【English below】 1993年千葉県市川市生まれ。3人兄弟の真ん中。立命館アジア太平洋大学卒業。日本の高校に1年生の途中までいた後カナダの高校に編入。2年半の高校時代をカナダで過ごした経験から、人の自己形成に大きく関わる教育に興味を持ち、さらに大学での平和学の授業に大きな影響を受ける。教育を通して子どもたちが自分らしく、いきいきと暮らせる社会をつくることが社会全体の大きな平和に繋がるのではないかと考え、現在はそのためにどのような教育が必要なのかを探究中。好きなことは、歌うこと、楽器演奏(フルート、ピアノ、ギター)、口笛、旅、手話、読書、料理、写真を撮ること、ペットの猫と遊ぶこと。 Born in 1993 in Chiba, Japan. I have two brothers. Graduated from Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in March, 2019. Through the experience of spending two and a half years of high school time in Canada after transferring from Japanese high school, I started to be interested in education that influences one’s character and mindset. I was also inspired by the lectures about Peace Studies while in university. I believe children’s peace in heart is strongly connected to the peace of the whole society. Therefore, I’ve been questioning myself and seeking what education is necessary for children to have better self-esteem and feel happy about who they are and with their life. I like: singing, playing music (flute, piano, guitar), whistling, travelling, sign language, reading, cooking, taking photos, and playing with my sweet kitten. :)