(More information in English is provided below)
Japan was hit by a massive typhoon, Hagibis, on October 2019, causing great damage across the country. Due to great rainfall, many banks of rivers in Kanto and Tohoku area have collapsed, inundating the surrounding villages. As of 13th Oct 20:00, at least 21 people are reported dead, 20 are still missing and many are left injured.
In response, GoodMorning/CAMPFIRE has decided to collect donations to support the people and their livelihoods in the affected areas. The money donated will be delivered through municipal initiatives to those who were affected by the typhoon.
We offer our deepest condolences to the victims and their families and to all those who were affected by the typhoon.
We are grateful for all your support.
・支援者の方のシステム利用料 220円につきましては、支援金ではなく決済等にかかる手数料の実費となります。
決済にかかる手数料(5%)および支援者の方のシステム利用料 220円については、個人寄付で全て上乗せをし、支援いただいた全額(支援総額+220円×支援者数)を、被災地に届けます。
Details of the Emergency Donation for Typhoon Hagibis
■ How the money will be used
The money collected will be donated to municipal initiatives and will be delivered to those who were affected by the typhoon.
Currently, the extent of the damage caused by the typhoon is still not fully identified. We will inform you the details of where your money will be donated as soon as it is decided.
Fees for this project・GoodMorning/CAMPFIRE will not take any commission for this donation other than the payment fee (5%).
・The system use fee (220 JPY) charged for each transaction is a payment charge.
We have decided to deliver the full amount donated to this project to the areas affected by the typhoon.
The payment fee (5%) and the system use fee (220 JPY) charged on donors per transaction will be covered by personal donations.
Donor: Kazuma Ieiri
■ How to donate
The minimum amount of donation accepted is 1,500 JPY.
A detailed explanation in English on how to donate can be found on the following page.
→ How to support projects on CAMPFIRE
■ What you will receive
GoodMorning/CAMPFIRE will send you a thank you message and a report of how your donation has been used.
■【CAUTION!】Donation from overseas
※ Normally, GoodMorning/CAMPFIRE does not accept donations from overseas, but we are lifting the restriction exclusively for this typhoon disaster relief project.
※ However, we regret to inform you that we cannot respond to inquiries in English (or in languages other than Japanese).
※ Also, please be reminded that we do not accept any cancellations for donations from overseas.
もっと見る【支援金お振込のお知らせ】令和元年 台風19号 緊急災害支援金
2020/01/10 07:36【令和元年 台風19号】 緊急災害支援金 ご支援者の皆様この度は、【【令和元年 台風19号】 緊急災害支援金 へご支援いただき、誠にありがとうございました。1,634人の支援者の方より7,541,000円のご支援をいただき、2019年11月12日に募集を終了いたしました。決済にかかる手数料(5%)および支援者の方のシステム利用料 220円については、個人寄付で全て上乗せをし、¥7,900,480(支援総額+220円×支援者数)を、被災地へ届けます。▼支援概要支援金額:¥7,900,480支援先 :令和元年「台風19号 災害義援金」※義援金は、義援金募集を行っている都県の被災状況に応じた按分率に基づき各都県に送金し、被災者へ配分されます。被災地で一日でも早く再建が進み、被災者の方々が安心した生活を送れる日を祈っております。GoodMorningでは、災害被害を一過性の話題ではなく、継続的な支援を続けるため、被災地をサポートし続けてまいります。重ねて、この度はご支援をありがとうございました。株式会社GoodMorning / 株式会社CAMPFIRE もっと見る