
  • 在住国:日本
  • 現在地:東京都
  • 出身国:日本
  • 出身地:京都府

10.10.1976 同志社大学 経済学部卒業 絵描き/作家/芸人 所属: よしもとクリエイティブエージェンシー東京 大阪NSC20期 NGK(なんばグランド花月)の進行係をしながら、ABC朝日放送「クイズ紳助くん」に出演。上京後、 劇団「THEフォービーズ」での活動を経て、2009年夏から単身、東欧ポーランドへ絵描きの旅を始める。2014年から、CAMPFIREでのクラウドファンディングを活用し、ポーランドで個展をスタート。 受賞歴 / Young Creator Award 2015 入選 Born in 10 October 1976 in Kyoto, Japan. He finished economics at Doshisha University in 2000. In 2009 he went to Poland. Since then, he come back there 2-3 times a year. After his first trip to Poland he also begun his artistic career, as a painter. He already made 4 exhibition in Poland (Cracow, Wroclaw) and 3 exhibition in Japan (Kyoto). All of them were strongly influenced by his connection to Poland. In his art, he shows his vision of European cities, architecture and people. Besides Poland, where his main interests are. He also travel to other eastern European countries like Hungary, Romania and Slovenia. He gets inspiration from urban environment, people and different cultures. He is particularly interested in former communist countries with their different social culture, unspoken sorrow and specific atmosphere of their cities. 2015 "Panorama" -ARomaTY/Wroclaw,Poland 2014-2015 "MOJE WIDZDENIE POLSKICH MIAST" -Galeria Szutki Naiwnej i Ludowej/Wroclaw,Poland 2014 "MIASTO POLSKIE" -cafe Szafe/Krakow,Poland "MIASTO POLSKIE 2" -Galeria Florianska 22/Krakow,Poland