, but now that I am middle-aged, my grandmother calls me to a timeless question;"What is true happiness?"
My grandmother used to tell me that "Happiness is to process a homelike place." What my grandmother calls a "homelike place" or "place" is the source of nurturing irreplaceable memories of life. For me, this eternal "place" of my heart is undeniably the casual everyday time I spent with my grandmother during my childhood summer vacation.
Irreplaceable memories and time are created from what my grandmother called a homely "place." The crystallization of our lives is projected from death. It is unmistakably a "memory" created from banal everyday life. One of the protagonists of this work, Noah, a Syrian refugee, once lost many family friends in the civil war in his home country, and a young girl, Alice, experiences the death of her grandmother and her beloved cat for the first time in her life.
In today's civilized society, where "death" is deemed to be fundamentally taboo, I would like to project what "life" is and what "happiness" is in living from the perspectives of two opposites: children and adults, insider and outsider, through film. Death is part of life and is in the process of pursuing happiness.
No birth and no death. It’s all transformation.
Producer‘s statement
My parents experienced war, with my father, a student, serving in the military during World War II while he was a student and my mother in the Tokyo Air Raid, so they were much closer to death. However, I feel that Japanese people today are less likely to face death, perhaps because they are not religious or because they are peaceful. This film creates a certain tension in the way it sharply probes the question of life and death in the world of fantasy and nostalgia that surrounds the entire film, and as a producer, I would like to see this worldview.
Crew Members
監督、脚本、製作 中田雄一郎
Director, Screenwriter and Producer Yuichiro Nakada
2018年に監督した短編「Goodbye my son」はカンヌを始め世界70カ国以上で上映された。2019年には京都フィルムメーカーズ時代劇ラボの松竹チームに参加。2022年には配達員のシリア難民と母子家庭の日本人の少年との交流を描いた短編「Gift」を製作し、イタリアのモンテカチーニ国際短編映画際、スペシャルメンション受賞、カンザス国際映画祭にてワールドベストシネマ受賞、またモスクワ国際映画祭のアウトオブコンペティション短編部門に選出された。2022年には釜山映画学校の国際ビジネス映画アカデミーでその年の唯一の日本人として卒業した。
In 2018, his debut short film, ‘Goodbye my son’ was selected as an official selection in more than 70 film festivals in the world. In 2019, he participated in the Jidaigeki workshop in Kyoto filmmakers’ lab as a soundman in the Shochiku team. During the filmmaking workshop, he collaborated with the Shochiku production team and other selected members all over the world among 300 applicants. In 2022, his second short film, ‘Gift’ which portrays the family like bond between a Syrian refugee and a solitary Japanese boy has been selected in Moscow International Film Festival, Monctecatini International Short Film Festival and Kansas City FilmFest. He graduated from the International Film Business Academy in Busan Asian film school as the only Japanese filmmaker in that year with all aspiring filmmakers in Asia in 2022.
フィルモグラフィー / Filmography
Goodbye my son / 14min20s / 2018 / Drama
Gift / 25 min / 2022 / Drama
プロデューサー・代表取締役社長 大和田廣樹
Producer, CEO Hiroki Owada
2003年よりWEBで見られるオリジナルドラマをプロデュース。特に林海象監督と組んでリリースした探偵事務所5 シリーズが人気を博す。その他、映画やドラマの製作、映画作品へのプロデュース参画。海外にも進出し、日台合作の映画やドラマを製作。現在は、台湾、中国、ハリウッドと組んで映画やドラマを製作するプロジェクトを同時に進行させている。制作会社 ドリームキッド
Hiroki Ohwada has been producing online dramas since 2003. His most popular production is the web series “Detective Office 5” that he created in collaboration with Japanese movie director Kaizo Hayashi.He has also produced many movies and dramas, and participated in numbers of films projects.In addition, he has ventured overseas, co-producing films and dramas between Japan and Taiwan. He is currently working on film and drama projects in Taiwan, China, and Hollywood.
※第69回ロカルノ映画祭新進監督賞受賞、第38回ナント三大陸映画祭 準グランプリ
※第90回キネマ旬報ベスト・テン ・主演男優賞:柳楽優弥・最優秀新人賞:村上虹郎・最優秀新人賞:小松菜奈 他10賞受賞
2020年《 BOLT》 林海象監督、永瀬正敏、佐野史郎、金山一彦、吉村界人、月船さらら、佐藤浩市
※第22回上海国際映画祭パノラマ部門正式招待作品 ※京都国際映画祭2019特別招待作品
2016《Destruction Babies》 DIRECTOR : Tetsuya Mariko | CAST : Yuya Yagira, Suda Masaki, Nana Komatsu
※Winner of the Best Emerging Director Award at the 69th Locarno Film Festival
※Runner-up Prize, 38th Festival of the 3 Continents, Nantes2018
2020《BOLT》DIRECTOR : Kaizo Hayashi | CAST : Masatoshi Nagase, Shiro Sano, Kazuhiko Kanayama, Kaito Yoshimura, Tsukifune Sarara, Koichi Sato
※Official invitation film for the Panorama section of the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival
※Kyoto International Film Festival 2019 Special Screenings
撮影監督 ジョン・ドニカ
Cinematographer John Donica
モルドバ出身 東京を拠点とする撮影監督/監督である。2012年、映画監督兼編集者の専門であるアカデミー オブ ミュージック シアター アンド ファイン アーツを卒業。それ以来、フリーランスの撮影技師および監督として、ドキュメンタリー映画やフィクション映画、ミュージック ビデオ、コマーシャルの制作に取り組んでおり、Unreal Engine 5 と Aximmetry Technologies を駆使するバーチャル プロダクションのスーパーバイザー兼 DOPである。彼の作品は、IDFA、Vision du Reel、モンテネグロ、釜山国際短編映画祭、Cronograf、DocuArtFest、East Silver、Beldocs などの多くの国際映画祭に選出されてきた。
John Donica is a cinematographer / director from Moldova based in Tokyo. In 2012 he graduated from Academy of Music Theater and Fine Arts, specialty - film director and editor. Since then, he has been working as a freelance cinematographer and director on documentary and fiction films, music videos and commercials. John is also a Virtual Production supervisor and DOP. Working with Unreal Engine 5, & Aximmetry Technologies. His works have been selected to many international film festivals like: IDFA, Vision du Reel, Montenegro, Busan ISFF, Cronograf, DocuArtFest, East Silver, Beldocs and others.
編集 エミール・ヨゼフ
Editor Emil Josephプロフィール
英国国立映画TV大学のMA 編集コースを卒業し、BFI NETWORK & BAFTA Crew の卒業生である。長編、短編フィクション、ドキュメンタリー、アニメーションまでインディペンデントから商業、ブランディング コンテンツまで編集者として経験を積む。インドのケララ州出身。10 歳でリバプールに移住。東洋と西洋の双極にある興味深い感性を持ち合わせ世界を見つめる。繊細かつ誠実なストーリーを考慮し、あらゆるプロジェクトをしっかりと繋ぐ。
Emil Joseph is an Editor based in London, with great passion and dedication to the art of storytelling. A graduate of the MA Editing course at the National Film & Television School and BFI NETWORK & BAFTA Crew alumni.Experience ranging from editing Independent features and short fiction, documentary, animation, alongside commercials and various branded content. Born in Kerala, India, before moving to Liverpool at the age of 10, Emil sees the world with an interesting blend of Eastern and Western sensibilities. He thinks about stories in a delicate, honest way, bringing a strong integrity to every project.
What excites me most about Director, Nakada's films is that it transcends cultural boundaries and connects people of all backgrounds. Which I truly believe is what we need in an increasingly divisive world.
星 有理数(アリス)役:阿久澤菜々
Alice Hoshi : Nana Akuzawa成年期 衣装
Adult Costume幼年期 衣装
Child Costume
大学在学中に劇団おぼんろの旗揚げに参加したことがきっかけで演劇の道を志す。10年程、様々なジャンルの舞台へ出演した後、テレビドラマへの出演を機に映像作品にも活動の幅を広げる。近年はSteven J Martin監督や伊藤梢監督と共に、映画や舞台の自主製作にも取り組んでいる。所属事務所はQueen-B。
I was asked to participate in this project because I had previously participated in an audition for Director Nakata.I was happy that he remembered me, and I immediately made up my mind and responded.
I often think about the idea that "a moment is eternity." While our physical bodies are steadily accumulating time, we can think of any time in our imagination and in our memories, and I think that what we felt at that moment or what we exchanged with someone is true and continues to exist somewhere like a photograph.
"The Door to Last Summer" is a fantastical work that walks the border between such reality and unreality. In depicting loss and rebirth, it makes you think about the thought of someone who is not present in your life at the moment. You can dismiss the shadow of that person as a mere illusion, but the realization is irreplaceable.
The story is littered with motifs that I personally love, such as "Night on the Galactic Railroad" and "Alice in Wonderland. We will strive to create a film full of blank spaces for viewers to explore the blue bird for themselves. We will also do our best to make sure that this pilot version leads to the realization of a full-length feature film. Thank you very much for your warm support!
While in college, She participated in the launch of the theater company Obonro. After performing in various genres of theater for about 10 years, She expanded her activities to film productions after appearing in a TV drama series. In recent years, she has been working on independent film and stage productions with directors Steven J. Martin and Kozue Ito. Her agency is Queen-B.
Noah : Yasser Jamal
ノア 衣装1
Noah Costume1
ノア 衣装2
Noah Costume2
After war broke out in Syria in 2011, I fled Damascus to Japan in 2013 for my own safety. 2021, I graduated from Meiji University, School of Global Japanese Studies, and have been working as an actor in Tokyo. I have a passion to become an actor who is active not only in Japan but also on a global scale. This desire is born from my passion for acting. Acting, working, and playing different roles is what I love and enjoy very much.
My participation in "The Door to Last Summer" has a special meaning. As an actor of Middle Eastern origin, I have great ambitions to break the established framework of the Japanese film industry. I am confident that through this film, I will be able to bring out the depth and precision in my acting, which will be a turning point from the role I played in Director, Nakada's previous short film "Gift". I am strongly attracted to the character of Noah in "The Door to Last Summer," which encompasses a part of his real self, his life experiences, and his beliefs.
I anticipate that viewers will have distinct and engaging experience while developing a strong emotional connection with each character depicted in this pilot version. Such experience is intended to pique curiosity and generate excitement, motivating viewers to eagerly anticipate the forthcoming featured movie. The inherent uniqueness of each character and their relatability to real-life experiences in this story contribute to the richness of this viewing experience.
I believe that my participation in the pilot film "The Door to Last Summer" will be the first door to break through the barriers that stand in the way of realizing this great dream. I believe that through this film, we can have a great impact on the Japanese film industry.
星 美智子(有理数の祖母)役:有希 九美
MIchiko Hoshi (Alice's grandmother) : Kumi Yuuki
美智子 衣装1
Michiko Costume1
美智子 衣装2
Michiko Costume2
" 死 " は " 生 " の 延長上にある。決して悲しいことではない。
天が「これ以上 現世にいない方がいいでしょう」と判断してのこと。
SFファンタジー映画「最後の夏への扉」パイロット短編へ関わることに" ご縁 " を感じました。
I lost my aunt 89, niece 36, and mother 88 in 2018-2020 in quick succession.
After my mother's departure, I didn't feel like doing anything.
But if my mother, who was my biggest fan, had been by my side like this,
she would have said, "Pull yourself together! You should be acting and singing! "
I am sure she would have said to me.
Nowadays, life is 100 years old. My lifeline is going to be extended and I will live to be nearly 100 years old.
My mother has disappeared from this life, but she will always be in my heart.
Yes, I am always in "my mother's place" in my memories!
My friends call me "Yumemiru Yumeko-chan" (dreaming dreamer no matter how old I get).
Death is an extension of life. It is not a sad thing.
It is a decision made by the heavens that it would be better for me not to be in this world any longer.
Am I blissful in this way?
In fact, I feel my mother's presence more strongly than when she was in this world.
I feel like I am always with her.
From Yumeko-chan's point of view(!)
I am linked by fate to be involved in the pilot short for the sci-fi fantasy film "The Door to Last Summer".
I felt a bond.
How does the grandmother Michiko Hoshi exist in Alice?
Please watch and see.
Please give us your support and encouragement.
劇団浪曼劇場俳優養成所出身、元劇団四季シーズンメンバー。幼い頃より人見知りで、なんとか他の人になりたいと思っていた少女時代。そしていつしか俳優になることを選び、芸能学校での学びのほかジャズ・カンツォーネのレッスン、NYでのヴォイストレーニングなど研鑽を重ねる。1986年3月 『シェルブールの雨傘』でミュージカル初出演、 同年9月日比谷芸術座『芝櫻』おくに役で本格的な舞台デビューを果たす。以降、舞台のほかテレビや映画、CMなど、数々の映像作品にも出演。シリアスからコミカル、優しい老婆から個性的な夫人役まで、幅広い役柄を演じる。シンガーとしての評価も高く、2015年 沢村美司子音楽賞 特別奨励賞受賞。
She is a graduate of the Gekidan Roman Theater Actor's Training School and a former seasonal member of the Shiki Theater Company. Shy from an early age, as a young girl she wanted somehow to be someone else. She chose to become an actor, and continued her studies at a performing arts school, jazz and canzone lessons, and voice training in New York. In March 1986, she made her first musical appearance in "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg," and in September of the same year, she made her stage debut as Okuni in "Shibazakura" at the Hibiya Arts Theater. Since then, she has appeared on stage as well as in numerous television, film, and commercial productions. She has played a wide range of roles, from serious to comical, from a kind old woman to a unique wife. She is also highly regarded as a singer and received the 2015 Sawamura Michiko Music Award Special Encouragement Prize.
釜山アジア映画学校Jenna Ku氏より応援メッセージ
The cheering message from Jenna Ku in Busan Asian Film School
It's already been a year since I heard the story of ”The Door to Last Summer" from Yuichiro. It feels new to think of the story again in the midst of this summer.
At first, I thought the project was too ambitious. However, I could feel the quiet echo of my heart when I saw his previous short film featuring father and son. And I could understand a little bit what he wanted to do in the movie. And a year later, I heard the good news that he started to prepare to make a short film to continue working on the project, so I wanted to cheer him up.
”The Door to Last Summer" will be a movie where his analog sensitivity meets the stage of fantasy that unfolds without boundaries. And it will contain the hearts of love in our memories, which are too precious to be lost."
Jenna Ku is a film producer based in Seoul, Korea. She's been mentoring on the development workshop at AFiS (Busan Asian Film School) in Busan for 5 years now.
場所:群馬県安中市 廃線跡
Potential Locations
*This is not a definite location and may be changed at the time of shooting due to various circumstances.Location: Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture, abandoned railway tracks etc.
山間部での俯瞰ショット テスト撮影
Overhead shot in mountainous area Test shooting
How the funds will be used
The breakdown is as follows. First of all, we would like to raise approximately 2.5 million yen (20K USD) for the filming portion of the project, which is 2/3 of the production fund.
After that, if we reach our goal early, we plan to raise about 1.5 million yen (10K USD) to cover the rest of the filming and post-production costs.
If a larger budget is raised, higher quality CG can be included in the video. If we take into account the campfire fee of 17% (12% for posting, 5% for payment) plus tax of 10% and other expenses, we are aiming for a total of approximately 3 million yen. The target amount is approximately 3 million yen (25K USD).
(*) We will start with 2 million yen as the first target amount, and set a second stretch goal of 3 million yen after achieving the first target amount.
About Return
3,000円 / 3,000 Yen
・Thank youメール
・カンヌ選出処女短編「Goodbye my son」視聴リンク
・Thank you email
・"Goodbye my son", the first short film selected at Cannes
5,000 円 / 5,000 Yen
・Thank youメール
・カンヌ選出処女短編「Goodbye my son」視聴リンク
・Thank you email
・Digital production note
・"Goodbye my son", the first short film selected at Cannes
10,000 円 / 10,000 Yen
・Thank youメール
・カンヌ選出処女短編「Goodbye my son」視聴リンク
・絵コンテ&脚本データ 提供
・Thank you email
・Digital production note
・"Goodbye my son", the first short film selected at Cannes
・Digital copy of script and story board
30,000 円 / 30,000 Yen
・Thank youメール
・カンヌ選出処女短編「Goodbye my son」視聴リンク
・絵コンテ&脚本データ 提供
・Beat Beat Covid (未公開短編) 視聴リンク
・Thank you email
・Digital production note
・"Goodbye my son", the first short film selected at Cannes
・Digital copy of script and story board
・Beat Beat Covid (unreleased short film) online screener
50,000円 / 50,000 Yen
・Thank youメール
・カンヌ選出処女短編「Goodbye my son」視聴リンク
・絵コンテ&脚本データ 提供
・Beat Beat Covid (未公開短編) 視聴リンク
・エンドロール サポーター記名
・Thank you email
・Digital production note
・"Goodbye my son", the first short film selected at Cannes
・Digital copy of script and story board
・Beat Beat Covid (unreleased short film) online screener
・Endroll supporter credit
10,0000円 / 10,0000 Yen
・Thank youメール
・カンヌ選出処女短編「Goodbye my son」視聴リンク
・絵コンテサイン入り脚本データ 提供
・Beat Beat Covid (未公開短編) 視聴リンク
・エンドロール サポーター 記名
・Thank you email
・Digital production note
・"Goodbye my son", the first short film selected at Cannes
・Digital copy of script and story board
・Beat Beat Covid (unreleased short film) online screener
・Thank you video from director and casts
・Endroll supporter credit
・Invitation of the preview
20,0000円 / 20,0000 Yen
・Thank youメール
・カンヌ選出処女短編「Goodbye my son」視聴リンク
・Beat Beat Covid (未公開短編) 視聴リンク
・絵コンテサイン入り脚本データ 提供
・エンドロール エクゼキュティブ・プロデューサー 記名
・Thank you email
・Digital production note
・"Goodbye my son", the first short film selected at Cannes
・Digital copy of script and story board
・Beat Beat Covid (unreleased short film) online screener
・Invitation of the preview
・Endroll executive producer credit
50,0000 円 / 50,0000 Yen
・Thank youメール
・カンヌ選出処女短編「Goodbye my son」視聴リンク
・絵コンテサイン入り脚本データ 提供
・Beat Beat Covid (未公開短編) 視聴リンク
・エンドロール エクゼキュティブ・プロデューサー 記名
・Thank you email
・Digital production note
・”Goodbye my son", the first short film selected at Cannes
・Digital copy of script and story board
・Beat Beat Covid (unreleased short film) online screener
・Invitation of the preview
・Endroll executive producer credit
・Thank you video from director and casts
Execution Schedule
準備 2023年6−8月 / Preparation: June-August 2023
撮影 2023年9月-10月(予定)/ Filming: September-October 2023 (planned)
編集 2023年9月−2024年3月(予定)/ Editing: September 2023-March 2024(planned)
試写 2024年4-6月(予定)/ Preview: April-June 2024 (planned)
The film will be submitted to international film festivals and other venues in the spring of 2024 or later.
After that, we will use this short film as an opportunity to raise funds in earnest for a feature film.
This fantasy short film will include computer graphics, etc., and it is very difficult for one person to cover all of the enormous filming, production, editing, and advertising costs in a short period of time, as is usually the case with independent productions. Therefore, Each of you will help to make a small but warm drop in the great river, which will eventually become a frame of film and eventually a reel of this work. We would like to make this pilot film a success and deliver it to you as the first step toward the next step, a feature film, in order to be active in the film industry in Japan and abroad in the future. Your support, even if it is a small amount, will be of great help. Thank you in advance for your support.
(*)For the international contributor
For those seeking assistance on how to contribute to this project, kindly refer to the following link:
If the provided process seems intricate, alternative payment methods such as PayPal, bank transfer, etc., are also welcomed. If you plan to do bank transfer, please message me
<About the recruitment method>
This project will be conducted on an all-or-nothing basis. If the target amount is not reached, the project will not be implemented and returns will not be delivered.
もっと見る- 親愛なるサポーターの皆様へ度々のご連絡で失礼します。拙作新作短編「最後の夏への扉」クラウドファンディングついに残り6時間を切りました。現在急激な最後の追い込みで残り後45%、88万円近く集める必要があります。現実的には厳しい状況であることに変わりはありません。しかし勝負は最後の数秒までわかりません。変化は正に一瞬にして起きることもあります。最後の数時間での巻き返しのために改めてどうか気持ちだけでの応援そして情報をシェアしていただくだけでも良いのでお願いします。ふと昔見た韓国映画「猟奇的な彼女」にあるこの言葉を思い出しました。「偶然とは努力する人に運命が架けてくれた橋だ」私は運命論者ではないですし、かと言って自由意思論者でもないのですし,この段階からできることも限られてはいますが、偶然を招き寄せるために、何とかギリギリまで努力できればと思います。ここまでも多くの皆様の力があって映画の道を諦めることなく進んできました。スクリーン越しからは聞こえませんが、背中越しからは多くの応援してくれている声は届いております。後は人事を尽くして天命を待つのみとなりますがどうか最後まで応援よろしくお願いします。Dear fellow supportersPlease excuse me for contacting you again and again.The crowdfunding for my new short story "The Door to Last Summer"Finally, there are less than 6hours left.It is currently in a rapid final push and need to raise 45% more, almost 88.5K yen.Realistically, it is still a tough situation.But you never know until the last few seconds. Change can happen in the blink of an eye.I am committed to making a comeback in the last few hours,Please support it again, even if it is only with your heart, and please share the information with me.I just remembered these words from a Korean movie I saw a long time ago, "My Sussy Girl"."The fate builds the bridge by chance only for the person who made an effort."I am not a fatalist, nor am I a free will theorist, andThere is only so much I can get done from this stage, though,I hope I can manage to make a last-ditch effort to invite coincidence.Thanks to the help of so many of you, I have been able to continue on the path of film without giving up.I cannot hear you through the screen, but I have heard many cheering voices from behind my back.All that remains now is "Do your best, and let God do the rest.”Please give me your support until the end. もっと見る
プロジェクト終了まであと48時間弱 の伝言板 Message board with less than 48 hours to go until the end of the project
2023/08/29 20:39「諦めたらそこで試合終了ですよ」"The game isn't over until we give up"サポーターの皆様ここまでの度重なる応援そしてご支援ありがとうございます。本キャンペーンも残り48時間になろうとしております。そしてここから116万円近く巻き返さないと不成立になります。正直、背水の陣ですね。さて、そんな中昨夜は小学校の時よく見ていたスラムダンクの映画版を打ち切り前に鑑賞しました。詳しい内容は割愛しますが、湘北高校が山王工業高校に大差をつけられピンチに陥る中放たれた安西コーチの名言「諦めたらそこで試合終了ですよ」試合の最後コンマ数秒まで勝負の行方はわからない。単純に平成のスポ根もので精神論と言われてしまえばそれまでですが、やはりこのシンプルで力強い「諦めたらそこで試合終了です」という言葉は、そのシンプルさゆえにいつまでも胸に刻まれる名言だと思います。変化というのは常に小さな揺らぎから生まれます。ロシアでの2月革命やアラブの春や最近ですとブラックライブズマターなども小さな民衆の意志の揺らぎから政権を動かすような運動に発展しました。量子物理学の世界では、量子揺らぎと呼ばれている現象があります。この揺らぎゆえに世界は多面的であり複数の未来のシナリオが実在すると理論的には言われています。僕たちはその無限にある可能性の中から常に1つの世界を意識的にせよ無意識的にせよ選び取って生きています。その揺らぎを決定する上で真空のエネルギーの役割があります。僕はオカルト系ではありませんが、この真空のエネルギーと呼ばれているもの、それはまだ科学的にに証明や観測はされてはいませんが、やはり何か気や波動のような力、意志の力が作用しているのではないかと思います。このことは皆さんも帰納的には経験則で実感することも時折あるのではないでしょうか?この意志の力こそが、各々が描いている未来を実現するかを左右するのではないか?かつて10数年前、映画を志すはるか前に見た「幸せのちから」というアメリカ映画がありました。そこで出てくるホームレスになるまで落ちぶれたウィルスミス演ずる主人公がまだ幼い少年である息子とバスケをするシーンがあります。少年はボールを取られそうになった時だったかに確か父が「多くの人がこのボールを取ろうとしてくるがそれを絶対に離してはいけない」と息子に伝えます。そのボールが大事なものであればあるほど決して手放してはいけない。うろ覚えなので少し内容にずれや違いはあるかもしれませんが。皆、誰もが手放してはいけない大事な何かがあると思います。それが幸せにつながるものであれば決して手放してはいけない。大事なものを守り実現するためのエネルギー、それは意志の力ではないか?そしてその意志の力を決定するのはAttitudeつまり心構えではないか?何だか脱線しまくりましたが、寄り道の中で出会う真理もあるのではないかと思い徒然なるままに記してしまいました。人生とは、ある意味永遠の寄り道なのかもしれませんね。本作「最後の夏への扉」はそのような誰もが大事にしていた幸せな時間そして記憶を描くファンタジー映画にしていくつもりです。どうか残り数日、皆様の小さな揺らぎから大きな変化を引き起こせるよう最後まで応援ご支援よろしくお願いします。Dear fellow supportersThank you for your continued support and encouragement.There are only 48 hours left in this campaign.And if it doesn't raise nearly 1,160,000 yen from this point on, it will not be successful.To be honest, I am fighting my back to the wall now. Last night, I watched the movie version of Slam Dunk, which I used to watch in elementary school, before it was discontinued. I won't bore you with the details of the movie, but I would like to share with you Coach Anzai's wise words when Shohoku High School was in a pinch after losing a huge lead to Sanno Technical High School.The game isn't over until we give up. The outcome of the game is not known until the last few tenths of a second.If it is said that this is simply a spiritual argument in the Heisei era's "sports fan" story, then that is all there is to it,However, this simple yet powerful phrase, "The game isn't over until we give up,It is this simple and powerful phrase, "The game isn't over until we give up", that will remain etched in our hearts forever.Change is always born from small fluctuations.The February Revolution in Russia, the Arab Spring, and more recently, Black Lives Matter, are all examples of small fluctuations in the will of the people.The small fluctuations in the will of the people have developed into movements that can sway the government.In quantum physics, there is a phenomenon called quantum fluctuation.Because of this fluctuation, the world is said to be multifaceted and multiple future scenarios are theoretically possible. We are constantly choosing one world out of an infinite number of possibilities, either consciously or unconsciously. The vacuum energy plays a role in determining that fluctuation. I am not an occultist, but I believe that this vacuum energy, which has not yet been scientifically proven or observed, is a force like chi or vibrations, or will power.I am sure that you have experienced this from time to time through inductive experience.Isn't this willpower what determines whether each of us will realize the future we envision?There was once an American movie called "The Power of Happiness" that I saw more than 10 years ago, long before I aspired to become a filmmaker. is a scene in the movie where the main character, played by Will Smith, who has fallen into homelessness, is playing basketball with his son, who is still a young boy. When the boy is about to get the ball, the father tells the son, "A lot of people are going to try to get this ball, but you must not let it go. The more important the ball is, the more you must never let it go. I may be a little off or different in the content as I vaguely remember.I think everyone has something important that no one should let go of.If it is something that leads to happiness, we should never let it go.The energy to protect and realize something important, isn't that willpower?And isn't it Attitude that determines that willpower?I'm getting somewhat sidetracked, but I thought that there might be some truths to be found in the detour.I have written this in a rambling way.Life, in a sense, may be an eternal detour.This work, "The Door to Last Summer," is a fantasy that depicts such a happy time and memories that everyone cherishes.I intend to make it a fantasy film that depicts such a happy time and memories that everyone cherishes.Please support us until the end so that we can bring about a big change from your small fluctuation in the remaining days of the project. もっと見る本作俳優のヤセルさんからの宣伝動画 Promotion video from Yasser, an actor in this film
2023/08/26 20:09サポーターの皆様へいよいよキャンペーンも残り5日を切りました。短編版「最後の夏への扉」の主演の1人であるヤセルさんが動画アップしてくれました。ヤセルさんはシリアの内戦の戦火から日本に移住し、その後日本で俳優として活躍しています。彼との出会いは、今から4−5年前に本作の長編版の脚本を執筆していたときに偶然ネットで目にしたのがきっかけでした。当時は、彼が難民として日本に来てから大学に通っていることしか知りませんでしたが、実際に会って話してみると実は俳優志望であることを知りました。その後、彼とはコロナ禍に「Beat Beat Covid」という短い習作やサッカー好きの日本人の子供との交流を描いた「Gift」という短編を一緒に撮りました。僕はこの彼との出会いを通じ、本作「最後の夏への扉」にも繋げていきたいと思います。そのためにはまずこの短編を実現し、そこから長編として繋げていきたいと思っています。残りもう5日弱ですが、シェア拡散も含め是非とも最後まで応援よろしくお願いします。Dear fellow supportersFinally, there are less than five days left in the campaign.Yasser, one of the stars of the short film "The Door to Last Summer," uploaded the video.Yasser immigrated to Japan from Syria's civil war and has been working as an actor in Japan since then.I first met him 4-5 years ago when I was writing the script for the feature version of this film and happened to see him online.At the time, I only knew that he had been attending university since coming to Japan as a refugee, but when I met and talked with him, I learned that he was actually an aspiring actor. We later shot a short study film together called "Beat Beat Covid" on the Corona Disaster and a short film called "Gift" about an interaction with a Japanese child who loves soccer.I would like to connect this encounter with him to this film, "The Door to Last Summer".For this purpose, I would like to realize this short film first, and then connect it to the feature-length film.There are less than 5 days are left, but please support me by sharing and spreading the word until the endThank youTikTok : : もっと見る