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  • 在住国:日本
  • 現在地:千葉県
  • 出身国:日本
  • 出身地:東京都

田中正敏 クラリネット奏者 子どもたちは踊り出し お年寄りは歌いだす!クラシックから演歌やポップスまで彼の奏 でるクラリネットの音色に皆が時を忘れてしまう。 クラリネットのサウンドを最大限に生かし、聴衆の心をつかむ演奏で緊張を解きほぐし、 各種イベントを盛り上げている。福祉の現場では医療スタッフから喝采をあびる。様々な 現場で演奏してきた実績多数。 楽器と環境をテーマにしたお話しと映像をとりいれた、“アフリカン・ブラック・ウッド・ ライブ”など、特色あるライブを実施。クラリネットと音楽を通じて地球環境について発信 する数少ない音楽家。 音楽大学の学生と共に約30年続けているクラリネット・サロンでは、学生自身が合宿運 営し地域に向けた投げ銭ライブを敢行する。生活に根差した教育活動を実践している。 楽器選定実績、多数。小学校・中学校・高等学校ウインドバンドでの指導実績歴は約40 年。卒業後も演奏を続ける若手にファンが多く、2013年よりクラリネット教室を開始 し奏法指導を行なっている。 国立音楽大学卒業後、フランス国立パリ高等音楽院を日本人では数少ない一等賞で終了。 2017年、2019年、チェコ共和国プラハ芸術アカデミー主宰『クラリネット・デイ ズ』の講師を務める。また2022年5月に開催される「プラハの春国際音楽コンクー ル」クラリネット部門の審査員に選ばれる。 国立大学法人東京学芸大学と洗足学園音楽大学の講師。NPO 法人「街角に音楽を」理 事。株式会社キャンプ・プラネッツ取締役。 >>Adventurous Clarinetist Children start to dance as the elderly begin to sing! From classical music to enka (Japanese ballad) and pop songs, the sound of his clarinet makes everyone lose track of time. Making the most of the sound of his clarinet, his gripping performance has made an audience feel at ease. At many welfare facilities, he is applauded by not only the elderly but also the medical staff. His credits for performing in a variety of settings are countless. He has performed distinctive performances in a variety of venues, including "African Black Wood Live Show". The show consists of a talk about the relation between the clarinets and the global environment, and a live concert featuring rare images of the clarinet. He is one of the valuable musicians who communicate about the global environment through his clarinet and music. He has been performing “the Clarinet Salon” for about 30 years with students at the College of Music and University of Music, where he runs a camp and gives live performances for the local community. He has practices educational activities rooted in the lives of musicians. He has selected the clarinets for a large number of clarinet players. He has also been teaching the clarinet technique to wind ensembles at elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities for about 40 years. He has many fans among young players who continue to play after graduation so that in 2013 he started a clarinet school to teach clarinet technique. Additionally, He has held the "Happy Clarinet Contest" three times with judges from abroad to support talented young musicians in the classical music field. At the same time, in 2022, an "Adult Clarinet Contest" was held for those who are 40 years old or older. The contest was well received by many clarinet lovers. After graduating from Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo, he completed the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris in France, with first prize, one of the few Japanese to do so. In 2017 and 2019, he was chosen as a member of the Prague Academy of Fine Arts' and he served as an instructor for the summer course "Clarinet Days". In May 2022, he has also been selected as a jury member for the clarinet section of the Prague Spring International Music Competition. He is a lecturer at Tokyo Gakugei University, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, and Heisei University of Music, and a board member of the NPO "Music on the Street Corner". Director, Camp Planets Inc.
