韓国へ出発直前に活動報告を投稿してから、時間が経ってしまいました。。。Quite some time had passed since I posted the last one right before I left for Korea...パトロンの皆さんにはメールで定期的に連絡をしておりましたが、2019年7月より開始したPEACEMOMOでのインターンシップを無事3月に終え、4月上旬に日本に帰国しました。(下記写真は、インターン最終日の共有会にて話している様子)I was sending emails to update on my activities to my supporters regularly, but I want to take this moment to let everyone who was keeping me in your minds and prayers know that I finished my internship at PEACEMOMO in March, and I came back to Japan safely in April.(The picture below is me sharing my internship experiences with PEACEMOMO people on my final day)一年前の今頃は、すでに韓国に到着しPEACEMOMOでのインターンシップを開始していたかと思うと、時間が経つのは本当に早いなと感じます。あっという間の8ヶ月半でした。A year ago today, I was already in Seoul and had started interning. My 8 and a half months of internship surely went by very very quickly.PEACEMOMOでのインターン期間中は言語の壁や難しいと感じることも多々ありましたが、新しい仲間たちとの出会い、良い組織とは何か、どのようにして同じ「平和の価値観」を共有していけるのか、どんなアクションを取っていくことが必要なのか・・・本当に様々なことを考えさせられた刺激的な時間でした。PEACEMOMOの活動を目の前で見て感じた経験は、今後の私の歩みにおいても大きな糧になるに違いありません。During my time at PEACEMOMO, there were times where I felt language barrier and some things seemed difficult. However, I was able to meet with a lot of new friends who take actions towards the same goals, learned and thought a lot about how to make a good organization(team), how to share the same values with others, as well as what actions to take from now on. My time with PEACEMOMO was surely exciting and inspiring for me. The experiences I gained through them, will definitely be food for my future path as I seek myself to be a peace-maker.私を温かく受け入れ貴重な時間を一緒に過ごしてくれたPEACEMOMOの仲間たちはもちろん、私のインターンシップ実現にあたり支援して下さったパトロンの皆様、今まで応援して下さった皆様に、心より感謝申し上げます。I want to say a huge thanks to each one of the amazing PEACEMOMO members and their friends who warmly accepted me and spent great time with me. I thank my both old and new friends in Seoul too, for who helping my life in Korea. Last but not least, I also want to express my gratitude to all the supporters who made my internship possible to happen. Without you all, I could not have done this. I am truly grateful for all of you for supporting my journey along this funding project and my learning experience in Korea.ピースモモで学び得たことを踏まえながら、今後も平和な社会作りや教育のために私には何ができるのか、考え続けていきたいと思います。是非一緒に、誰もが生きやすい、平和な優しい社会をつくっていきましょう。By reflecting on what I have learned from PEACEMOMO, I will continue to think what "I" can do to make a peaceful society and for education.※リターンのお届けは、出張ワークショップを選択された一部の支援者様を除き全て完了しておりますが、万が一リターンが届いていないという方が居ましたら、このCampfireの私のページからメッセージを送る形でお知らせ下さい。※I have completed all of the "return contents" to my patrons except for the people who chose the workshop activities. However, if you have not received emails or any return contents from me that is supposed to be delivered already, please send me a direct message through my project page. Thank you.