

猪苗代夏海、 James Shoesmith です。

Hello everyone! We are Natsumi Inawashiro and James Shoesmith.












Cafe "Northfields"をオープンさせたく準備を進めています。

We are currently in the process of opening a cafe called "Northfields" in Natsumi's hometown of Sendai in Miyagi prefecture.


 猪苗代 夏海 Natsumi Inawashiro      





卒業後地元の仙台に戻り、Cafe Mozartで働き始め、Mozart Atelier、宮城県美術館内のMozart Figaro、Papagenoなどの店舗を回りながらドリンク、ケーキ作り、カフェ業務全般を経験する。




Natsumi was born in 1989 and raised in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.

When she was 18, she moved to Tokyo with the dream of becoming a nursery teacher. During her studies at university she held a part time job at a cafe in the busy district of Omotesando. This was where her love for coffee grew.

After graduating from University, Natsumi returned to Sendai and began work at Cafe Mozart. Whilst taking turns working at all 3 different branches around the city, she gained valuable experience in all areas of the industry; from making drinks to baking cakes.

Having always wanted to go abroad and visit other countries, at the age of 21, Natsumi went to America and took part in a home-stay whilst working as a nanny. At the age of 23, she moved to the UK where she worked as a pre-school teacher in London. 

Having the opportunity to travel around the UK and Europe, Natsumi spent most of her free time relaxing in cafes and soaking in the atmospheres and cultures that differ greatly from those in Japan. It was here where Natsumi realised that one day she would like to be able to bring a piece of this back to her hometown.









 James Shoesmith  ジェームズ シュースミス               






東京、表参道のカフェFranze & Evansのオープンに携わり、バリスタやホール業務などを担当する。


James was born in 1989 and raised in a small village in the North of England.

The British countryside is renowned for having very tight knit communities and the relationship between the locals is closer than those in a larger town or city. Just walking into a cafe or a pub can feel like walking into your friends living room.

James, having had an interest in Japan from a young age, finally got the chance to visit as part of a university exchange program. 

After graduating from university, James worked in a bike shop in Liverpool, taught English in Japan and worked for a logistics company in London. After experiencing a wide range of different professions, the one that stuck with him the most was working at Franze and Evans in the busy district of Omotesando in Tokyo where James gained valuable barista and all-around cafe experience.

SImilar to Natsumi, it was here where James decided that he wanted to introduce British cafe culture to the country he's grown to love over the years. 










Our main aim is to make Northfields as authentic as any cafe you will find in the UK.

We assume most people think of British cafes as covered in garish, flower-patterned furniture, serving afternoon tea all day everyday. Where places like this do indeed still exist, we are looking to introduce a more realistic, authentic version of British cafe culture.

Having both been to our fair share of cafes in Japan and the UK, it didn't take long for us to notice the differences. For example the relationship between the staff and the customers in the UK is very relaxed and a lot more casual; even more so in the countryside. Whereas in Japan, the distance between the staff and the customers is very apparent. This is just one of the many things we noticed that makes the British cafe experience that much more different.

We want to take what we have learnt and recreate it so that when you walk into Northfields cafe, you feel welcome, able to relax and most of all, feel completely at home.




Northfields is the name of the town where Natsumi lived in London.




Northfields is a quiet suburb located in West London. Home to many families, lots of greenery and a huge park.

Northfields is also the place where Natsumi and I first met. And yes, you guessed it... it was in a cafe ;]



Because Natsumi and I were born and raised in completely different environments and cultures, yet we still managed to share the same dreams and interests, which eventually brought us together in this little cafe in Northfields. This is why we immediately decided on the name "Northfields" without hesitation.


今回Camp fireでこのプロジェクトを始めようと思ったきっかけは


The reason we have started this Campfire project is to help with the cost of an espresso machine.





ただオープンするだけでなく、camp fireを通じて私たちがどういうカフェにしたいのか、どういうストーリーがあってここまで来たのかを知ってもらえる。そしてドリンクチケットなどをリターンとして使うことによって、実店舗がオープンした際には支援してくださった方と直接会って顔を見てありがとう、と伝える機会を持てる。


In any successful cafe, skilled staff are without a doubt important, but the quality of the staffs tools is also very important. Also very expensive...

Having a proper espresso machine not only makes the menu more extensive, but it also guarantees higher quality drinks! This is why we feel it is important for us to make sure we are able to provide high quality products and services for our customers at Northfields.

Another big reason for us starting this project is to help spread the word about Northfields and tell people our story, having the chance to explain why this means so much to us. We also wish to hopefully help bring more people together and become a part of the amazing community that makes Sendai the next up-and-coming place that it is going to be.


+++ DRINKS +++



The Northfields drink menu will include various types of hand drip coffee,  original cold brew Ice coffee, a continuously growing range of espresso drinks and of course being a British cafe, obviously the most delicious cups of tea!

・COLD BREW COFFEE コールドブルーコーヒー

紅茶のブランドは「 BREW TEA Co.」

BREW TEA Co.は、Jamesの大学時代の友人が、イギリスLiverpoolの小さなカフェで作り始めた紅茶のブランドです。イングリッシュブレックファスト、アールグレイを始めチャイティーやレモン&ジンジャーなど種類も豊富で、香り豊かな上質な紅茶ブランドです。

パッケージデザインもとても可愛く、イギリスの北の小さなカフェから生まれたBREW TEA Co.はNORTHFIELDSのイメージにぴったりです。

現在はマンチェスターに工場を構えるBREW TEA Co.お店でのメニューに取り入れると共に、店頭での販売も視野に入れています。

We are extremely excited and proud to have Brew Tea Co. on our menu! Back when I was studying at university in Liverpool, Brew Tea was a small cafe we often found ourselves at for our tea fix. Since then Brew Tea Co. has become an online wholesale company expanding enormously and now operates out of Manchester. Before Natsumi and I were even thinking past the fact that we wanted to open a cafe, I had already decided that I wanted to sell Brew Tea. Everything about the brand screams 'Britain'. From the colourful packaging to the incredibly high quality range of flavours of both their loose leaf tea and proper tea bags. 

We feel that being able to have a product that is both high quality and so close to home fit the image we want to create with Northfields perfectly. We hope to not only serve the tea at Northfields, but sell it too! giving people the opportunity to be able to brew up with this delicious tea at home.


・SCONE   スコーン

・STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING  スティッキートフィープディング

・POUND CAKE  パウンドケーキ

・CARROT CAKE    キャロットケーキ


・FLAPJACK    フラップジャック 


Northfields will have an exciting, ever-changing choice of cakes. There will be your stereotypical British recipes and some recipes that you wouldn't normally be able to find outside of the UK let alone Japan. 









We have both lived in London and Tokyo, which are two famously "big" cities. Big cities have a lot of outside influence and are home to a higher number of different cultures, styles and concepts, and having the opportunity to live in such large cities meant we generally had access to a lot more. Whilst being a great experience for the two of us, we were more interested in eventually living somewhere with a bit more breathing space. A place like Sendai, where you can go into the mountains and visit the beach all in one day.

This brings us to the reason why we chose to open Northfields in Sendai. We both want to be able contribute to the city Natsumi was born and raised in, and the city I have grown to love. I feel that Sendai is already up-and-coming, so it's exciting to be able to be a part of that.



To give a little something back to all the wonderful people who choose to support Natsumi and I, we have a whole load of goodies ready to be sent out to our supporters to show our appreciation.


・A personal, hand typed 'thank you' email from the both of us.

・NorthfieldsのWeb site に、Special thanksとして無期限でお名前を掲載させていただきます。(Web siteやInstagram等のリンクも可)(任意)

・A special thanks shout out on our website with an optional link to your own website or instagram account.

・Northfields オリジナルステッカー

・Northfields original stickers.

・Northfields オリジナルポストカード

・Northfields original postcards


・Drink tickets (Any drink from our menu).

 ・Northfields オリジナルTシャツ

・Northfields original T-shirts.

・Northfields  オリジナルエコバッグ

・Northfields original tote bags.


・Cake tickets.



・The Northfields barista experience! (Come and practice your latte art! ♪up to 3 cups♪ *Arrangeable by email once we open).


・An invite to the Northfields private opening party!

・BREW TEA Co.のギフトセットをプレゼント

・A BREW TEA Co. Gift set.






Thank you so much for getting this far down the page! 

Natsumi and I can't even begin to explain what it would mean to us to receive your support. We look forward to making Northfields the best we possibly can! 


Natsumi, James

