
  • 在住国:日本
  • 現在地:未設定
  • 出身国:日本
  • 出身地:未設定

I just deleted a post I wrote about how easy it is to return items to Amazon for refunds. It was getting a lot of flak and I didn't want to be responsible for stirring up negativity or setting a bad example. Thanks to many of you for teaching me about how the retailer works and how this can sometimes hurt small businesses, and how the practice of returning items can be wrong under some circumstances regardless of who or what it is hurting. I'll rethink my practices in the future. However -- while I don't want to hurt business or encourage dishonesty or imprudent spending, I do think it might help some folks out there to know that if you make a mistake and buy something on amazon you can't afford, you could probably return it without too much hassle. That's all. Thanks to all for being so wonderful and supportive when I've been in need in the past, and thanks for setting me straight tonight!
