https://brush-art-japan.com/ ←鎌田惺舟ホームページ
1986 年 創玄展二科入選
1987 年 毎日展入選・創玄展二科入選
1988 年 創玄展一科入選・創玄展二科入選
1989 年 創玄展一科入選
1990 年 創玄展一科入選
1991 年 毎日展入選
1992 年 毎日展入選
1993 年 毎日展入選・創玄展一科入選
1994 年 毎日展入選・創玄展一科入選
1995 年 漢字・かな・ペン字、全日本書芸院にて師範取得
2007.3~2008.5 大手墓石会社の墓石文字制作
2009. 7 大阪市北区天神橋筋商店街にて書道教室開講
2010. 7 京都八坂通の茶屋にてカラー書道展を開催
2012. 8 大阪弁天町市民学習センターにてブラッシュアート展を開催
2017. 6 大阪誠華堂ギャラリーにてブラッシュアートⅡ展を開催
2017. 6 大阪の中津ピアスギャラリーにて「Artriangle・協業展 」出展
2017.10 イタリアミラノでの日本人によるグループ展に出展
2018. 1 尼崎杭瀬ギャラリーにてカラー書道ブラッシュアート展Ⅲを開催
2018.9 大阪中津ピアスギャラリーでカラー書道ブラッシュアート展Ⅳ開催
2019.4 ピアスギャラリーにて女神たちの集い展します!
2019.9.8~2019.9.15 カラー書道ブラッシュアート展Ⅴ決定!
目標金額 945,000円
個展会場費 250,000円
WEB制作費 128,000円
旅費・交通費 50,000円
図録等制作費 200,000円
郵送・運搬費 12,000円
広告宣伝費 80,000円
宿泊代 100,000円
雑費 10,000円
キャンプファイヤー手数料 137,700円
支出合計 947,700円
合計 945,000円
https://brush-art-japan.com/contact/ ←お問い合わせフォーム
ブラッシュアート 鎌田惺舟
Hello, my name is Kamata Seisyu. By expressing the historical calligraphy as Japanese culture in color, we aim to establish color calligraphy as a new culture. It is a color color calligraphy based on the basis of calligraphy. We are aiming to hold a solo exhibition in Tokyo to inform everyone. Please lend me your strength!
▼ Reason for launching this project
We have launched a project for the birth of a new culture called "color calligraphy". I hope to establish full-fledged color calligraphy based on the basis of calligraphy as a new culture by representing the historical calligraphy of Japanese culture in color.
I have been thinking of not only reading and understanding Japanese calligraphy as a letter but also expressing beauty emerging from the form of kanji and sentences. Beauty by writing in color of art is a plus and we aim to establish [color calligraphy].
Calligraphy has been widely and widely used as spiritual training. It is the best teaching material to concentrate the mind, calm the mind and become a point of absence. I believe that color calligraphy can express myself art with the foundation of the calligraphy as the foundation. And I think that those who would like to express in color as a hobby want to feel the joy of the work making.
I believe that this project can create and contribute to the possibilities of development both in calligraphy and culture.
I am convinced that [color calligraphy] will be familiar to me from infants to the elderly, and will become an initiator as a new Japanese culture in Japan. Please have a look at the work and thank you for your support! Please lend force!
▼ Features and attention of color calligraphy, features of the work
① cherish the basis of calligraphy.
② Pursue beauty by color.
③ Pay attention to the contents of the line and also acquire skills.
④ Pursue artistic in old Kanji, books, letters, scripts, handwriting, writing books and handwriting.
⑤ Add an artistic perspective.
▼ award history
1986 Selected for two Genesis exhibitions
1987 Everyday Exhibition Selected · Goryeo Exhibition Two Categories Selected
1988 entrance to Work together exhibition one selection · won two exhibitions selected
1989 Selected for one of the Genesi exhibitions
1990 Selected for one Genoken exhibition
1991 Everyday Exhibition
Selected daily for 1992
1993 Everyday Exhibition Entry · First Genus Exhibition
1994 Everyday Exhibition Entry · First Section of Genesis Exhibition
1995 Kanji, Kana, pen writing, teacher acquirement at All Nippon Arts and Crafts
▼ Activities so far
2007.3 - 2008.5 Character creation of a tombstone company of a major tombstone company
2009. 7 Calligraphy classes opened in Tenjinbashi muscle shopping area in Kita-Ku Osaka-shi
2010. 7 Color calligraphy exhibition held at the tea house in Yasaka Street in Kyoto
2012. 8 Brush art exhibition held at Osaka Bentencho citizen learning center
2017. 6 Brush art Ⅱ exhibition held at Osaka Seika gallery gallery
2017. 6 "Artriangle · Collaboration Exhibition" at Nakatsu Earrings Gallery in Osaka
2017.10 Exhibited at a Japanese group exhibition in Italy Milan
2018. 1 Color calligraphic brush art exhibition Ⅲ held at Amagasaki Atase gallery
2018.9 Color Calligraphy Brush Art Exhibition IV held at Osaka Nakatsu Earrings Gallery
Activities for holding a solo exhibition in Tokyo as a publicity activity of 2019. ~ [color calligraphy]
2019.4 We will exhibit at the goddess' exhibition at the pierced gallery!
2019.9.8 ~ 2019.9.15 color calligraphy brush art exhibition V decision!
▼ Why you want the project to be successful
We are convinced that color calligraphy, regardless of domestic and overseas, further accelerates the interest in Japanese culture and can attract calligraphic interest at the present time without the opportunity to have a brush. The existence of a new culture also leads to the development of Japan when holding events and festivals. I would like to make this project successful and contribute to the development of Japanese culture. And color calligraphy will grow further.
▼ Use of funds
Target price 945,000 yen
Exhibition hall fee 250,000 yen
WEB production cost 128,000 yen
Travel expenses · Transportation fee 50,000 yen
Production expenses such as illustrations etc. 200,000 yen
Mailing and transportation fee 12,000 yen
Advertisement cost 80,000 yen
Accommodation fee 100,000 yen
Sundry expenses 10,000 yen
Campfire fee 137,700 yen
Total expenditure: 947,700 yen
Total 945,000 yen
▼ About return
Regarding the return, Kamata Shinku works with an original piece (one in the world) with one piece of handwriting carefully. Thank you for your consideration.
▼ Finally
This [color calligraphy] will increase the demand for new cultures and art. Would you like to witness the birth of a new culture? !
In order to spread color calligraphy, it is my goal to hold a solo exhibition in Tokyo, but I am making opportunities to know other things. For the launch of cloud funding this time, the word "color calligraphy" was also applied for trademark registration. Please support me and help me to establish a "color calligraphy" to contribute to society. We appreciate your cooperation and support. And we are waiting for cooperative people 's contact with the development of culture.
Brush-Ar-japan Kamata Seisyu
2019/04/15 15:48イタリア文化会館主催の大阪市と姉妹都市であるミラノのデザインウィークにて展示される作品を募集され、ブラッシュアートジャパン鎌田惺舟の作品「花鳥風月」がクールジャパンの部門で入賞しました!これからも頑張りますので応援お願いできればと思います! もっと見る女神たちの集い1日だけのプレopen、3月もいたします!
2019/02/22 11:27女神たちの集い!無事終了しましたー。実りある時間でした。ワークショップはまずまずでしたが、なぜか前日に指がピキッとなり赤くなって腫れて痛くなりました。なんとか無事終了。展示方法や色々勉強になりました。クラウドファンディングはあと、5日ですがよろしくお願いします! もっと見る2019.9.8~15ピアスギャラリー(大阪中津)カラー書道ブラッシュアート展Ⅴが決定しました!
2019/01/25 13:06お知らせいたします!カラー書道ブラッシュアート展Ⅴが開催決定しました!テーマはまだ未定ですが、大きな作品となる予定です。カラー書道の新しい形になると思いますのでご期待ください!鎌田惺舟はカラー書道で自分自身を好きになる人生をサポートします!! もっと見る